The twelve aspects of our Deity associated with the New Earth, by Patricia Cota-Robles

  • 2018

As part of the next phase of the Ascension, we share the activation channeled by Patricia Cota-Robles on "The twelve aspects of our Deity associated with the New Earth." It is suggested to make this statement - at least - once a week.

The twelve aspects of Deity associated with the New Earth

“I AM my presence I AM and I am One with the I AM presence of every person on Earth. On this sacred and secret day, as a unified consciousness we collectively prepare ourselves to receive the divine blessing of our Father / Mother God on the twelve solar aspects of Deity at frequencies that go beyond what we have ever experienced. Please focus on the flame of your heart and follow this visualization:

“I accept and acknowledge that the twelve aspects of Deity that come from the true heart of my Father / Mother God will flow into the new, recalibrated and balanced Solar Trine Flame that is now pulsing in the physical I AM presence of each man, woman and child; while this exquisite light flows over each flame of the heart and bathes the physical, etheric, mental and emotional body of each person on Mother Earth. The Fifth Dimensional elemental of each of us now assimilates this light in the body of the purity of each atom and subatomic particle of this wave of light on the planet. The collective body of light that reflects these twelve aspects of the Deity that comes to us from the Father / Mother God is known throughout the creation as "The Sacred Circle of the Twelve." Through a divine breath our Father / Mother God now exhales the highest frequencies of the Sacred Circle of the Twelve that humanity is able to assimilate in the flame of each person's heart.

Sunlight bathes our bodies

Now we will experience each of the twelve aspects of the Deity while bathing our earthly bodies:

The first solar aspect of the Deity is Sapphire Blue . The divine qualities associated with this first solar aspect of Deity are: the Will of God, enlightened Faith, Power, Protection and the first cause of God's perfection. This first ray reflects the masculine polarity of our Father God. Feel the frequency of this blue sapphire light while bathing your earthly bodies.

The second solar aspect of the Deity is Sun Yellow . The divine qualities associated with this second solar aspect of the Deity are: Illumination, Wisdom and Constancy. This is the ray of light that reflects the Christ Consciousness of the sons and daughters of God. Feel the frequency of this Sun Yellow light while bathing your earthly bodies.

The third solar aspect of the Deity is Crystal Pink . The divine qualities associated with this third solar aspect of Deity are: Transfiguration of Divine Love, Unity, Reverence for all forms of life and Tolerance. This is the ray of light that reflects the feminine polarity of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit. Feel the frequency of this Pink Crystal Light while bathing your earthly bodies.

The fourth solar aspect of the deity is White . The divine qualities associated with this fourth solar aspect of the Deity are: Purity, Hope, Restoration, Resurrection, Ascension and the Immaculate Concept. Feel the frequency of this White light while bathing your earthly bodies.

The fifth solar aspect of the Deity is Emerald Green . The divine qualities associated with this fifth solar aspect of the Deity are: Illuminated Truth, Healing, Achievement, Concentration and Inner Vision. Feel the frequency of this Emerald Green light while bathing your earthly bodies.

The sixth solar aspect of the Deity is Ruby Gold . The divine qualities associated with this sixth solar aspect of the Deity are: Divine Grace, Healing, Devotional Worship, Peace and the Manifestation of Christ. Feel the frequency of this light Ruby Gold while bathing your earthly bodies.

The seventh solar aspect of the Deity is Violet . The divine qualities associated with this seventh solar aspect of Deity are: Piety, Compassion, Forgiveness, Transmutation, Freedom, Justice, Victory and the Infinite Perfection of God. This is the ray of light that reflects the perfect balance of the male and female polarities of our Father / Mother God. The Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God is the predominant light that will be bathing the Earth during the Age of Aquarius that we have just entered. Feel the frequency of this Violet light while bathing your earthly bodies.

The eighth solar aspect of the Deity is Aquamarine . The divine qualities associated with this eighth solar aspect of the Deity are: Clarity, Divine Perception, Understanding and Discernment. Feel the frequency of this Aquamarine light (greenish blue) while bathing their earthly bodies.

The ninth solar aspect of the Deity is Magenta . The divine qualities associated with this ninth solar aspect of the Deity are: Harmony, Balance, Security and the Confidence of God. Feel the frequency of this Msgenta light while bathing your earthly bodies.

The tenth solar aspect of the Deity is Gold . The divine qualities associated with this tenth solar aspect of the Deity are: Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance and the Supply of all the good things of God. Feel the frequency of this golden light while bathing your earthly bodies.

The eleventh solar aspect of the Deity is Peach (peach / peach). The divine qualities associated with this eleventh solar aspect of the Deity are: Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm and Joy. Feel the frequency of this Peach light (between pink and orange) while bathing your earthly bodies.

The twelfth solar aspect of the Deity is Opal . The divine qualities associated with this twelfth solar aspect of the Deity are: Transformation and Transfiguration. Feel the frequency of this opaline light while bathing your earthly bodies.

Beloved Father / Mother God, I thank you for the clarity and assistance you are giving to Humanity right now. We accept and know that through the I AM Presence of each person these new frequencies of the twelve aspects of Deity are ensured in the heart and purity of each atom and particle. Subathemic of this wave of light on Earth. We also accept and know that the influence of this splendid light accelerates the Ascension and the evolutionary spiral for the total incarnation every hour. of the New Age. And so it is, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.

Great assistance to Humanity

Precious souls, the beings of light tell us that the assistance that we are now giving to Humanity and the Earth, through our willingness to be the open door for these activities of light that are giving us our Father / Mother God and the Company of Heaven during these weekly meditations, are truly beyond the comprehension of our finite mind. For that, they are eternally grateful to us. Let us keep our thoughts on the colors associated with these aspects of the Deity so that the light expands through our twelve interdimensional chakras.


Patricia Cota-Robles.

(Translation: The Light Journalist)

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