PSYCHOTRONICS: classes 13, 14 and 15


The place we inhabit is a photograph of our personality. Indeed, our energies adhere to personal objects and even more to the places where we live.

Surely it ever happened to you, that when you entered a place you felt a decompensation, a tingling or a stitch in the stomach. Probably a strange sensation seized you, the perception of a negative energy.

On the contrary, when places are positive, people tend to visit them frequently.

As in the most remote antiquity, today, this theme is of great interest for the importance it contains. Psychotronics investigate the energy relations between human beings and the environment they inhabit and, these issues are the subject of numerous debates at international conferences.

Going even further, psychotronics has proven, through the use of an extremely sensitive apparatus, that the energy impregnation of an object is proportional to the amount of affection that the person deposits on it.

Over time, the walls, objects and other elements can not be impregnated with the energy of the people who inhabit the place.

Hence the widespread custom of "cleaning" the house. This cleaning refers to "evicting" the site of negative energies.

However, not everything ends here. Adding to the energies of the place there are others that come from the earth, from the sky and from other energy sources.

The Chinese, many centuries ago, energetically measured the places where they were going to build their homes. This task recommended to a geomant, a specialist in dowsing, was highly valued and specialized for years to the meter to avoid mistakes.

Together with other peoples, the Chinese knew that the earth emanates a complex radiation constituted by telluric and electromagnetic energies of the planet and also other energies that it refracts and that it receives from the cosmos.

Emperor Yú, two thousand years before Christ discovered that when these lines of force are arranged forming a network they cross, they produce an imbalance in the place. The lines were called dragon veins and the crosses "dragon's breath out".

These disturbing magnetic crosses expand up to two thousand meters high and their radiation can cause various diseases.

The whole earth is furrowed by lines of force. It is possible that many people sleep in the crossing area and this can seriously harm them. Hence the importance of learning to use dowsing to measure these energies.

Due to its discoverer this energy network is called "Hartman".

I will explain the best known causes that explain the negativity of a home's environment:

1.- ENERGY OF THE FORMS : Every form generates and directs cosmotronic, telluric and psychotronic energies. The regular forms: arch, vault, ogive, pyramid, sphere, cone, dome and others generate positive energies themselves and are available forms to be charged with psychotronic energy.

The provision of these forms in housing contributes to generating well-being. On the contrary, irregular shapes produce the opposite.

Empty cups if they are face up, hats up, scissors with pointed ends, empty vases and other elements are carriers of negative energies.

As we can see, most of our illnesses can come from our home. It is important to place positive forms in our house to achieve a good harmonization.

The ancients, great connoisseurs of form energies, built cathedrals and monasteries with dome-shaped roofs, arch and ogive.

By energetically measuring the lavish cathedrals of the Russian Orthodox Church in that country, the powerful energy emanating from its onion-shaped domes could be verified.

Needless to say, the great pyramids of Egypt were built for specific energy purposes.

2.- SATURATION OF ELECTRICITY: Another reason to consider is the saturation of electricity that is produced by the cables that go through the power grid and that when passing near your bed produce an excess of nervousness and restlessness.

3.- GEOLOGICAL FAILURES, AND BASEMENTS : Geological faults are geological folds that generate superficial or deep cracks, these cracks produce an upward wave that produces great nervousness

Basements, in general, generate a similar effect. The basement emits a cold energy that expands upward generating negativity.

On one occasion a geomant was summoned to a field establishment. By spending moments of great uncertainty, strange noises and seeing their field turned into a true desert, they decided to make a measurement of the place.

Together with a team of experts, there was an extremely cold and negative energy that expanded several kilometers from the site. The dry trees and the nervous states of the locals drew powerful attention.

After several days of measurements the field could be balanced One of the main reasons for decompensation was a cistern, almost empty that was practically in the dining room of the house.

The accumulation of magnetism by minerals, bones and bodies buried at the time of the fight against the Indian, completed the picture.

The gratitude of the locals was great to see that through psychotronics everything changed. Now the site is prosperous and the inhabitants enjoy happiness.

4.- THE VEINS OF THE EARTH : When Ernest Hartman discovered the network that bears his name, many disorders were explained that apparently were not due to spells, evil eye or bewitches.

This network is formed by parallel lines that are located in the north-south, east-west direction and that when crossing form risk areas. The crossing points cause from muscle aches to major problems.

This crossing point may be radiating from a whirlwind to the head of the person sleeping in that place. If one travels over the points there is no problem, however, when remaining hours on the radiation it begins to affect.

Simply change the place or move the bed so that the crossing point stops working.

