Helping Mother Earth: Strategies to Save Energy

  • 2017
Saving energy is also an act of spirituality

Welcome to one more entry of personal and universal growth, dear friends of the great White Brotherhood. Today we are going to review some practical strategies, if I may, a little earthly, but that can have a considerable positive impact on mother earth through the energy savings we extract from it.

Saving energy is a direct way of honoring and caring for Mother Earth, and although it is not a religious act, every focus we turn off is sending positive energy to the earth.

We have a very particular lifestyle in which sometimes we don't even stop to think about where all the energy and resources we use come from. People who were born in cities and have always inhabited houses with electricity and gas and many other services, usually take them for granted, almost never stopping to think about where this energy is being removed. a . Because it has to leave somewhere.

Electric power is not produced from nothing

Where does the electric power we consume come from?

There are many ways to generate electrical energy and the vast majority can be classified as renewable sources or non-renewable sources. Renewable sources of energy are those that do not pollute and also It's not over. Some examples are wind, sunlight and the energy of sea waves. The energy obtained by these means is commonly referred to as clean energy, but unfortunately there is no infrastructure or interest so that most of the world's energy comes from sustainable sources.

The other types of energy sources are non-renewable, and most of them consist of fossil fuels among which are oil, natural gas and coal. Today, most of the world's electricity comes from power plants that obtain it from burning fossil fuels . The problem is that the residues of this combustion process are very toxic and are called greenhouse gases . These are the main causes of the global warming phenomenon.

So now you can see how turning off the light bulbs we are not using can help curb global warming.

What actions can we take to save energy in our day to day?

Energy saving is in our hands

There are a lot of things you can do to spend less energy and to help save Mother Earth. We are going to mention some practical strategies but the most important thing is that you do all your actions with ecological awareness, so that you do not miss any opportunity to help the world with your good judgment.

  • Turn off the lights you are not using
  • Do not leave electrical appliances on or connected. Even if they are turned off, they spend a small amount of electricity
  • Consider installing solar panels in your home
  • Use energy saving bulbs
  • Check that our appliances are in good condition
  • When we are going to change a device, we must ensure that its substitute is a light saver
  • An electrical installation in poor condition spends more light, so you have to give frequent maintenance
  • Do not leave devices or batteries charging for longer than necessary
  • Try to do most of the activities during the day, when there is more natural light.
Saving electricity is everyone's responsibility

As you can see, the unconscious consumption of electrical energy is draining vital resources of the planet with great speed. But each of us can develop the consciousness that unites him with Mother Earth and exercise every little act thinking about his well-being.

AUTHOR: Kikio, editor in the big family of


Ecology by Yemanja

Everyday ecology. The environments of human life

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