Maitreya - Waking the Christ

  • 2015

I, Lord Maitreya, had many lives on Earth prior to my Over-Illumination as the superior aspect of Master Jesus. Each life had numerous moments of Divine inspiration, evolution and illumination, just as you in your current reality have experienced moments of remembrance of the Creator. These inner moments of your Being of remembrance and recognition of your eternal and natural unification with the Creator, are becoming more frequent as the sacred aspects of the Creator are synthesized with the physical World. Those of you on Earth are acting as Pillars of Light that reach the heavens and bring the Divine to manifestation. Every moment of remembrance and recognition of the Creator who experiences Humanity, elevates the vibration of the Earth, which allows consciousness to be born and activated, light vibrations and new experiences of Love, for its Physical manifestation.

Now it is more important than ever that you realize that you are experiencing your spiritual evolution not only for your Soul and your happiness, but for the awakening of all aspects of the Creator . Imagine that for a moment you could attract the attention of all Humanity, share words of Love and healing energies with all people, to change their reality forever. This is what is being achieved with every moment of evolution and spiritual transformation within your Being.

Are you prepared to honor the great role you are playing in this reality of Ascension and remembrance? Are you prepared to realize that you are not unworthy, lacking or incapable? Let within you stir and gather the strength that tells you how valuable you are, as are all Souls on Earth. With the confidence that although you are on a journey of personal growth, this journey allows you to transform the energies and realities of others; you will recognize how connected and in unison all Beings are; and consequently all aspects of the Creator . You don't need to be wise, have practiced meditation, understand the internal planes; not even have spiritual abilities; all you need is to allow yourself to be yourself; your Essence and your truth that exist beyond illusion, limitations and conditioning. The act of acceptance and authorization of your inner Self, which cannot be summed up completely in words, not even in actions, can be a lifelong search; and yet it can be achieved instantly if you give yourself permission to do so.

It is time that you realize that your mission is to accept your Inner Essence, not your personality and your character, the Inner Essence that is almost indescribable, but which can be accessed through feelings and knowledge. It is also time for you to recognize your unity with all that is the Creator on Earth and in the Inner Planes . To encourage you to realize and accept the inner truth of your Being, to recognize you as valuable and with the ability to inspire others to achieve the same and build connection links that have never really been broken, I want to share with you a memory.

During a previous incarnation on Earth, while looking for the answers to my confusion and my feelings of separation, I met a man who was sitting on the side of a dusty road and simply recognized those who were traveling along it. The territory was desolate; and yet people traveled miles between towns and cities to find work, see family or find more food; the one that I was traveling was not a rich country, but a hot and somewhat desperate territory, which seemed to draw me more towards his heart .

The man recognized me in the same way that I imagine he recognized all the people who passed through his residence space; a welcome nod and then a look of recognition. This man intrigued me; Although I had met many people on my travels, this man seemed to have the answers I was looking for, or at least he seemed to soften my inner pain. I blessed the man and took the small amount of food I had out of my pocket; and I volunteered. He signaled me to sit next to him and put the food on the dusty floor in front of him. When I sat down, my head was full of thoughts, questions, impulses, anger ; and the simple desire to know why I felt such pain, confusion and separation, as if the whole World was suffering inside me. (Now I see that this was true, the entire World existed within me, especially the Earth, especially everything that Mother Earth and its inhabitants were experiencing, since we are all one. The answers I was looking for were not just for me, they were to satisfy all aspects of the Creator. It was the preparation to accept the role of Christ Logos ). The expectation of some kind of guidance from this man made me sit in silence, with my head bowed, my back straight; the only movements came from my mind and my eyes, as I watched others pass by.

It seemed to have been a long time; we were sitting in silence, my impatience was growing, my skin burned under the strong and powerful daylight . The heat, the dust and the stillness were unbearable, but something inside told me to stay seated, to obey the wishes of man and to expect to eventually receive words of wisdom from him, for I had seen many men before me they got them; and yet something inside of me kept telling me that I could not have access to wisdom outside of me, only within me.

