The Arcturians - The fifth dimension consciousness

  • 2016

Personal note: Read calmly and reflect on each paragraph of this channel. It is important that you fully understand this new state of consciousness of the Fifth Dimension, which we are all destined to reach.

Greetings, Julian speaks to you. We are the Arcturians! Today we are going to address the concept of awareness of the fifth dimension.

It is our belief that the next step in the evolution of humanity is to obtain awareness of the fifth dimension.

We can look at the evolution of the human species and see that during many adaptations and different crises changes are introduced in the genetic structure and in the manifestation of the physical body on Earth.

These changes were necessary for the survival of human beings on Earth.

Now humanity is again at a time of a major crisis on Earth . The turn and the change that are necessary for humanity to survive and evolve to a better place require a change and an expansion of consciousness.

It is an expansion or change, specifically directed towards consciousness.

Consciousness is very difficult to describe . It is something that everyone can recognize when they are aware of it.

The evolution or expansion of the consciousness of the fifth dimension means that the human being can become aware of the existence and energy of the fifth dimension, and also of the thoughts and vibrations of that kingdom. In fact, there are communications that are continuously flowing from the fifth dimension to the third dimension.

The fifth dimension consciousness is part of your own genetically inherent structure and is in the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual body.

In order to ascend, one must be aware of the fifth dimension.

The awareness of the fifth dimension is an elevated state that affects the four bodies I have just explained - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

I will start by talking about emotions in the emotional body.

It is said that in order to enter the fifth dimension, you have to refine and move your emotional body to a higher plane. For example, the emotions of jealousy and hate, as well as violent thoughts are not of the fifth dimension. Those who are experiencing "low vibrations" or the lowest emotional feelings will not be able to enter the fifth dimension. You cannot bring those emotions to the fifth dimension.

In fact, in order to enter the fifth dimension, you will have to be in a higher vibration, that is, a vibration in which you experience love, unity and acceptance. n. This means that those who are exterminating hatred and committing terrorist acts are not allowed in the fifth dimension. Your emotional body is not refined enough, and you will not be allowed to enter these higher planes.

You are working now to purify your emotional body, and in general, I know that many of you are doing very serious work to clean and to heal your emotional body.

The liberation and healing of the emotional body is one of the tasks and missions of life on a personal level for all beings that come to this planet.

It is a noble task and a task of great prestige to work on your personal and emotional healing. I am convinced that your work will be enough to allow you to enter the fifth dimension.

The entry into the fifth dimension does not require perfection . If you cannot purify your emotional body 100 percent, do not worry, because you are committed and working towards that level of purification and your intention is important.

The fact that you are working on these problems is largely considered by those higher beings who monitor and make decisions about who can enter the fifth dimension.

The emotional body has many aspects. It has a personal aspect and a planetary aspect. When I look at the planetary aspect, I would say: How does your emotional body react to the cosmic drama that is now happening on Earth?

This cosmic drama contains many tragic aspects, and even when I summarize it shortly, I am sure it will cause emotional reactions such as sadness and even confusion on your part.

This planet has dying oceans, air pollution and biosphere pollution in all aspects.

This planet is now in the intermediate phase of a mass extinction that has occurred similarly six times previously on Earth. Mass extinctions have also occurred in other planetary systems in the galaxy. I call this a cosmic drama because the themes that are being played are common throughout this section of the galaxy. In fact, some of these issues are manifesting on purpose right now, in the hope of a purification and resolution of the drama. I am sure that everyone has an emotional reaction to what is happening now on this planet.

When I am talking about Ascension, I often tell star seeds that they must develop a detachment response from what is happening. At the same time, there is a paradox, since being disconnected does not mean that they are indifferent or that they stop trying to help the Earth or to help society.

This is one of the most difficult concepts to explain in relation to the emotional evolution of the fifth dimension. How could one be alien and still be deeply involved? This is not a time on Earth when you live in a cave and try to ignore what is happening.

