Uranus Astrological Report in Aries, changes and endless possibilities

  • 2011

March 2011

Intense winds of change What reality do I want for my life with the new energies that arrive from the cosmos and transmit the planets? From a few weeks ago we began to perceive that our mind was confused, poor clarity, our physical body was out of sync, too many occupations, tiredness and desire to sleep more hours. They are the symptoms that announce the process of transition and dimensional changes of consciousness. There is a lot of information available to be incorporated but the channels are saturated. Need for another energy cleaning to receive and sustain universal energy. We are recalibrating all our systems, "changing the operating system." The new energies that are coming will be very intense, fast and surprising.

The changes are mainly perceived in time management, feeling confusion, being lost in time. The old linear time collapses, "time is not enough". You have to order the mind to learn to manage the new time in another way. This new time of fifth dimension is not yet understood, it is little experienced. Welcome disorientation, is one of the indicators of change in the awareness of time. It is recommended to practice centering exercises, conscious breathing and mind-heart alignment.

The orientation towards the new timeline is through living the here and now, relaxed mind of worries, without fears of the future, perceiving reality radially and nonlinearly, with positive thoughts, not giving space in the mind to Hopelessness and chaos. Because time is mental.

2011 is the year where everyone defines the world in which they want to live. It is here where the time lines fork. The old linear time is exhausted in itself without future or creative projects. The planet has already entered the fifth dimension from where infinite possibilities of evolution open up, new worlds to explore and understand the meaning of life. The quantum vision tells us: "I am here looking at the world around me, my thoughts, feelings and emotions create reality." The quantum observer opens up to infinite possibilities, conceives, deeds and matures the seeds that he carries within himself to sustain the great planetary transition. Only by activating our confidence in ourselves can we make the change we dream so much. But if there are still relics of old attachments, fears and distrust, things can get difficult.

On March 12, Uranus enters Aries, will remain in this sign for 7 years. Uranus brings the energies of sudden and unexpected change. It is like lightning that illuminates the new paths. Aires is the sign that governs the head, mind and strength of the self. A devastating force leads us to free ourselves from what is binding us. Sometimes without being able to reason, there is a need to release ties of all kinds, internal or external. Jupiter is also in Aires reinforcing the need to expand to any side, to make decisions in an instant without measuring consequences.

Uranus in Aires brings us all the new technologies in wireless communications, latest generation devices and more of the same to consume. Let's also look at the part of spiritual technology: development of intuition, telepathy, quick and surprising thoughts, connection with the spirit for a quick awakening.

Uranus in Aires brings that air of freedom that is already felt everywhere, in interpersonal, labor, social, and global relations. Free spirits embracing their personal power. Therefore, those who believe they have the power to decide on the lives of others will be left alone.

Large breaks will continue to exist at the geopolitical level. They will be necessary movements. It is not only the people who ask for freedom, it is the very Earth that opens from its entrails asking for purification. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, fires, droughts, Mother Earth is speaking, only if we listen to her message and tune in to the heartbeat of the Mother, will we live the changes in resonance with her.

Conscious humans have within themselves the tools to accompany the process. You just have to remember… .open to receive the new as if we were receiving that much-awaited gift that we were promised…

The best changes are those that are created from within, from the soul, by choice, so they are consistent with the energies of the moment. If the changes come from outside they are more traumatic, because the self has not prepared for them.

On March 21 the Aries equinox is held, coincides with the full moon. Moment of a great descent of crystalline energies to mature the seeds of the spirit. The processes will begin to accelerate from the entry of the Sun in Aires in conjunction with Uranus.

The period between March 21 and April 12 will be tensions and crises. Sun, Jupiter, Uranus in Aries, squaring with Pluto from Capricorn. Interpretation of such aspects? ... open to infinite possibilities ... personal, social, worldwide. Everything that disarticulates from your life, receive it as a blessing so that your spirit can continue to evolve. Everything that happens will be in divine order. Human life opens for the power of the spirit to emerge. If you understand it, you will advance several lockers in the game of life, if you protest against your destiny… you reverse lockers in your evolution, to repeat the lessons.

At the beginning of April, Sol and Jupiter in conjunction make opposition from Aries to Saturn in Libra. Jupiter and Saturn confront each other, generating tensions, indecisions, obstacles, resistances of the stifled human minds engulfed in the institutions, the announced end of ties of broken couples is resolved. The imperative need for freedom of some makes others have the obligation to accept the new rules of the game. Enough of submissions. And ... patience with those who cannot change.

On April 3 Mars enters Aries, the new moon is made, six planets in Aries, opposed to Saturn in Libra. A great challenge between Aries-Libra. The greatest energy weight will be in Aries, the need to strengthen the self in opposition to the demands of others in Libra. Given situations of extreme tensions and uncontrolles, both Arian fire can be dangerous. The positive way out of Aries is to strengthen the awareness of freedom, independence and sovereignty, and disrupt as much as possible aggression and impulsivity. How to handle these forces within us and in our environment? Very carefully, we will walk to the edge of the cliff. Do you have inner balance, wisdom, compassion ...? You can now prepare some formula of floral essences or whatever it was to reinforce your focus, anchor, patience, acceptance, and love….

As quantum observers we are attentive to what is presented in our reality, let's be neutral until we clarify things. It is recommended not to make hasty decisions. In mid-May there will be better aspects to manifest our projects, the Aries planets will have entered Taurus and there will be energies of concretion.

The signs most committed to the changes are: Aries first, it brings the sweeping force. The problem of the Arians is that they act first and then think. They will feel very impulsive, uncontrolled, spatially in April, when Mars enters Aries.

Cancer, inclined to preserve the tradition and sometimes possessive of his affections, will feel that things escape from his hands, in the nakedness of himself he must agree with the other a new birth. Something always has to be transformed so that we can be reborn.

Capricorn, mobilized by Pluto, undermining all the assurances of the social status achieved, will have to think that there are other possibilities to project, go to the new and thank what has been done so far.

And Libra, so conciliatory and looking for consensus with everyone, can be encouraged to watch as Aires makes the changes. Either way you will find out that the world has changed and you should look for your place in the new scenario.

In short, before the abyss of so many changes, there are two paths: to be immersed in chaos or to rebuild, knowing that there is a place assigned to us. We are aligning with the fifth dimension consciousness. This is a lake that was never lived on Earth before. There are no known recipes. We are exploring new ways of life together

Ana Maria Frallicciardi


Thank you for joining us in the co-creation of the New Earth

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