The New Patterns of Ascended Earth Time, Archangel Michael through Keshavananda

  • 2012

Dear lightworkers of Gaia, Mother Earth,

We send again for its importance and topicality and to give the opportunity to read it to all those who did not do it before, the channeling of Archangel Michael, "2012 - The New Patterns of Ascended Earth Time"

After the powerful energies of high frequencies that have swept our beloved Earth so far from this fabulous and decisive 2012 and that reached their “maximum peak” on May 20 (new moon - annular eclipse of the Sun - conjunction with Alcyone, Pleiades), we believe that this channeling brings a broad understanding to the current process of awakening and ascension in which the Earth, humanity and all beings are embarked.

The enormous energies of consciousness that have entered the Earth so far this year have caused great turmoil. It is like when we put a liquid to boil, the more energy we give it, the more intensely it vibrates and the more intensely it also releases everything that was previously "trapped" in its molecules, in its structures. The same is what is happening individually and collectively to all humanity. It is a great elevation of energy and therefore a great liberation of schemes so far "reified" in the individual and collective human mind and consciousness.

This process, far from stopping, is going to increase throughout these months. In fact, although the "big tug" of the eclipse of May 20 seems now that something has relaxed, we are in the middle of the eclipse portal that will culminate in the full moon of June 4 with its total lunar eclipse. This eclipse of June 4 also links with the great summer / winter solstice (according to the earth hemisphere) on the 20th of the same month and with all the succession of astrological events that will take place in the rest of the year and will lead to the famous solstice of December 21, 2012. Among these astrological events there is one very important one that will have to pay a SPECIAL ATTENTION: the inversion of the lunar cycle that will take place in August with its TWO FULL MOONS in the same month and that will cause that inversion of the lunar cycle in subsequent months.

All this leads to a great increase in "conscientious tension" in all human beings. Something that is not bad, but quite the opposite: a great opportunity to definitively release all the patterns of the old energy, to surrender, to open the heart to complete surrender to the Spirit and thus allow, in those who are prepared for it, the descent, the "download" of the Christ being here on the material plane, what we have called so many times, the "second coming of Christ", the "download" of the Christ consciousness in each of us.

We put below a summary of the main cosmic events that await us until the end of the year.

We know the tendency so strongly rooted, in those of us with a very developed yogic consciousness of what is the Maya convent and the complete illusoriety of all the concepts of the mind, to despise all the cosmic and astrological events, as part of the game Illusory of the universe. And to all these we say affectionately: we already know that the Truth of Being transcends and is beyond all that cosmic and astrological game of the universe. But please, consider it from Compassion, as the symbols that really are. We live in a symbolic universe and just as there are symbols that surround us in our life of daily activities, there are symbols of higher planes that allow our mind to be located in a position closer to that Truth of Being. That is the true interpretation of all the symbols of 2012, eclipses, solstices and other astrological events. They are simply that: symbols, cairns on the road that leads us back home, part of a larger stage in which we must also be. THANK YOU for your understanding and for releasing all the blades of spiritual fundamentalism that remain in us.

A hug in the light of service to our Being and the Earth, Namaste. New Earth Ascension

Lunaciones and Astrological Events 2012

JUNE - Full moon day 4 and new on 19. Total lunar eclipse on the full moon on day 4. Day 20, summer solstice (winter in the southern hemisphere). Midpoint of breathing inflection of the year, which opens the great energy of summer here in the northern hemisphere.

After the June solstice, there are 7 more moonings in the year. THIS YEAR HAS 13 MOON CYCLES INSTEAD OF 12 !:

JULY Full moon day 3 and new on 19. Day 5 conjunction Sun and Sirius. Day 24 end Mayan, toned land. Day 25, day out of time in the Mayan calendar. Day 26 new year Mayan calendar.

AUGUST Full moon days 2 and 31 and new on 17. TWO FULL MOONS in the same month !! and investment of the Lunar cycle in the following months! Very powerful month of energy.

SEPTEMBER New moon day 16 and full 30. Day 22, autumn equinox (spring in southern hemisphere)

OCTOBER New moon day 15 and fill 29.

NOVEMBER New moon from day 13 and full on 28. Total eclipse of the Sun on new Moon on day 13 and total eclipse of the Moon on full moon from day 28. Important portal towards 12-12- 12 and the great solstice of December 21.

DECEMBER New moon day 13 and fill on 28. Portal 12-12-12: todo is complete and already . Day 21, winter solstice (summer in the northern hemisphere). END OF THE MAYAN CALENDAR: THE END OF TIME . END OF THE GREAT COSMIC CYCLE AND BEGINNING OF NEW ERA COSMIC LIGHT.