One of the higher states of being for the emotional body is known as "equanimity." It is a high state of consciousness, and in the description of emotions, it is even classified as an emotion of the fifth dimension.

Actually, you may have jealousy, anger, fear, love and other strong emotions. This is a natural phenomenon in the third dimension.

Equanimity is defined as having a uniform temperament or no effect for what is happening. This implies that even if someone insults you, your uniform temperament, your self-esteem and your sense of well-being are not affected.

Are you able to maintain this state that I call an emotional balance , called the state of equanimity?

The few people who have reached equanimity are still able to make a valuable service for this planet, for themselves and for other people.

This state of equanimity is a detachment of the superior type. When I talk about the fifth dimension and the awareness of the fifth dimension, then I point out the value and importance of equanimity.

In previous conferences we talked about detachment, and I asked you to use detachment at the time of your ascension.

Detachment then means that you don't notice or get stuck in the result on Earth, and that you can part with everything.

Some of the stellar seeds have complained about this description. They have responded by saying that they want to return to Earth after their ascension. Many say they have already made the decision to return to Earth.

This is a sign to me that they are still connected and not totally separated from the results of the Earth drama.

I understand this, and I would also like to point out that your identity, your self-esteem for the most part, is tied to your Earth Self .

We are trying to work with you to broaden your identity to include your Fifth Dimension I, but frankly, the Third Dimension I has more power and attracts attention more frequently than your Fifth Dimension I.

Let us reconsider the concept of equanimity as a form of superior detachment. That means that surely you, who are working for Ascension have a commitment to this earth, and you could choose, in a committed way, to continue your work on Earth after ascending to the fifth dimension. I honor that commitment.

You are working on achieving this equanimity as part of your preparation for Ascension. It is a more evolved detachment that will allow you to leave Earth with a higher level of spiritual energy.

The idea of ​​an anchor is usually defined as clinging to Earth, clinging to the third dimension. You have family, you have children, you have pets. You may have financial interests that are extremely attractive to you. Being detached means that you are going to have to let those things go.

I know that, for example, you could have a commitment to your family on Earth, and the idea of ​​leaving your family behind during ascension is a very difficult thing to do.

Equanimity is presented both in the way you look at the planet and in the planetary drama, as well as in the way you see your personal life, your earthly family and the way people treat you.

Working on the awareness of the fifth dimension could often provoke anger, criticism and negative comments from people towards you.

The majority of the population still feels in general that talking about Ascension and talking about spiritual evolution and awareness of the fifth dimension is something "verboten, " that is, forbidden.

Many people in society think that the spiritual practice of the fifth dimension is made by people who are crazy. Then, to make it even more difficult, there is the observation that there are people who want to exploit and control the star seeds that are working very hard to evolve.

This brings me to the next aspect of emotional evolution towards the fifth dimension - which is the ego .

The ego is also a subject of much debate in the history of psychology, philosophy and religion.

The ego is basically more focused on the animal instincts found within man. The ego focuses more on self-satisfaction, self-control, greed and domination, all the things that are being seen now on planet Earth that call everyone's attention so strongly.

It is a useful sign that greed and ego and people's desire to dominate are reaching a global consciousness.

It is more difficult for people to hide this part of themselves, especially in the political world.

Those people who are focused on the ego and the desire to dominate for their own ego purposes are being discovered and shown to everyone.

The ego is more connected to the animal self, and these aspects of the animal self have been necessary for survival. But what was necessary for yesterday's survival in the jungle can sometimes be an obstacle to what is necessary for survival today in the modern world.

The ego is primarily individualistic, focused on making profit for itself and is not necessarily for humanity.

Ego-centered awareness is often the opposite of Unity Consciousness.

Unity Consciousness is the superior aspect of the fifth dimension and an emotional state more evolved than ego consciousness.

Unity consciousness is difficult to achieve when you are living on a planet that is dominated by selfishness, greed and the powers you want to dominate.