My anger and frustration went beyond the limit when I saw that 4 young men took my food offer from in front of the man, without much more than a 'thank you' or an acknowledgment; Everything I had was gone and yet I felt the urge to stay there.

When the day turned into night, a glacial cold descended; a cold that apparently numbed my body but made my thoughts and emotions very active and lively. Frequently the man turned to me and gave me something to drink, which I accepted . When I began to prepare my mind to begin communicating with him, he was once again assuming his sitting position; and I was forced to sit back and wait with hope.

5 long days passed and we were still sitting together in silence; but within me something was changing: A stillness, an inner peace and a feeling of not having limits, they were overwhelming me.

On the dawn of the 6th day, the man turned to love and said:

What you are looking for is within you, you must find the word that releases your energy; This will allow you to feel complete. Do not hide from yourself, but embrace your true Self, knowing that if you do, others will accept you and find the same within themselves. You can never get away from pain, but you can transform it into something glorious.

Slowly, the man rose from the ground and began to walk down the dusty road in the direction from which I had come all those days ago. I looked at him for a while until I could tell he had sat down again. I did not understand why man had found a new space to continue his focus.

I felt the loss of his company. (The man had moved to give me space to be in my expansive power, he had also been encouraging me to discard his support, or the perspective that I had to help me. that moment I didn't see this).

My thoughts began to focus on the words of man:

Find the word that releases your energy, this phrase continues to rumble in my mind. I began to think, I thought of words that were familiar to me, in my own name, in the names of my family; even in different words that meant liberation, but within me nothing seemed to change. I was waiting for a lightning effect, however there I was with my body becoming more tired and fatigued. Then I began to change my line of thinking; I began to think of the name of our Creator in my own language, which created luminosity and lightness in my energy, almost as if all the tension of having been sitting for 9 days, was being eliminated.

I realized that a lady and a young man passed before me; I recognized them just as the man had recognized me; and to my surprise the lady took out a small amount of food and put it before me. "The answer has yet to be found, " she said softly. The surprise overwhelmed me. She spoke again: "Don't get distracted now."

With this experience my determination and my strength grew, I did not eat the food because I felt that his words had nourished my whole body. The days passed and I was still sitting there in peace and growing harmony. The words passed through my mind but none seemed to have any weight or power, until I came across a word in the middle of a cold night. The word was: "Love." This word seemed to fill me with warmth, my limbs burned as the cold numbness vanished. It was as if there was fire in my chest, as if I was generating my own heat, which was melting the pain and separation that had become so familiar to me. My body was energized; I was feeling new happy and joyful emotions, feelings I had never had. When the day broke, I felt as if my whole body was split in half: While my old self and my old feelings disappeared from me; new energies arose from within me. I could only describe myself as Golden Light, which seemed to expand from a very deep place within me.

A few days later I experienced the heavens opening before me, I saw my path, my purpose and my deep connections with other Souls; and of course, with the Creator's Soul. I accepted the name of Christ or Love ; This word became extremely precious to me and I began to share it with others who crossed with me on their way of life . This was my point of awakening, of understanding and change, the peak moment of that life that allowed me to become the Christ Consciousness, holding the Creator's Love energy on the planetary level, for all to accept.

Now I remembered this moment to honor the man who changed my life; and to the Creator, for being that wise man and for linking all things.

I hope you enjoyed my memory; and that it has stimulated you to contemplate the word, the sound or the feeling that releases your energy; it could be the word Love, or something equally precious. It is time that you embrace your truth and transform your energies, this can only be achieved when you allow yourself to recognize the Essence of your Being . You don't need to find a wise man or a wise woman, nor do you need to sit for days. Patience, trust, faith and determination are the keys to support you from the inside of your Being, the path to discover that it is your duty to realize and explore your truth.

With constant love,

Lord Maitreya, Christ Logos.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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