Complete information:

Beloved Lightworkers,

This message is not addressed to everyone, it is addressed to those light workers whose energy body and whose mind is prepared to understand. We have explained other times that deep down you are all light workers and that the only thing that really makes the difference between a light worker and another being, is that the light worker has reached a state of consciousness where You can recognize and admit your own light worker reality. Sooner or later all beings in the universe have to reach that point because the Light is the nature of the Universe itself as creation.

Meanwhile as we said this message is not for everyone. We ask you again to share these messages without fear with all those who can. There is no danger. If the message reaches someone whose mind and whose conscience are not prepared to admit and understand, they will simply erase this message or discard it as a product of a madman or a delusional mind. And that should not be a concern for you, right ... (laughs from Arc. Miguel).

You are in a very important year for the human race and for the Universe itself. It is not that the date of 2012 is really more important than another, but remember that you are the creators and together with that part of you that we are, the energies at the service of the Light of the ascended planes, we decided at the beginning of time a change that would take place in the entire universe, and that is how we create in their minds and in the global mind that date called 2012 and we endow it with a symbolism and an energy that would be able to influence not only the Earth and the human race, but to the Universe itself as a whole. Really 2012 is part of a plan, a Divine Plan that as a seat belt, was created in parallel with the creation of this universe of free will. And in this way, all the symbolism of cosmic events and cycles that now converge in this year 2012 was planned. We know that, accustomed to the linear mind, all this may seem very strange. But know that Creation has nothing to do with the linearity of that part of your minds that you usually use and that in the reality of the universe the past does not always precede and is the cause of the future. Reality is much more complex and magical than the limited human mind could have imagined and therein lies its great liberation. Reality is eternal, you as God's creation are eternal and really, from the Now, neither you nor anything in the universe is limited by time and its effects. That is the great news that frees you from the hell of karma, sin and the laws of cause and effect that you thought were real and unappealable. Everything can be changed in the Universe. Both the past and the future have never been conditioned and both can be changed when their minds are placed on that plane that is beyond duality and that we call Spirit, its true nature. So, dear lightworkers, relax and enjoy this game of Consciousness which is what everyone is looking at in the end around you. Do not worry about seeing around you a blind world of hundreds of thousands and millions of human beings trapped and determined to play the fixed rules of a reality that you believe is unique and that you already know perfectly that it is only past, an obsolete past and without felt in the energies of the new time already established on Earth. But remember that you are the creators and that you have been given a very powerful mind capable of creating anything, and also capable of enslaving yourself to anything you consider real.

Your role as light workers is to enjoy the game. And through that surrender to the enjoyment and bliss of the game many other minds will simply resonate with theirs and awaken. This is the plan. It's that easy. And its simplicity is that it does not depend on the world and its enormous complexity. It depends only on each one of you and the internal choice you are making at each moment. 2012 and the next years to come (nobody in the universe knows the exact number of years, so we cannot tell you) will form a great portal of resonance opportunity so that many of those sleeping minds begin to resonate at the same frequencies in those whose minds are already working.

Many of you who have studied the laws of physics in your colleges and universities know what we are talking about, because what we are talking about is not something esoteric and supernatural that exceeds the known laws. We simply talk about the laws of resonance and differential mathematics that, as you know, govern the atomic and electronic world and that really, like your modern physicists, have long since realized, they go far beyond those fields, entering the ins and outs of the quantum and matrix world that supports the manifestation of all reality.

After this great portal of resonance opportunity that we are talking about for the next years to come, one of the possibilities with the highest percentage of manifestation is that your world is divided, in the sense that the so-called “ascension” supposes a sufficient differentiation in the frequency scale of their minds so that the world contemplated by ascended minds ceases to be visible by those minds still functioning in the old frequencies, which would thus remain in a parallel reality of the old Earth separated from the frequency of the New Earth.

As you can see a whole surprising scenario whose outcome is unknown to us and to anyone in the universe. Enjoy it!.

So now we talk to you about what is expected of 2012 and the changes in the weather patterns that most of you are already noticing and many, many of you, fortunately, enjoying!

All profound changes in its reality are always based on solstices and equinoxes, as these are linked to the breath of Mother Earth and the symbolism of the Sun as a projection through the other suns of the Source Energy galaxy. The solstice of December 21, 2012 (preceded by the cosmic bridge of 12-12-12, whose symbolism is the energy of completion: “everything is ready now”) is one of the most important symbolic dates of recent times. Its energy extends and radiates back and forth in a very long portal of time, months and even years. This solstice of December 2012 could be considered as a “cosmic trigger” and its energy will be collected strongly and decisively by another of the most important dates: the March 2013 equinox, the “hinge” equinox in the manifestation and differentiation of the old and of the new world

We could really consider the date of the December 2012 solstice as a "reset" of the human mind. As with your computers when you press the reset button there is a reset of all processes and a release of the previous load that accumulated during the operation of the computer, the solstice of December 2012 will have a reset or “restart” effect of the collective human mental and as in computers after pressing said button all processes must be restarted and "repositioned" again, so in the collective human mental and individual minds will occur, with the effect of this cosmic trigger, which is the solstice of December 2012.