There are certain vulnerabilities for all those who are on the path of evolution towards the fifth dimension. You must be aware of your vulnerabilities, and you must have certain levels of protection.

Now I will compare this again with evolution.

I would like to point out that the Chroma may have been physically weaker than the Neanderthal man, although the Chroma Man had to superior intellectual functioning. This does not mean that the Neanderthal man was stupid. He also had relatively good intelligence.

The Croma n was able to overcome its vulnerabilities, and was able to use its superior protection capabilities, and, finally, was able to master, control and even contribute to the extinction of Man from Neanderthal

There are many people who now believe that the genetic structure of the Neanderthal man still exists in mankind, since there was cross-fertilization between the two species.

How was the Croma man able to protect his vulnerabilities? In part it was through his intelligence, through the use of fire, through the use of certain tools and through the creation of borders and barriers to protect his vulnerability.

The Cromañón man was on the upper evolutionary path, both emotionally and intellectually.

Now the star seeds, you who are of the fifth dimension and who are working on the awareness of the fifth dimension, also have vulnerabilities, and also have sensitivities.

I would like to talk about these sensitivities today because, in essence, star seeds are a small minority on this planet.

There are people who laugh at you, there are people who don't pay attention to you, and there are people who even want to dominate and control you.
This leads to the analysis of vulnerabilities, protection and limits.

As I said, the Cromañón Man had to develop limits. And this was one of the keys to its success, but doing it in an intelligent way, doing it in a way that was unique and also very effective.

I can also make suggestions on how to deal with stellar seed vulnerabilities .

First, let's talk about why you might have vulnerabilities. The first point is that you are very sensitive. Some people have called many of the star seeds "empathic . "

Empaths are people who feel the feelings of other people, who receive the waves of thought and energies and are directly affected by what other people think and feel.

There are some advantages to having this . This ability is usually a first step towards psychic gifts such as telepathy. One of the problems of being so sensitive is that you can collect information and energy that you do not want or that you are not able to deal with.

In Arcturus and other planets of the fifth dimension, everything is telepathic, there is no hiding place of thoughts or feelings.

In the evolution of emotions of the fifth dimension, there is no need or desire to hide thoughts. As you know, the total opening of thoughts and emotions would not work in the third dimension.

Some of the stellar seeds even complain, and say: “ I would like to not be so sensitive. I wish I wasn't picking up all these feelings. I am getting too much energy. I don't want to know what everyone feels. ”

Also, at the planetary level, people are so sensitive that they collect some of the negative energy that comes from a variety of sources.

Some of the negative energy can come from galactic sources. Some may come from extraterrestrial sources that invade or interfere on the planet. And some may even come from sources of the fourth dimension.

The veil between the third and fourth dimensions has weakened on planet Earth. There are a variety of reasons for this weakening.

Part of this has to do with military experiments that have led to the partial destruction of the veil. I refer to these as the holes in the aura of the Earth. Some of these have even resulted in holes in people's aura.

There may be an anchor of negative spirits through these holes. This is a complicated observation, but also observable and easily documented.
I say it is more documentable because there are many acts of violence, totally illogical that occur now on the planet. These acts are meaningless, and I have used the example of school shootings as a small example, which shows negative results when a lower spirit is able to enter and cohabit negatively with a vulnerable person.

The second point about vulnerability has to do with their cultural formation.

You are a star seed, and many of you wake up to your consciousness, to your fifth dimension work, and to your cutting-edge consciousness in life.

When you were young, you were exposed to normal earthly traumas, of being raised in an Earthly family and of normal psychological restrictions and, to a large extent, your sensitivity was not fostered.

Which usually means you had to hide from yourself and hide your true nature .

During your childhood, there have been permanent dramas and global catastrophes, such as World War II, the Holocaust and many other terrible events that, even now, continue to exist on Earth.

These events, such as wars, are proliferating and causing more trauma.

It is difficult to deal with sensitive and spiritual consciousness and with the energy of the fifth dimension when you are traumatized.

