Discover Your Tarot Year Card

  • 2016

The tarot, like your zodiac sign, can help you get a personal perspective on your annual classes, essays and experiences that will happen through the establishment of your Tarot Year Card.

For example, this can be achieved by placing the month and day of your birth until the current year:

July 18, 2006 = 18 + 7 + 2006 = 2031 = 6 (lovers)

Only the Major Arcana are used, so it is necessary to keep less than 23 in the final number, that is 22 = The Madman.

There are two options regarding the term for the Tarot Year Card to be valid:

  • between his birthday (in this case from July 18, 2006 to July 17, 2007)
  • calendar year (January 1 to December 31)

Here, you can use either or combine both . When the combination of them, the Lovers and The Hierophant (from July 18, 2005 onwards) would be so valid from January 1, 2006 to July 17, 2006, and in that period the interaction between them would work.

If you are a Tarot student, an interesting exercise would be to calculate your Tarot Year Card from your birth year onwards, and take into account all the key experiences you had in each year (at least, what the memory allows).

The result may surprise you, especially when you find out that your personal rhythm. For example, you may notice that some cards do not appear on the chart at all although your age could be much higher than 22. Other cards will appear on a regular basis . It is up to you to determine the relevance of absent cards and those that appear at regular intervals in regards to their life lessons.

Some suggestions to keep in mind at the time of the year lessons of each Tarot Year Card:


The magician

  • Focus on options and opportunities
  • Carry out a new direction with willpower and ambition
  • The clarity of the mind; all mental activity
  • Communication
  • Make things happen


The priestess

  • Develop your intuition
  • Trust your instincts
  • Self-rearing
  • Be patient; situations will be resolved at the right time


The Empress

  • Maternity or maternal instincts
  • Nurture others
  • Make use of creativity and develop it
  • Fertility, abundance
  • Love for nature and beauty
  • Establish security and stability


The emperor

  • Important decisions must be made, maybe it's not easy
  • Be assertive
  • Leading the way
  • Take care of things
  • Set security
  • Finish the projects you have started


The Hierophant

  • Teaching or studying
  • Social interaction on a professional or ethical level
  • Working within the hierarchies
  • Intellectual development
  • Spiritual guide



  • Relationships (couple, family, friends, colleagues)
  • The main options regarding relationships
  • Assume the responsibility
  • Following your heart without losing your mind


The car

  • The establishment of objectives and goals
  • Prove yourself
  • Take control with skill and determination
  • Overcoming the fight and tension
  • Persevere despite difficulties


The force

  • Courage and endurance in times of adversity
  • The control of anger or jealousy
  • Passions and strong desires
  • Let situations unfold without forcing them
  • Be assertive and stand up for yourself
9The hermit
  • Loneliness
  • Introspection
  • Contemplate
  • Review of the options
  • Prudence
  • Taking time out
  • Caring for your health


Wheel of fortune

  • Luck and fate
  • The end of one cycle and the beginning of another
  • Major change
  • Dealing with unforeseen events



  • Balance and harmony
  • Justice
  • Legal or financial issues
  • Integrity
  • Associations


The hung

  • Get a new perspective
  • Make a sacrifice
  • Quit something
  • Stagnation



  • Put aside something old to make way for something new
  • Transformation
  • Regeneration
  • Dealing with emotional pain



  • Make concessions, commitments
  • The creation of a healthy balance
  • Give up the excessive lifestyle
  • Give and take


The devil

  • Dependence
  • Handling
  • Reluctant to change; catch up with something negative
  • The creation of riots
  • The sexuality



  • Sudden change
  • System Impact; It can be positive or negative
  • Anger and pain
  • Start from zero
  • Revelation or epiphany that completely alters your attitude or an opinion of something


The star

  • Period of hope and healing
  • Optimism for the future
  • Back to basics and nature
  • Sustainability



  • Coping with mood swings
  • Reflections and vivid dreams
  • Recognize and work with your rhythm and inner cycle
  • Achieve Unknown Desires



  • The achievement of the main objectives
  • Birth or marriage
  • Self-esteem, trust and satisfaction
  • Creative and passionate phase


The judgment

  • Coping with criticism
  • Evaluation of you and others
  • Worldview and understanding
  • Transitions
  • Take stock, review, analysis

The world

  • Infinite potential sense
  • Realize and accept your limitations
  • Find your place within a structure or in society
  • Settle
  • Conclude an ongoing situation



  • New principles and experiences
  • Flexibility and openness to change
  • Take risks and trust yourself
  • Trips and adventures

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the great family of

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