Experiences carried out in Russia and other countries have shown that when measuring the electrical resistance of the skin of a person passing through the crossing points, it is substantially modified. By staying on a point, the modification is much greater.

The thickness of these lines is approx. 23 cm wide, and between parallel and parallel there are two to two and a half meters.

When there are seismic movements, these lines expand remarkably. During one of the last eclipses of the sun, its thickness reached 80 cm and it could be measured in a seismic movement that occurred in Mendoza, which exceeded 130 cm.

There is also another diagonal radiation network, also called Curry's network, according to its discoverer Dr. M. Curry. It is somehow related to the global network, but it is more spaced and of different characteristics.

5.- STATUES AND FORMS AVAILABLE : Many times we decorate the house with statues, sometimes given away or bought. Many statues are available forms that are loaded and emitted according to the energies of the place.

The same goes for the images of the Saints. They are loaded and issued according to the request made by the faithful. That is why a each saint a candle . It is important to measure the statues found in the house.

We should also think that many gifts received are impregnated with the energy from which I gave them. The use of the pendulum will help you remarkably to know these energies.

6.- ENERGETIC CONTAGIO : If one of the inhabitants of the house is negative, it is very possible that it contaminates the rest. The curse acts as a program that is often taken by the family and this begins to act negatively.

7.- COLD ENERGY OF THE BEYOND : The psychotropic has shown that there is life in there, but after seeing so many natural causes we must reflect and not assign all the negativities to the supernatural as it has tended to do for so long.

Anyway, the energies that the dead left in life remain attached to objects for a long time. These are called cold energies and it is not advisable to store items that the deceased used at the time of illness or agony.

It is not advisable to keep tapes used during the wake at home. Nor should we be scared because the negative waves act when the defenses are very low or in cases of great depression.

8.- PSYCHOTRONIC IMPREGNATION OF THE WALLS : The walls of the houses are often easily impregnated with negative psychotronic energy. It adheres easily, including to wall paper or floor mats.

The longer the emission time, the greater the impregnation. When the house is very old, that impregnation begins to be part of the same structure of the house, its cleaning being quite difficult.

9.- IONIZED AIR : Air ionized by fluorescent tubes, thunderstorms and other climatic causes, is another factor that contributes to generate “bad wave” in a place.

White fluorescent tubes ionize the air in a positive way. The so-called positive ionization is negative for the human being. The same happens when there are storms, then the rain "sweeps" the negativity.

To eliminate this factor, an aeroionizer can be used and the fluorescent tubes replaced by conventional yellow lamps.

10.- HOUSING COLORS : The colors emit radiations and these are also captured by the inhabitants of a house. Gray or brown colors on the walls should be changed to white or pink colors.

Blue colors can cause too much inactivity. Somewhere in the house you should always have something red, taking into account that this should not be the color that predominates in the house.

It is advisable to paint the house white.


Possibly you are sleeping on a Hartman wave crossing or receiving some type of negative wave from your home.

If this happens you will feel various disorders that are possibly due to the negativity of your home. However, it will not always be that way. It is necessary that before thinking about this, you exhaust the medical responses to what happens to you, consulting a good professional.

Otherwise, look at the following list to see if you recognize some of the symptoms the researchers observed:

1. Chest tightness

2. Unmotivated chills

3. Persistent anguish

4. Fears

5. Discussions without reason in a specific part of the house

6. Bad thoughts that persist and are accentuated during the night

7. Tendency to shout

8. Dizziness

9. Localized pains

10. Intermittent ear ringing

11. Insomnia

12. Heaviness upon waking

13. Nervousness

14. Bone pains

15. Bad mood

16. Children who wet the bed

See also how the walls of your house are. In general if there are cracks, moisture and mold it is because there are negative hard waves that can affect you.


A good system of protection from negative subsoil waves is a black lambskin. The skin should be placed under the bed and will neutralize the loads that reach there.

Another possibility is to place under the mattress, a natural blue silk cloth or a copper blanket.


The cases investigated are very numerous. The researcher Mariano Bueno in his book "Living in a healthy home" describes different cases observed and analyzed, where the influence of the crossings of Hartman lines and groundwater veins in different people is clearly noted.

In case "A", a two-year-old girl was described who was in excellent health until the family moved from home. In the new home the girl began to feel respiratory problems. In a short time he was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and a growing allergy. The mother suffered from severe headaches and throat problems, however the child who lived in the next room was in perfect health.

In the house there was a vein of groundwater and Hartman wave crossings.

