Message from GAIA: A wave is near and will break everything in your path

  • 2018

Dear ones

I have a very strange dream about this message . It is recurring that, in my dreams, they transmit information about the Earth, about the events that are to come or in progress. I am not the only one to make this kind of dream, and I wonder about the petrifying information received.

I woke up with a strange feeling and a certain sadness. I was with my love in an unknown town and I felt the fear around me, people who moved and ran everywhere. We were there, hand in hand and we did not understand what is happening and where we are. We were propelled into a floating white capsule, a kind of construction cabin, that comes from nowhere.

Through small windows we look out everything that is happening there. We saw soldiers, an army of soldiers running and coming over us. We were surrounded by soldiers and what I hear scared me ... No one will leave, everyone will die and there is no way out. We were new among these people and we knew we could hide, bury ourselves for example, but nobody saw us, they didn't listen to us.

I saw my friend Jessica in the crowd, helping another person . Jessica is a medium, a person that I particularly love and who is simply a beautiful light on this earth, a guide, a love of soul. We continue our journey and strive to find a way out of that nightmare. After this dream and a personal exchange with Jessica, it turned out that she also dreamed of wars.

Follow Gaia's message ...

As a mother today, benevolence is up to date. I can't act like I don't see anything, I can't silence the words locked up, I'm overwhelmed. I hear so much vulgarity, it's a reality. I know that all who work for the good of humanity have this strength in them, but there is still a reality that cannot be hidden.

Within this stand propelled in time, Amalia witnessed, which will soon be a reality . Somewhere on Earth, assaults will occur, the stagnant population will be trapped. "Eliminate weeds", that is what is said, and there are nascent and existing structures to trim some places, some populations.

I don't want to scare you, but you know, there can be a massive destruction, a big wave, despite the spread of light. For years, this wave is in preparation and will immerse you with its powerful energy to reshape the human in its own way.

You are at the source of this realization, but for that, you must be aware that many will disappear ... The reality is this. Don't be ignorant, don't hide behind inappropriate or inappropriate words or behaviors. You are what you are, but it is time to end certain behaviors.

The wave is near and will break everything in your path, like a deafening noise that will hit humanity. Long minutes of silence, loss of consciousness, you will be immersed in a different dimension, the gardens will be rebuilt and the human will take his place differently, without anger and duality, perversity and malice. There is separation of worlds and for your good.

You have "chosen" to walk before the great dance of the Earth, of the universe, out of fear, cowardice and incapacity. You have been leaving the mothership for other distant experiences, because you could not adapt to the energy. The selection is difficult and many mass starts are coming. Do not hide, there is no more room for cunning, injustice, the high price is paid everywhere and everywhere.

Souls will be remembered to give way to renewal and light

My words are more acute than usual, but I can't do anything else. The water will be purified, the earth will be buried and renewed to fertilize, the wind to dispatch, to clean, the fire to shave, to burn, to annihilate the countries. The battles are already present, but they will grow in the near future, blood will flow and flood the landscape, but this change is also necessary.

I am Gaia and despite the sweetness and love I have for you, I have already expressed my disgust and anger at your abusive and childish behavior for some. Are you sick? Do you have physical pain? Do not be surprised

I pass you through your dreams the coming battles, the nascent wars, the meetings that turn into a nightmare, the crowds that crash, the earth that rises, you sweat at night, want Hu s run away, throw up, no longer exist because the harsh reality is that your world is going badly and that terrorists of all kinds, including your government, are happily taking what they have to take, left Leaving you without any hope of living decently. Anger has invaded you and madness has settled.

What you see in your movies is your reality. Take your nose off the screen and you'll see the same thing outside, everywhere. Red alerts are placed around the world so that your guides help you, so that the beings of nature try to make you find reason and listen, but for the most part, it's over

The game is over

The reality is that there is urgency, you are in a state of emergency and every human being has to wake up. The zombie mass still roams the roads, we say stop at that. No more lies, no duality, clean, harmonize, be aware, give love.

I had warned you about your future. It is true that there will be a change, but this will not come without harm- I love you, do not believe otherwise . As a mother, I also know how to correct you, improve your mental and physical health, but sometimes that is not enough.

Many children arrived on Earth, engendering joy and love within families. But his departure has caused so much anger, suffering, but understand that these souls have chosen to come to shake you, their goal is to allow you to question what is above you. I know it sounds ugly from a human point of view, your emotions are tested, but without that, you will continue to live with your nose in your diagrams and your packaging.

Heaven is there for you, but you must pass many tests to realize what you have . What is precious in your life, be aware and leave repetitive and useless regrets. Tired your physical body, it looks like a dried banana peel, a dried pear ... I have nothing more as an example (laughs ...)

Roll up your sleeves and examine what's in you as being responsible as you are. You are able to give your best . It's how crowds come together to create joy around a sport, for example. You find the souls of your children and magically your worries disappear. The game, the joy, the bright eyes.

You want to have this every day, because you have decided that your life is something you play every day, that joy is your life, that you are the king of your kingdom and that nothing and no one can come to break your dreams. Breathe and give birth on your own ...

Leaving this old body, allow yourself to live a new life and everything will be given to you ...

TRANSLATOR : Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE : Channeled by Amalia, soul healer

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