The Uncovering of Pandora's Box, The Curse and Blessing of the World, by Melba Altagracia Grullón Ubiñas

With the Fire of Knowledge, they had freed themselves from the chains of ignorance and now owned their Own Destiny.

The greatest reflection of the deterioration of moral values ​​and virtues, especially honesty and justice, is the social, political and economic phenomenon that we have called Corruption . This term is defined as perversion, any act tending to cause damage, to rot. An alteration oriented to deterioration or a vice about a particular material or immaterial thing.

This evil, which has plagued, eaten away and corroded the very basis of our societies and cultures, becoming a global epidemic, is intimately linked to all forms of injustices and immoralities . Now that we are evolving as more conscious beings, we realize that corruption is attentive to the democratic stability and development of the peoples and the nauseating episodes of which we are witnessing are awakening the outrage of public opinion . That is a great step forward.

We finally open our eyes to realize that our societies, supposedly very “civilized”, have been filled - or rather, we have filled it - with decomposition, deterioration, abuse, depravity, perversion, fraud, vice, bribery, extortion, evil, banality, demoralization, impurities, prostitution, robberies, crimes and murders, violence, drugs, social exclusion and fear, thus mutilating our possibilities of development and that is why it is time for us to join together to say BASTA! How far do we intend to go in such a world? Are we going to expect to be on the verge of collapse to do something profound about it?

Enough of keeping silent before all kinds of impunity ; of manipulations; of the use and abuse of power for the benefit of a few evildoers, wicked, unscrupulous individuals who misappropriate or divert resources, to the detriment of the majority; of those beings who use politics as a springboard for personal and economic development, illicitly enriching themselves with the money from the public treasury; to personal greeds that inevitably push us to social deformation.

Enough of the lack of humanistic values; of the lack of a social conscience ; the lack of education; legal ignorance ; non-punishment for offenders; the low self-esteem of people who cause them not to claim their rights ; distorted and negative paradigms that induce society to consumerism and materialism . Enough with this environment of incompetence or mediocrity of those who are not aware of the high value of the public service; of the illicit behaviors of people who have monopoly power; from disrespect to the Laws, influence peddling, buying and selling favors, inequality and lack of awareness of common interests.

Enough with the economic or legal control over the means of communication that prevent cases of corruption of the most "powerful" beings on the planet from being exposed to public light; Enough with low wages that do not allow people to have a decent life; Enough of the arrogance and the absolute powers that only bring with them absolute corruption.

The world is already at the top of acts of corruption and corrupt! From the lord of sound surname that deposits in his personal account the money collected in a Non-Governmental Organization, to the highly regarded lawyer who secretly and illegally transfers to his personal account abroad the money of his respectable firm to not pay taxes or so as not to pay the bonus that by law corresponds to its employees.

From the Church that is supposed to be an example of righteousness and virtuosity to lead their faithful to the “Kingdom of Heaven” and what they strive for is to collect alms that they then have to pay in multimillion-dollar compensation for sexual abuse committed by their representatives, even the false leaders who are capable of even committing genocide in their own nation, against their own people, so that this serves as an excuse to manufacture foreign enemies and to continue killing people and invading territories in the name of the fight against terrorism.

The world is tired of seeing how bribery and conscience buying are practiced; how large amounts of public funds are used to buy the political favor of voters; as the most bizarre electoral frauds are carried out in total disrespect to the will of the peoples and the partisan, private and personal interests are put before the collective interests, ignoring that one day that community will open its eyes, it will become aware and claim its rights . Now is that day!

This is the day we understand that corruption is fought with true Knowledge . Why with knowledge? As explained by the wise Socrates: “ Knowledge generates understanding, which leads to VIRTUE and the good life. Errors are made due to lack of information. If someone knows what is best, they will . No man is intentionally damaged. Consider the man who steals; He must believe that acquiring what he steals will bring him happiness. To find true happiness, one must find true virtue . ”

Legend has it that when Pandora hurried to close the box so that the gifts did not continue to escape, he realized that only something lay in the background. He treasured it as the only thing he had left; The last thing I could lose. It was the HOPE. There is still hope in the hearts of human beings. The hope that we rescue and prevail the moral values that have been lost along the way; the principles, the work, the ethics and the adherence to the fulfillment of the Laws. The hope that we, the entire population, will be the real instigators, that we accept our responsibility to provide a profound change, because it is all of us who have allowed corruption to exist and those who have to do something to stop existing.

May the Understanding be given to us. I am Melba.

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