The Dance of Love and Peace, by AA Miguel

Dear Lightworkers, now enter the flow of energy that will create the month of October! Indeed, they have passed through the powerful portal or dimensional input of 9: 9 on September 9, and are now flowing towards 10:10 on October 10. In 9: 9 they could experience an end and a new beginning. 10:10 will be a 1: 1 portal, an entry to new levels of experience and awareness that will culminate in the 11:11 portal, when they will experience the full impact of new energies on new levels of conscience On 12:12, in December and on the December solstice, they will be guided to a powerful new understanding of their work as a creative expression of Divine Love on Earth. In fact, dear Lightworkers, December and January will be months of transition, bringing the energies from the old to the New that will be expressed in the first half of 2010 .

So, Dear Ones, let's focus now on this October. The Full Moon falls at the beginning of the month, on day 4. The Moon will be in Aries and the Sun in Libra. At this time, the energies of the BALANCE will be very important. Can you maintain your inner balance in PEACE and LOVE at this time? Can you focus on your I AM presence and be in PEACE with yourself and with everyone else, and at the same time, can you be part of the One Heart and One Mind? Can you say "I AM" and also "WE ARE", together as ONE?

Dear Souls, in this New Energy it will be necessary to be able to feel yourself as part of the community in general and feel like "one" with others, and feel that from your heart. The question now being asked is "how can they serve the new energies and the new light?" What will you do to be a full expression of the Love of the Source that is transmitted through you?

The time of the New Moon, on the 18th, will be a good time to meditate on your relationship with your community and how you can better serve that community by being carriers of the New Codes and energies for the New Earth. Meditate on how you can be an expression of Love just by Being Who You Are and fully expressing Who You Are. Remember, Dear Ones, that each of you carries the Divine Flame within your Heart, and each of you is an expression of God's Divine Love and Grace. It is only up to you to exercise your free will and choose how, as individuals, they will be an expression of Divine Grace within the One Energy of Community.

In this month too, the old energies of the Negative Atlantean Codes continue to be released at very deep levels, to allow them to be replaced with the Light of the New Earth Codes that are guiding the Evolution of Humanity on their Journey to Higher Expressions of Light. The old trauma of the "disaster" of Atlantis continues to reverberate through the minds of those who seek to cling to the old forms of power and control and manipulation. Dear ones, know that those who seek these dark paths do so because they feel a deep inner fear and a feeling of guilt and of being unworthy. They fear that they have "failed" and that God has abandoned them, so they need to try to control their own destiny instead of allowing their destiny to be part of the greater plan of Love and Compassion. And when you enter the dramas of duality with those, you simply reinforce your sense of being unworthy and of lack. Much better it is, dear ones, to forgive them and then release them from their role as bearers of the illusion of darkness. Because when you forgive, you release. You do not justify the actions that are based on the low vibrations of fear, but rather release the effects that these energies can have on you.

Now, as for the Atlantean Negative Codes and the “victim” energies that are emerging through the Collective to be released, we will say that FORGIVENESS is the first step. Forgive, Release, and let go. Victim Dramas are not part of the New Earth, nor will they ever be. As you forgive those who are still trying to perpetuate those dramas, you also free yourself from being dragged into the tissues of this very old energy based on trauma. And they move up to the clear Spiral of Light, which expresses the Divine Energies of COMPASSION and BEAUTY and KINDNESS and CREATIVITY and PEACE.

Because, Dear Ones, in this month of October, you will be challenged to make that choice of being a vehicle for the flow of PEACE and COMPASSION energies. Now, first of all, Compassion is not a passive energy, it is the active expression of the Divine Passion, the Divine Passion to Love and Create. Those who express Compassion are those who are motivated by Love to be an expression of Grace and Divine Peace.

And, Dear Ones, Peace is not just the absence of war and aggression. Peace is the Active Energy of Creation expressing itself through Harmony and Balance and Love.

PEACE is an energy that flows and creates! Create Joy within the communities and Satisfaction in the Hearts of the people. To be an “instrument of the Peace of God” is to bring Joy and Satisfaction to those places where they do not exist. And, dear ones, when you have woken up and are awake, each one of you has the capacity to be a vehicle of Peace, just for being who you are and being centered in your heart. When they offer themselves in service to this energy, then they will be shown new opportunities to be a Light to the Earth, and to express Compassion, Tenderness, Intimacy, Beauty and Grace to everyone they meet.

Dear ones, let's say that the creation or fabric of Peace is the Dance of Love on Earth. They listen to the Divine Music that comes from the Great Heart of the Source, and echoes in the Heart of Mother Earth. And so, as they align with the Divine Tones and Sounds, and the Divine Colors and Forms, they begin to weave their lives and move forward in harmony with Divine Music. As an expert dancer, they follow the flow of music and each step is an expression of that music in Time and Space.

You are the dancer and Life is Dance! You the Music - You the Artist, Creator and Weaver! When you weave with the Conscious Intention to follow the Divine Harmony as it flows, you become One with the Divine Dance of Love. You become the Dance of Love, and where you are the people hear the Music of the Dance and feel inspired to Start dancing themselves. And soon, everyone is moving in alignment, everyone is dancing the dance of Love called Peace.

So, Dear Ones, we ask you this October, to focus on your Hearts, to maintain Inner Peace, and to become a Living Expression of the Dance of Love.

The Energies for October

The Full Moon in Aries falls on October 4, and the New Moon in Libra, on October 18.

The 10:10 portal on October 10 will also provide a boost in the deployment and experience of the energies of the New Earth.

The sun passes from Libra to Scorpio on October 23, and the energy will then change to an internal focus of consciousness and inner light as we move towards the 11:11 portal in November.

We wish you Joy and Peace while Dancing with the Music of Divine Love in the month of October.

You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in and in.

Translation: Margarita López

© 200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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