In the engraving the crossing can be observed in the head of the girl and in the throat of the mother as well as the location of a clock radio that emitted a negative wave. As we see, for a Hartman crossing to affect you have to stay a long time on it.

In case "B" he illustrates us about a thirteen-year-old boy who presents a problem of school delay. You can see a vein of groundwater, a cross of Hartman lines and the study table also affected by negative radiation.

Case "C" refers to the author of the book who, at 20 years old, slept on a vein of groundwater and a crossover of Hartman waves that emitted in the middle of his chest. In a year, Bueno began to suffer respiratory problems that triggered a pulmonary bronchitis.

80 kilos went to fifty-five beginning to feel a great weakness. Soon a strong anemia was diagnosed. After several medical treatments he decided by medical advice to change rooms. Today is perfectly restored.


Without a doubt, not all people living in a negative home will be contaminated.

Like a virus, the evil waves will attack the one without defenses. A disharmonized, depressed, anguished person could be the victim of negativity.

On the contrary, by performing the indications given in this course, you can counteract the harmful waves.

With respect to the Hartman wave telluric crosses, they only affect those who are energetically weakened and sleep for a long time in the danger zone.




In principle you should measure the house to detect negativity. This can be done through dowsing, using the pendulum or rods.

To clean the house of harmful energies you must predispose yourself very well. First of all it is necessary to perform the recommended holotonic exercises. Only being energized and balanced can you carry out the operation. Then you should get the following items:

MATERIALS: Branches of quince trees. Twelve white carnations. A bronze bell. A prepared defumador containing rosemary, frankincense, myrrh, male rue, alhucema, camphor and dragon's blood (if the preparation is not available you can opt for a similar one) and designed influencing and harmonizing influences.

In principle you should soften the negative energies contained in the walls, furniture, clothes and any object or element that you find in the house.

To do this place a container with water and two handfuls of coarse salt in each environment. Take three sticks of quince and start hitting the walls, furniture, objects and everything you have in the house.

Then take the bell and make it ring in all environments asking with faith that the operation is carried out successfully. The sound of the bell will contribute to a positive vibration that will neutralize the energies that might have been floating in place. Containers with water will absorb negative energies.

Turn on the smokehouse now and put it through the whole house starting from the last room and ending at the entrance door. Open the door and invita to all negative energies to withdraw. While we are dealing with natural energies, this mental conditioning will help to expel them outward and dilute them in the air.

Now hit the walls, furniture and objects in general with the carnations until they are broken.

Throw the water in the bathroom and make a package with the rest by throwing it in the trash.

Now place the balancing and harmonizing designs according to the explanation corresponding to each one.

Concentrate and emit from your third eye balancing and harmonizing white energy to the whole house.


Ants usually live on the ground. However, ants often appear on high floors of a building. In this case, the row of ants should be observed as these will follow the path of a harmful wave.

The dog is usually also a harmful wave detector. If you notice that he does not want to sleep in one place and systematically escapes from there, it is because he has felt the negative frequency.

On the contrary, the cat lies down in places where there are harmful waves and neutralizes them with its body.

Cockroaches, when they appear regularly, are also indicating some kind of energy disturbance.

Plants are usually important detectors. If they wilt easily or in a certain place in the house they do not prosper, it must be thought that there can be negativity there.

Rats escape from places where there are negative waves. If you have rats in your house, you will surely be safe from these radiations.

* * * * *


In order to build psychotronic machines, pyramids, teleinfluent designs and mobilize psychotronic energy, it is essential to know the radiation radiation.

All living beings and even inanimate objects are subjected daily to these radiations, which are the result of the interactions of cosmic and telluric energies. He who knows and uses holotronic radiation correctly, acquires a special power and learns to know the energy relations of the universe. These radiations vary in power, intensity, luminosity and energy power. By subjecting a pyramid, a talisman or other element to holotronic radiation, we endow it with the characteristics of each vibration.

From the moment the first sunbeam appears and until the exact time when the star Febo hides on the horizon, there are five types of specific holotronic radiations, which the Hindus, with good judgment, classified and named with different names . In the Hindu terminology these radiations are called "Tatwas" and are as follows: AKASH, VAYU, TEJAS, PRITHVI and APAS.

The Tatwas or holotronic radiation are happening with each other every twenty-four minutes after sunrise. With a calculator you can quickly obtain this sequence. Finding out the sunrise schedule you will know that the initial 24 minutes to this sunrise correspond to AKASH, the 24 after VAYU, the next 24 to TEJAS, the following to PRITHVI and the last to APAS.