Spiritual sensitivity can develop during traumatic experiences, but it really requires support and persistence, and usually from the advice of superior beings to help you during traumatic events.

Trauma means that you have been taken to enclose yourself, to contract yourself, and this also includes enclosing your conscience.

In general, if you and your “consciousness valves” were fully open, then you could see reality as an energetic vibration. It could even be entertaining to see the world that way.

Some of you have even had that experience, for example with some psychedelic drugs, where you have seen that energy waves, auras, and even thought patterns were visible. But it goes without saying, that you have probably been overwhelmed, and that it would be difficult for you to function at that level in everyday life.
In order for a person to function at that level and be able to see all these energies and vibrations (including being able to read thoughts and permanently maintain empathic feelings levels), one would have to have special training and techniques of border protection .

But now as an adult you can continue to develop your sensitivity. You need it, since it is your sensitivity that allows you to go to the fifth dimension and feel and receive impressions and frequencies of light from the fifth dimension.

But also get alert for some of the dangers and the need for limits, protection and shielding .

I will compare the situation of need for limits with the creation of the universe.

At the dawn of mystical thought it was said that the light of the higher spiritual energy was brought to this universe, but the conduits that would hold this light were broken and shattered.

This is an interesting metaphor for you, because I want you to think of yourself as a conduit that is holding the light.

You are in a state of evolution. You are at the forefront of the evolution of humanity. You may not be able to sustain all this energy, and you may have to moderate it and protect yourself.

Sometimes you may have to close the perceptual valves, so that you don't feel it in its entirety.

Some of the lower beings that are entering Earth may even try to dominate and control you.

I say this sincerely, because one of the great lessons on Earth is like living in spiritual brotherhood with everyone.

The Earth has a history of control and domination when it comes to religious and spiritual work.

You can be history students, and therefore know about all the religious wars that have been fought on this planet. Even today on Earth, you are faced with clashes of cultures and religions now that have resulted in tragic and terrible consequences.

It is difficult to maintain equanimity in the face of such outrageous, destructive and really tragic interactions .

Polarizing wars are the exact opposite of the Unity of Consciousness that is a necessity to move into the fifth dimension.

But you are able to protect yourself. You are able to create barriers and limits of protection.

This is the beauty of the awareness of the fifth dimension, since it includes protection for the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual body.

I want to explore the other three bodies and how they relate to their evolution as beings of the fifth dimension, and I also want to add an interesting observation.

I compare the fifth dimension to the discovery of the New World in 1492.

Columbus was the first to sail to the New World.

It is surprising that people in Spain and Europe did not know at that time of the existence of the Americas, and they discovered the new world with new energies and new ideas.

It is interesting that they immediately tried to dominate and control it, and a chain of reactions began to seek to dominate the Americas.

The great majority of the native peoples were killed, and there was greed and spiritual constriction.

I look at the fifth dimension as a New World.

The fifth dimension is a place that is approaching the third dimension.

The interaction of the fifth to the third dimension can be used to solve the Earth's problems .

There are people who would like to take advantage of or exploit the fifth dimension and use it for their personal benefit and greed and for the purposes of their ego.

This is precisely why there is a certain frequency of vibration that is necessary, so only those at that level can enter the fifth dimension.

At this time on Earth, it is necessary to bring more energy from the fifth dimension because the belief systems of the third dimension and the thought of the third dimension are based on logic and finite energy patterns.

Many people are using the third dimension for greed and to control and dominate others.

There are systems of thought and beliefs of the fifth dimension that can change those attitudes, and some of these higher energy belief systems have to be instilled in the consciousness of the third dimension.

Some of these belief systems can be instilled through the Noosphere and by the Planetary Subconscious. Some of these higher principles really need to be taught.

The ideas of Unity Consciousness, quantum healing and quantum light will need to be taught, as well as the idea that the Earth is a living spirit and planet, and that it has methods of self-regulation. Other ideas of the fifth dimension include the observation that we can communicate with the Earth through spiritual interventions, such as bio-relativity.

