The chose. What should I choose if I want to be enlightened (Except in UCDM)?

  • 2017

The choice What should I choose if I want to be enlightened (Except in UCDM)?

The mountain

The choice, A story.

It was a special day for him, he had planned that excursion for some time, he had spent the previous days letting his mind wander about what he would do, what he would find, gathering the fundamental things for that adventure, one by one all the objects that he thought they would serve him were gathered, finally the day had arrived, the backpack was ready, the hiking clothes too, the shoes, in short, everything was ready.

He took the taxi that would take him to the bus terminal, since he had decided that this was the best way to learn more about the somewhat distant land he would have to know and enjoy, it didn't take long to get to the terminal, he got off hurriedly because According to him he was a little late, he paid the lord of the taxi, and although his cargo was a little large, he hurried to the boarding gate of those huge buses. The tour was fantastic, he thought as he devoured the kilometers and kilometers that would take him to his destination. Finally, after many hours I got to where the bus could go, got off and prepared for its great trip, I had decided to do it alone because I thought I would enjoy it even more. He followed the corresponding instructions and took that path that would lead him more and more towards those beautiful forests and mountains, after a few hours of walking I reach the point where the road was no longer a path but a path, I take a breath of water, he saw the clock and continued, thinking since he had to look for where to camp on that one his first and long awaited night in the forest. After a while he found a beautiful clearing in the forest and immediately installed his camp there, made his campfire, heated his food and greatly enjoyed nature, the birds, the flowers, the trees, soon the weariness took him to the tent that he had installed, he got into his sleeping bag and prepared to rest, after a few minutes he fell asleep deeply. The twilight began to make its appearance when the trill of a cute bird woke him up, the fire came out of his tent and prepared to take those rich foods he had taken, already with the sun at dawn, took all his belongings and He set out to continue his journey.

Soon he realized that the path was beginning to disappear and in less than he thought he was already submerged in those beautiful places, his destiny was that more or less distant mountain, he continued with a firm step, because his desire was to arrive as soon as possible and start The rise

After a few hours of strenuous hike, I look closely and the mountain was already so close, there was no road, no path, up close that steep was intimidating, he sat down and watched it seemed that there were two options that would take him to the peak of that beautiful mountain, but only one could take it, the dilemma was which of the two possibilities would take you to your desired goal? If he was wrong, he would only surround the mountain and return irremediably to where he had begun.

The two options, enlightenment or ego

There are only two options

Have you ever been in that situation, you only have two options to get out of a hurry or a pressing situation, but you don't know which one to choose.

Let me tell you that here in the world we live only a dream, an illusion, and since we did not find how to get out, it was put into operation so to speak A PLAN. Surely you have ever experienced that feeling that you no longer belong to this land and although you have heard of the Masters, the Saints and the teachings that can lead you to enlightenment, even so, you have not made the decision most important of your life.

Let me tell you that for the world there are only two plans of salvation : God's plan of salvation and the plan of salvation of the ego, the plan of salvation of the ego is based on fear, while God's plan is based on Love, in the plan of the ego as you have already deduced, the only one who wants to be saved or endure is the ego, he, the ego, does not care at the cost of that, he only wants to be preserved and for that he has one and a thousand tricks to keep captive Our mind, in God's Plan of Salvation, He only wants to see his Son returned, so to speak. In this plan the son must wake up from his dream of illusion and remember his true origin, in UCDM Salvation and awakening is the same as enlightenment, provided that it is understood that enlightenment does not mean any change, but a recognition of what our essence is.

God's plan for Salvation is a course, if you prefer a method, a path, although the return in some way means journey, it has long been given to the world of what we call time, which will disappear at the time of remember, because remembering time disappears and Eternity takes its place . The universal course has taken different Names and they have been different Masters who have brought it, Jesus brought us UCDM very recently, He tells us that UCDM does not differ in essence from others but in form, but like the other courses, This is not for everyone. The Universal course of salvation is a compulsory course and the only thing we can decide on is, when to take it, but, it is known that when there is a great amount of Beings waking up everyone's awakening will be imminent and all without anyone staying, You must wake up.

When it is said that UCDM is not for everyone, it is not said in a pejorative way towards other courses, or accentuating some kind of level, not at all, for each sensitive Being, there is a course, it fully meets your expectations, his way of understanding and even his way of learning.

For thousands today UCD is its course, could this be yours?

Author. Carlos EFR, editor of the great family of


Channeled by: Helen Schucman

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