First World Encounter of the Sound Circle - Capilla del Monte - Cordoba - Argentina

Hello my beloved,

I hope that everything is very good in their lives, so far in 2009 and that this is the best year of their lives, until next year!

I wish you the best in everything that you propose.

As you may have heard, we are planning the first major global meeting of all members of the Circle of Sound, and Circle of Sound. I am very excited about the idea that, as much as we can, we join in a physical place, to meet and share our experiences and adventures with the Circle of Sound, the Harmonization Ceremonies and with the sacred sounds in general.

We are inviting the whole family to join here in Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, in central Argentina, during the week of the September Equinox. We will share the Harmonization Ceremony of the Equinocccio and some of the wonders of this part of the world, as well as our lives and our affection. We are planning the group activities from Sunday 20 to Saturday 26, with the Equinox Ceremony, on the 23rd. We expect many of our family to come, including you attentively.

We are making the corresponding procedures with the Municipality of Capilla del Monte with the Province of Cordoba, as well as with the National authorities of Argentina, to arrange everything possible, with due anticipation. We hope to have the support and declaration of interest from these authorities. We will also offer you several options for accommodation, including camping in the beautiful Municipal Estate, staying with a local family in your home or in hotels at a reduced price. We know that some of us have different preferences or needs, and we want everyone to feel comfortable while they visit us.

Argentina is far from many places, therefore, if you want to make the most of your time and travel expenses and want to stay longer here, around Capilla or in Buenos Aires or elsewhere parts of Argentina, will gladly help you to fix what is necessary and share some ideas. I am very happy to think about sharing this amazing land with you.

Therefore, think and start planning and intend to be with us, during this wonderful experience. I have learned during the years that I was traveling and promoting the Global Harmonization Ceremony, that there are no limits, in what we want to manifest in our lives if we simply and sincerely set our intention and then "We go out of the way" and allow it to happen. The Spirit knows what is best for us and has some powerful influences, to make things happen.

When you begin to think about traveling and flights, consider flying directly the great city of Cordoba, which is the closest airport to Capilla and easily accessible from there. Cordoba is an International Airport and receives flights from many of the great cities of the world. If not, they will probably have to travel to Buenos Aires and we can advise you how to easily reach Chapel from there.

I welcome all your questions. Similarly, I welcome your ideas on how to make this meeting as bright and cheerful as possible for everyone. We already have some great ideas, and we will send the program of activities to those who are interested.

I look forward to seeing all my dear friends I have met again through the Sound Circle, and to those many others I know only via email.

I bless you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support and your participation in the Sound Circle, since we started our work together in September 2005.

May Peace and Joy be with you all, always



The Sound Circle is a combination of particular instruments used to create a special vibration and a unique combination of frequencies. The intention of the Sound Circle is to manifest a balanced environment of Peace, Harmony, Health, and Well-being. Our vision is Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards all.

The instruments used in the Sound Circle are various combinations of the human voice, crystal bowls, didgeridus, drums, flutes and such, usually played in the shape of a circle. Sound Circles have been established in Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Russia, England, Egypt, France, the United States, Spain, Denmark, Holland, Brazil, Chile and more. These circles facilitate individual ceremonies of sacred sounds, and sometimes we all play together on the same day. The Circle of Sound invites all people to attend and receive the frequencies produced.

Please look at the Events page to see the list of upcoming events and their dates.

And you can look at the Contacts page to see the venues and facilitators of the ceremonies.

A main focus of the Sound Circle is to promote the Global Harmonization Ceremony, when circles established in various parts of the world come together on the same day, sometimes at the same time, to generate the vibrations and special frequencies of the intentions we express . Usually these intentions, held in the consciousness united by people in all parts of the world and amplified through the power of the sacred sounds of the circles, are Harmony, Acceptance, Unity, Joy and Compassion among all beings on the planet. It is a very powerful experience that is growing every Equinox and Solstice, the days we always have the Ceremony. We invite people from all over the world to join.

Look at the “Global Harmonization Ceremony” page (<

You can see some photos of some of the ceremonies in different countries after the years on this page:

Another focus of the Sound Circle is to promote the “Global Crystallization Project” (<

This project was born from our Harmonization Ceremony in Mexico the Equinox of September 2005. It is about establishing a worldwide network of crystals raised on Earth and in the waters around the world, crystals that have been programmed and are vibrating with them frequencies of the intentions of our Harmonization Ceremony. Everyone in the world is invited to participate in this project as well.

Daniel Brower is the founder and director of the Sound Circle, a non-political and non-religious organization based on Vashon Island, Washington, USA. Daniel has traveled to different countries during the last years promoting the Sound Circle and the Global Harmonization Ceremony. He has delivered sets of seven crystal bowls to several of these countries where we now have a Sound Circle established. It was only in September that he went to northern Chile to include Shambhala's new energy in the ceremony to realize the object of the project with this seventh place. You can see and hear Daniel explain this ceremony on YouTube video ..

After the many kilometers and countries in recent years Daniel has initiated hundreds of people in the Cosmic Brotherhood of Clowns, because we believe that we can have a very strong and important ceremony without taking it so seriously. Many of these clowns regularly participate in ceremonies with their noses. We feel that we can enjoy this work and increase the intention of JOY! You can see some of the clowns on this page:

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