Mantras: Mental Protection

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 What is the power of mantras? 2 Om Mani Padme Hum 3 essential in meditation 4 know the qualities they possess

It is curious to talk about the power that can exist in a sentence, enunciated only known that it somehow seems to have a power, as well as something magical, however the mantras are n facts so that the syllables that contain them have an effect on the person who thinks or pronounces them and are much more effective with their repetition, magic, so to speak, is that with the vibration they produce permeate with their effect our entire body externally and internally.

What is the power of mantras?

But what is the power of mantras? Actually this has to do with the combination of the letters that naturally produce vibrations that permeate the mind, the physical body and our energy body, the immediate effect is the cessation of internal dialogue, which is known as the Chango mind.

Om Mani Padme Hum

For example, among the best known mantras we find the Chenrezi Mantra or Avalokiteshvara which is the Budha of Compassion, mentioning it and feeling its vibrations pacify our mind and somehow allows us to also spread to those around us the energy of vibration, it is said that an emanation of this Budha is the Dalai Lama and it really is, just by observing it you can feel his loving energy and convince us that he is a being full of love and compassion towards others. This Mantra can be used when we want someone to be calm or for example, so that their living conditions improve, just at the moment we see it we can say in a low voice or in our mind OM MANI PADME HUM wishing to be released from what it distresses him, that he obtains emotional and mental peace.

In the case of dissipating obstacles we find the Mantra of Guru Rinpoche “Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padme Sidhi Hum” which, by repeating it with its vibrations, allows us to fill ourselves with the energy necessary to eliminate external and especially internal obstacles, such as when somehow we do not have access to some important spiritual teaching and for some reason we cannot participate in it, no matter how we set it, we can repeat the mantra wishing that conditions improve or that we somehow find mental clarity to make circumstances in which we find ourselves benefit us.

There is also the Vajratsatva Mantra in its short version "Om Vajratsatva Hum" or the twenty-eight syllables, which serve to protect and purify the negative karma, actually decreases it and does not eradicate it, because somehow we must remember and be aware of that every action (cause) invariably has a reaction (effect).

It is important to note that the mantras pacify the mind and we should not link with them in a theistic way, that is, believing that the mantras will do everything for us, for example that, if we recite the Manjurshi mantra we will automatically have wisdom, this is a vision wrong, what we will get is a freer, calmer and more willing mind to discern and learn, the rest of the work we must do no one else.

essential in meditation

Doing several repetitions of a mantra helps to fix the vibration inside us and urge us to do in the best possible way what we need to do, for now, to pacify the mind are of great help, no doubt. Speaking of Meditation when we are still beginners, mantras help mental concentration a lot.

Mantras have different levels of impact, it depends on the person, their spiritual development and the contact they have had with qualified teachers who bless their practice, in fact the best thing is that in order to perform them we have what is known as “ empowerment ”which is like an authorization to practice them and receive their blessings without obstacles, in fact it is the most serious way to connect with everything that is the tradition of the East, specifically that of Tibetan Culture.

know the qualities they possess

The topic of mantras is deeper, however to begin with it is important to know them, study the qualities they possess and with which Budha are connected. The research turns out to be very comforting and practice much more, do not miss the opportunity to meet them and practice them even at their most basic level that contribute neither more nor less than to peace and mental health.

AUTHOR: Pilar V zquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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