Keep in mind that the events of cosmic energies do not manifest themselves in their time scale in a linear fashion, but rather form manifestation portals that extend on different levels or timelines forward and backward. In this way, the effects we are talking about may be that many of you are already experiencing them as the date of the December 2012 solstice is approaching. And many of you will also experience them after that date in subsequent months and years, depending on the level of awakening and current evolution of your mind. Many of you, the most sensitive and awake to the new energies, will begin to experience this "reset" in different ways, events, events or events in your life that apparently might have no explanation and appear as "strangers" to your way of understanding . Just relax and be extremely careful in these times with the energies. Learn to notice and correctly interpret from the Light the symbolism of the things they go through. Stop being interested in the dark. Go to the Light in everything you feel and experience and do not allow under any circumstances that others take you with their mirrors to different places of the light that you choose from the love of your hearts . Know that the astral field of the Earth is now enormously active and accessible, so that the manifestation of events is increasingly immediate. Above all, those of you who are more aware will notice this immediacy between your thinking, your action and your manifestation, which at the same time will require you and will lead you to the increasing responsibility among your thoughts, actions and manifestations in all areas. Be very careful at this time with your spoken expressions, remember that the "verb" creates and you can check it more and more reliably.

Do not expect a drama from its famous date of December 21, 2012 . It will not be your end of the world. It is not going to be the terrifying apocalypse that so many of its predecessors dreamed and thought they saw. All these realities were part of different timelines that now thanks to the work of conscience of all light workers with the help of their guides and ascended beings from the planes near the Source, have been left out of manifestation.

Nothing will happen in the appearance of your world, although changes at the invisible level will be and are being portentous. Their world will seemingly continue to function as before, but the enormous changes will have occurred at the deep level of their minds and their energy bodies, which will lead them to a rapid and radical transformation of their reality. Of course it is and will be something that everyone can see. An increasingly different world governed by rules completely alien to its old world. And all this will surprise or disrupt them more or less to the extent that their conscience is prepared to live and inhabit these changes. Those of you whose conscience has approached in recent times the new ascended energy of the fifth dimension, will live these changes as a great celebration of joy, creativity, fulfillment and play. Those of you whose conscience is still tied to the linear and fixed patterns of the old energy will live an increasingly incomprehensible, chaotic and threatening reality. You, the conscious lightworkers, have to understand that many of the people around you and whose conscience and genetics have been left behind by the changes of the New Earth, cannot cope with and assimilate The new energies. All these people will choose from their dynamic planes to disembark to restart their experience in another reality according to their state of evolution that allows them to continue waking up at their own pace . Do not see it from loss or fear, for there really is no loss or separation in the Divine Plan of the soul. Detach yourself from the old emotions that bind employers above all in the family and understand that their true role is to help with their presence and their thought of light, to disincarnate those who have chosen that option. It is very important in the coming times that thanks to that help of the light workers, the beings that disembark from the Earth (and here we can include not only humans but also animals that give them surround) can go to the planes of Light and do not stay on the planet's astral. Your planet has been loaded for millennia with a gigantic astral population of all those souls who did not know or could properly discarnate and were thus trapped in the lower planes of the fourth dimension. It is very important in the present times that the collective astral of the planet be lightened as much as possible, which will greatly facilitate the experience and manifestation of the new energy on Earth.

Many of you in this new 5-dimensional energy will begin to experience the loss of meaning of the 24-hour day patterns, as well as the cycles of Night-time, sleep-wakefulness, and begin to be governed by wider cycles related to the major solar cycles and solar cycles. To many of you, your energy, in resonance with these new patterns of fifth-dimensional time, will in some cases take you out more or less sharply from the activities or rhythms that until now had considered normal and that formed the basis of their life experiences. It means that as your consciousness ascends, the cycles that you had previously considered normal will cease to be valid in you since your energy bodies will then be in relation to energy. more wide of the highest dimensions. See this from an enlarged view. Think that not all of nature, even the beings of what you call the animal world are not even governed by those cycles. Many of the animals on planet Earth are not exactly tied to the day-night cycles that seem to form the normal cycle in most humans.

