Changing the look on your disease

  • 2015

Your illness has a lot of important information for you. If you are about to declassify that information, you will learn something very important for you and will heal. The disease then becomes an opportunity to get closer to your perfection and get closer to the joy of living.

When a disease reaches us, we commonly feel very vulnerable to it, especially when that disease is rapidly evolving and in danger of getting worse without having enough time to cover it. However, any type of illness can be reversed if the message that comes with it is answered.

A disease manifests itself when we have a conflict, which we have not been able to resolve, with the level of consciousness we have at that time. That is, when we do not believe ourselves capable of overcoming a certain situation that complicates our lives. For example, when we don't feel safe, we generate stress that can create anger as a defense measure, which can ultimately create liver disease.

If the level of consciousness rises, the solution to that conflict could be found and the disease would be withdrawn. But how can we raise that level of consciousness? Understanding that we are perfect and magnificent beings and that all inconvenience is only an opportunity to grow and be better every day, recovering the embedment and feeling more aligned to love.

A conflict is created by a lack of understanding of the situation that arises and unable to find the truth about it, the physical body manifests the consequence of that stress that we notice through the symptoms of the disease. This process is created unconsciously. If we realized, we would only have the problem and not the disease. The disease is a biological solution that aims to bring to light a conflict that is invisible to our eyes. If it were visible, only the problem would be.

The need to find a solution to the disease in doctors and medicines is still deeply rooted. These can help, but true healing comes when we approach the disease correctly by asking what we can learn through it.

In society it is unusual to see the disease as an opportunity to be happier. A profound change of what a disease means is necessary and to realize that it is what must improve in us to get closer to our perfection. When we understand that we are always safe, we live freely and confidently and do not get sick.

The body is only affected when the other bodies are in imbalance, emotions, beliefs and ideas. Disease occurs when something is not being observed with the eyes of spiritual understanding, when there is a departure in ideas, beliefs and emotions from who we are.

A being with mature spiritual intelligence, does not require sickness, does not have unconscious conflicts, because it is clear and in the certainty that everything is always fine. Whatever happens, you know that everything is fine and that you are safe.

The disease becomes a means that can guide us to reach this spiritual maturity and its message is very clear. It always affects the organs that are involved with our inner imbalance.

The human being has the ability to listen to the message of his illness and get ready to work on it. For everyone who is on this road a disease is a valuable guide that helps you understand where you are on the road. Does not fear.

Not fearing the disease is a good symptom. The mere fact of fearing it is a great impediment to advance because all the energies turn to her rejection and are despised instead of being used for her understanding.

Changing the look on your disease is the door that can take you to a level where you will no longer need to get sick again to follow your evolution. At higher levels of consciousness we do not need to get sick to grow, we can do it consciously and without the need for suffering or physical pain.

Your body offers a biological solution to your internal conflict when you do not even realize that you have a conflict to resolve. When the disease occurs, you have no doubt, you have been presented with the perfect evidence that shows you that there is something to work within.

Sometimes life presents you with difficult situations to overcome for you, in the areas of health, economic and / or relationships. You know that these situations are created by you, but to date you have not been able to understand how you are creating them, you cannot find a way out and you would like someone to explain how to get out of there.


Changing the look on your disease

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