If you add the five 24 minutes referred to, you will notice that when the five Tatwas happened, two hours have passed. At this time the series is repeated until the sun goes down.

With this calculation you will know what type of energy to use to build your psychotronic elements.


AKASH : It is the first manifestation of energy and as such should not be used because it lacks positive power. When Akash vibrates, no element should be built.

Research has shown that the 24 minutes corresponding to Akash are negative and are related to states of nervousness, depression, anxiety and loneliness. During this vibration the human being is prone to slander, lies, premeditated deception and hesitation.

It is not advisable to start any activity in Akash or start any emotional bond. In this vibration the color black or gray premium.

VAYU : This vibration that appears 24 minutes after Akash is favorable for air travel and helps any venture related to the possibility of moving forward. It is a fast energy that mobilizes and pushes.

In the psychic it can produce a certain sadness and when Vayú vibrates people are inclined towards murmuring and defamation.

It is not advisable to make purchases, take employees, ask for phone calls, acquire new relationships and join in marriage.

Everything that is done in this vibration must be fast and short-lived. While it is advisable to take walks is not traveling by plane.

The main color of this energy is greenish blue.

TEXAS : When Texas vibrates it is time to send energy. We must bear in mind that many times an excess of energy can cause nervousness or aggressiveness and use this tatwa with great caution.

This energy can be used to energize the psychotronic elements, perform a remote energy shipment or do another type of task that requires positive energy accumulation.

The best time to use Texas is in the middle of the 24 minutes that this Tatwa lasts.

It is not advisable to make a marriage because if this is done during this vibration will appear soon fights and major discussions. During Texas there are usually railway accidents, febrile illnesses, fires and explosions.

The color that prevails when this energy beam vibrates is red.

PRITHVI : During this vibration the human being feels calm serene and with great well-being. Prithvi is a vibration that gives joy, favors everything that is undertaken and especially the beginning of new things. It is ideal to start building a psychotronic element, start a friendship, make a marriage, sign a contract or start a sports activity.

Children born under this vibration are usually of a very good character and are in good health.

Prithvi is also the Tatwa of happiness and love.

Its color is yellow.

APAS : This Tatwa counteracts the negative effects of Texas. In case of febrile illnesses it is advisable to perform the cure in Apas. The fires decrease in Apas and the great rains that begin in Apas last a long time.

It greatly favors travelers for water. It is positive to start business and because of its close relationship with the moon it is important to combine it with crescent moon or new moon.

Apas is recommended to start shopping, study or perform artistic activities. This energy is favorable for sexual intercourse and couple love.

Everything related to water will be improved in this vibration.

In Apas time it is advisable to look at the sea, breathe pure air and direct it to our body to purify ourselves of intoxications.

The color of Apas is white.



For the alchemists, metals were living substances that possessed a special energy in themselves, which was transformed through various manipulations.

Metals are often used for various purposes, one of them is the construction of talismans and teleinfluent designs.

Although many times a correspondence or a metal simile should be used according to the construction of the talisman in question, it is important that the psychotronic researcher knows the energy properties of the main metals of mother earth.

GOLD : It is the most noble metal and that has most attracted human beings. Its radiation is magnetic And its vibration, by the law of similarity, attracts an equal vibration. That is why it is said that gold attracts money. The more gold a person has, the more gold he can get.

Gold is easily distinguished from other metals and is one of the longest lasting because it does not deteriorate or degenerate.

Since ancient times, the human being has built talismans and gold jewels and from the construction of crowns of the kings to the lavish ornaments of cathedrals and monasteries, gold has always been the most coveted metal.

It is said that Howard Carter, upon encountering the golden mask of Tutank Amun, felt that a glowing light blinded his eyes.

Gold is related to the sun, therefore solar talismans must be made of gold or a golden material.

The energy of gold is one of the most advisable. It is the metal that gives the most energy to the person who carries it. It has an amazing force that continuously absorbs the sun's rays, even when it is far from the sun.

Its healing properties have been known since ancient times.

SILVER : It is the metal corresponding to the moon. Lunar talismans must be made of silver or an element of that color. It is said that gold is yang energy and the moon is vin, so it is always convenient if gold is used to carry some silver as a complement.

Silver carries in itself the power of the moon and its energy helps mental processes, extrasensory development and digestive system. That is why since ancient times silverware is used to serve a good table.

Due to its characteristics, it is a good conductor of energy and is easily loaded with psychotronic energy. Silver talismans are excellent for protecting vials.

IRON : Most of the iron on earth is hierometioritic that has fallen from space for thousands of years. Therefore, iron is intimately connected to the cosmos.

