Rune Wunjo: Mythological legend and meaning of the ancient Viking runes

  • 2019

Welcome! We invite you to learn about the Runa Wunjo Mythological Legend, origin and meaning of the ancient Viking Rune ., Enjoy it!

"Blessed is the one who enjoys no suffering,
grief or worry, and has
prosperity and happiness and a house big enough ”
- Old Anglo-Saxon poem -

The Wunjo Rune

The use of the Viking runes (from the root ' run- ' of the ancient Gothic, translated as ' secret ' or ' whisper ') mainly comprised writing in the ancient Germanic languages, especially in the islands of Great Britain and the region from Scandinavia , although it eventually expanded to the regions of Eastern and Central Europe during the Middle Ages .

According to ancient Scandinavian beliefs, the origin of these runes comes from the gods. It's a gift that Odin gives to men "

These runes were also used for magical purposes .

According to beliefs, they have the ability to materialize invocations and spells written on objects.

And thanks to the German-Austrian writer Guido von List, and his system of modern divination of armanen runes, the power of the Viking runes has come to us today.

Wunjo Rune Mythology

Wunjo (also 'wen' or 'wynn' according to the Anglo-Saxon) is the protogermanic name that receives the Nordic rune that represents the sound of our 'W', and its name can be translated as 'joy' or 'bliss'.

Nordic countries are now named and recognized many times for their high level of happiness in their inhabitants, and this is not simply a curiosity.

These cultures have inherited the "rules" to be happy that their ancestors discovered, and this Nordic philosophy about happiness is the one detailed in the Hygge manifesto .

Although this will be a topic for future articles, the Hygge manifesto summarizes the principles that have led Denmark to be considered the happiest country in the world since 2012.

For the rest, the Wunjo rune is not related to any particular deity (although later it has been related by scholars with Venus and Saturn), but with happiness nothing more or nothing less than as the ultimate goal in life.

Meaning of the Rune Wunjo

This rune is surrounded by an energy of victory, triumph and conquest of what is sought.

It is a great indicator that difficult times are over. The stage of changes has ended for the moment and it is time to reap its rewards.

There is also greater clarity in the look, and a great appreciation for the hard work you have been doing.

Now you can enjoy the abundance that you have produced. From this moment you can choose a new course.

This moment of joy is accompanied by a flow of energy that is released. This is the time to launch the changes you need now that you see things clearly.

When you run into the Wunjo rune, it indicates a delay in the results you expect. The road can be long and difficult. And this can unleash a crisis, in which you must treat yourself delicately and analyze the present moment . Patience, tranquility and perseverance will be your greatest assets.

Remember that any situation and moment seen under the correct lens can be transformed into a great period of learning . That you can leave more armed to face the future. Although this implies work, confidence and the practice of learning to see the optimistic side of life.

Everything is a test. Be honest with yourself and others.

And look for the truth inside.

Author : Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of

Image : Atell Rohlandt

Sources :

  • Runic alphabet

  • Runic magic

  • Runes armanen

  • Wynn

  • The keys of the hygge, the secret of Danish happiness

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