Think that what you call ascended masters or beings of high dimensions of the universe, are not even governed by their solar cycles and in many cases even by their galactic cycles. It depends on the extent to which your consciousness is situated, your relationship with the cosmic cycles varies and this is something general for all beings in the Universe. You will therefore see in you change what you had previously considered normal and it will be of utmost importance for your balance that you begin to know how to interpret it correctly. Eradicate from your interpretations the tendency to give the meaning of "disorder" to everything that goes out of the normal known. This will confuse them. If you visit a doctor of the 3rd-4th dimension to try for example to tell you why you are sleeping no more than two hours a day, the results will be catastrophic for you, because this doctor will inevitably interpret things following your known schemes, the experience of your own "reality" that can not match yours, the reality in which you are really living now, diagnosing as a disorder what is natural for you and medicating or proposing medical solutions of the 3rd-4th dimension. When this occurs, the distortion and confusion of your energy body can become enormous and very complicated recovery, as you are mixing realities of different dimensions that deeply imbalance your energy field and your consciousness.

The transit through these profound changes that we call the gift of "Ascension" demands a definitive takeover of power in you. Stop radically applying the old victimized schemes rooted in your old consciousness that lead you to renounce your own power of vision and discernment, giving it to others. Realize that the widespread habit programmed in your collective consciousness in recent times to renounce your power for the sake of a "what's wrong with me doctor?" Has been, like others, a program carefully established in the collective mental of the humanity for those consciences that oppose evolution, to steal their power and fullness and continue to keep them slaves of their own victimhood and unconsciousness. Try to trust and overcome resistance to these changes, seeing them with the broadest and most rewarding vision of ascension. Really what you are receiving is a gift. A gift that will take them out of the schemes of fixed time and the slavery of death that have so far dominated the human experience on Earth. A gift that will take them and is taking them and placing them in a new magical world. A new world where everything is possible, where everything previously considered unattainable, miracles outside your life experience, will begin to be your daily reality.

Rejoice in being able to travel and experience this powerful path that now opens before you . Share it with all those around you in your lives and with all beings in the universe, whether they are far or near, visible or invisible. Be very aware of something important: the way to share this gift is silence. It is not wanting to convince or show others of something. All that moves in the mental plane of the self and that plane is something that you should definitely abandon. From the emptiness of silence, where the Spirit lives, his primordial Being, everything is possible, because there are no distances or time. The experience of the silence of emptiness is gratitude, it is bliss, it is a blessing of the world, the universe and everything that surrounds them. It is from that blessing that you can transmit to others this happy new state that we call the Ascended Earth of the fifth dimension.

In the old Earth there will continue to be wars because they have no doubt that there are now consciences of the old energy planning a war of mass destruction and how they could survive and remain untouched by such a catastrophe. In fact, the effect of polarization between light and darkness, between love and fear, is a relative and inevitable effect as vibration rises on the planet. But also know that this effect is a temporary effect while you travel on horseback from the old and the new world. And that is the taking of their power, with the decision of the world that they want to "see" and dream about, which will take them to a very different place where that duality no longer exists. The effect of duality, of what you call light and darkness, exists only in the lower planes separated from the Heart of God. From those planes, the mind creates opposite realities separated from the Will of the Spirit. Once the mind has surrendered and surrendered to the energy of the Spirit, to the energy of the Being, or what many of you rightly call Christ Energy, the world of duality ceases to be a reality. The "separation of the grain from the straw", as his ancient writings announced, is an inevitable effect of awakening.

Through awakening, choice becomes inevitable on the path of consciousness. Every being comes at a time that he has to choose and that is the meaning of those ancient words. No one will decide for you. Only you are and will be responsible for where you are located . Know also that in this game of consciousness there are no losses and beyond time and the experience of reality, you continue to exist on a plane of continuous and eternal bliss. But also know that the time of the demonstration game has arrived and that this game is something that you also have to take giving your best. Really what we are talking about, as your teachers have already spoken in the past, is from the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. From the Union of Heaven and Earth. And that is the wonderful game that opens now in front of all of you. Play it and enjoy it, because enjoyment is part of the play, and is the symbol of Light and Consciousness.

Do not worry about anything you see and see that reality is not unique. They must become increasingly accustomed to the concept of "multidimensionality . " There is no single reality separate from you. There are many realities, multiple and innumerable parallel realities on the same game board, on the same "court" of the game, as one of his famous films channeled to raise collective consciousness. However, the reality that your eyes contemplate in each moment depends on what you choose to contemplate.

We leave you now with all this information and wish you a happy and wonderful 2012 manifestation of the New Ascended Earth.

I am Archangel Michael, the bearer of the blue fire ray of protection and truth, and I greet and embrace you from the heart of God.

Archangel Michael through Keshavananda (Jesús Gómez).

February 23, 2012

Keshavananda (Jesús Gómez)

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