There are many paradoxes that now operate on Earth. One of these paradoxes is that those people who are controlling the planet have more power than those who are stellar seeds and are beings of the fifth dimension.

This brings me to an important principle which is that "manifestation follows consciousness." And I will repeat it, "the manifestation follows consciousness."

When you are in the fifth dimension, and you want to manifest a temple or a crystal, or even a spaceship, you work first through consciousness.

Since you are going to have more powers in the fifth dimension than in the third dimension, then, in the higher dimension you can directly manifest what you think . But you must enter your consciousness first, and then you will be able to manifest it.

Now all of you are probably trying to manifest greater energy in the third dimension. You want to manifest your fifth dimension energies in the third dimension, but you are finding that there are blockages, time constraints, to manifest.

What you are thinking, even if it is of the fifth dimension and higher vibration, does not seem to manifest immediately and, in some cases, it may take years to fully manifest.

I have heard some of these complaints. Why does it not immediately manifest what we are doing and thinking? The answer is also complex and paradoxical: the Earth is getting slower. This means that the Earth is in a slower and denser environment to think and manifest.

Earth is a school, and when you are in school, there are classes and there are certain restrictions established to allow mistakes. Who, who has gone to a school has not made a mistake? You have to allow students to make mistakes, but you do it with kindness and compassion.

Compassion is another important aspect of higher emotions, of the fifth dimension.

We are also accepting rigidity, judgments and restrictions when these traits are expressed with compassion.

At this time on the planet, when compassion by itself does not always work for many people, they will continue to abuse and be greedy and try to dominate the Earth.

There is a need for justice and to show strength with compassion.

Earth is a school, and the manifestation process slows down, and you have to be more patient. You have to be more consistent, and you also have to learn some of the manifestation tricks. One of the "tricks" is to work together in large groups.

Working together in groups can often counteract resistance to change, resistance to manifestations in the third dimension.

Do not be discouraged please with this process. You are living in an environment full of slower energy, that is, of the third dimension.

There is a certain level of purification that you must achieve in your thinking and in your work as a manifestador on Earth.

You need to learn how to think and how to manifest properly on Earth. This is the preparation for your fifth dimension job.

If you decide to continue working on Earth after ascending, then you can return as an Ascended Master and provide great teachings and manifestations.

There is also the manifestation of the fifth dimension of energy in the physical body.

Part of this is what is achieved through diet, vibratory medicine such as Reiki, or many new body healing techniques that are emerging.

There are new energy patterns that are coming to Earth that have the ability to make dramatic healings.

Within a hundred years, people will look back and be surprised at how primitive and dangerous their medical techniques are.

But there is a way to bring your body into vibrational healing and to bring your mental body into higher belief systems that are aligned with the fifth dimension.

The best advice for you is that you need to learn to connect with your Higher Self, to broaden your identity to include your Higher Self and your fifth-dimensional body.

You have been trained in your upbringing to think of yourself only as this being of the third dimension.

It is time to expand your awareness.

I honor your great work. ( OOOOOOOOOOOO )

Search now for equanimity. With the creation of the necessary shielding around your vibratory energy field that only the upper light, the higher vibrations and those energies that the lower energies cannot penetrate pass through.

Allow your emotional body to evolve in the fifth dimension levels.

Your mental body can go to the levels of the fifth dimension, as well as your physical body.

Let your upper spiritual body enter your Earth body .

You as a conduit can contain the upper light on the Earth.

Now visualize your body of the fifth dimension, communicate with that body of the fifth dimension and let it bring you the strength to protect all your vulnerabilities and sensibilities.

You must be able to live with e quanimity, strength and spiritual unity, and please find out that you are at the forefront of this new step in human evolution - the awareness of the fifth dimension.

I'm Julian Good day!

AUTHOR: David K. Miller, Channel, Founder and Director of The Forty Group




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