This metal is closely related to the planet Mars, warriors, blacksmiths and alchemists. Iron and steel are the toughest and toughest metals with which swords, knives and other combat elements are built.

The human body also contains amounts of iron. Hemoglobin is impregnated with the energy of Mars. Iron gives us energy, action, desire to live, joy and will.

Iron is linked to masculinity, courage and progress.

MERCURY : This metal is originally from Europe and belongs to the planet Mercury. It symbolizes speed, communication and distribution. A few drops of mercury roll quickly and are subdivided into others giving rise to a true generation.

Mercury helps energies circulate and interact with each other. Enpsicotronic is widely used for the construction of talismans.

Because of its heavy nature, mercury is also used to drag or push negative energies.

It influences the nervous system and language. The alchemists attributed the flame of passion.

This metal favors public speaking, communication and verbal spontaneity.

The purity of this metal makes children achieve a better sleep.

TIN : It is the metal corresponding to the planet Jupiter. Shiny and silvery white is extracted from the earth's crust.

Jupiter's vibrations are quickly reflected in tin and give it life force. The energy force of tin flooded with the energy of Jupiter gives growth, progress and happiness in abundance.

Tin is the metal of musicians since the sound quality of various instruments are influenced by this metal, especially if it has been impregnated with Jupiter's radiation. Bells, saucers, flutes and other instruments combine elements with tin to achieve greater sound perfection.

When used as solder paste, the tin suggests continuity properties. It favors the projection in the time of a couple, contributes to unite what had dissolved and generates situations of abundance.

COPPER : It is the metal of the planet Venus and its energy properties have always been used.

A talisman of Venus made of copper favors emotional, cultural relationships, good manners, art and love in general.

It plays an important role in the human body and is used in medicine to cure various ailments.

Formerly the so-called sympathetic powder was used. It was a preparation made with copper oxide and sulfur with which they tried to cure spells and bewitches.

Copper irradiated with the planet Venus has diverse properties that can be used positively. It intervenes in the union of couples, artistic expressions in general and as it is a highly conductive metal, its use in talismans is very effective, since it conducts psychotonic energy.

It is also used as a balancing element of telluric energy and is frequently applied to construct pyramids and influential designs.

LEAD : The metal corresponding to the planet Saturn is lead.

It is an extremely dense and heavy metal. However, it is smooth and quickly absorbs planetary radiation. It was widely used in Egypt and other civilizations. In the hanging gardens of Babylon, the Assyrians used lead ornaments and the Chinese minted different coins in this metal.

In Holland it is customary to melt lead on New Year's Eve in the heat of a candle and consecrate it to the planet Saturn so that everything negative is carried away. When the lead is melted, it is poured into a vessel and the ancient art of divination is carried out by means of this metal. When it solidifies, it produces forms that suggest what will happen.

Lead irradiated with Saturn's energy can be used to build very effective talismans. Its force opens roads, pushes what is still, favors self-control and divination. It also favors the thinking of the right hemisphere. This metal drags negative ideas and helps a better process of inner growth.


Siempre se ha dicho que Onasis tomaba diariamente un ba o de oro y que muchas de las personas que amasaron gran fortuna conocieron sus beneficios.

Puedes experimentar personalmente los efectos de tan importante elixir y conocer su preparaci n, siempre y cuando desees obtener una fortuna con buenos prop sitos. El proceso es el siguiente:

En principio, un d a domingo a las ocho de la ma ana, debe comenzarse la preparaci n de un ba o compuesto por las siguientes hierbas: p talos de rosa, romero y laurel.

Una vez macerados los elementos agregar agua de lluvia y dejar asentar todo en una olla de barro. Exponer el preparado el pr ximo domingo a las ocho de la ma ana, dej ndolo dos horas expuesto al sol. Luego agregar una cucharadita de miel y cinco gramos de limadura de oro.

Guardar el macerado en un lugar fr ov exponerlo al sol el tercer domingo durante dos horas.

Ba arse con un jab n amarillo, pasando el preparado por el cuerpo, repitiendo la siguiente oraci n:

Soy oro, brillar como el oro, ser este oro. El oro puro es mi aura, mi energ ay mi felicidad. Como el oro brillar, como el oro me ver, como el oro atraer .

Una vez realizado el ba o repetir la oraci n setenta veces por d a.

Con este procedimiento el bioplasma se impregna de la vibraci n del poderoso metal. Es aconsejable realizarse el ba o antes de una entrevista de negocios u otro acontecimiento relacionado con la adquisici n de dinero.

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