the Numerology

  • 2015
What is Tantric Numerology?

Tantric numerology is a science that has existed for thousands of years, in fact the Hebrews before Jesus were already experts. The result is that tantric numerology allows deep knowledge about each person, it is a tool for anyone who wants to know their real “I”, in addition to getting to understand and see how it relates to everyone around them. A person who knows and understands is a strong person capable of developing their individual abilities and easily facing the challenges that life poses.

Numbers are an exact science, they are perfect and they have a secret language. The world can be understood through numbers, everything can be explained by the application of mathematics; The same happens with our lives and those of other living beings. People have been able to visualize the vibrations that each number presents and what are the characteristics associated with them, making the meaning of life understood.

Where does the numerological numerology come from?

The numerical numerology originated in India, exactly in the culture of the Sikh. It is also called evolutionary Numerology . The Sikh population understood the connection between numbers and living things; they elaborated a method that allows to acquire the information of each energy body, with the numbers that indicate the date of birth of the same.

Factors studied by the Tumerical Numerology

There are 5 factors that make up the existence of a being according to the master of Yogi Bhajan, through these factors you can calculate and add the numbers of the date of birth, to reveal the secret.

  1. The soul: it is the inner self, that which is not shared with those around the person.
  2. Karma: it is the opposite, it is how the person relates to others and how they perceive them.
  3. Divine Gift: are the gifts or gifts that were granted to the person at the time of his birth, it is a force and a blessing that will help him to face all the tests that life places on him.
  4. Destination: It reflects the path that has been taken in past lives and what has been done in them.
  5. Life: the last factor shows the weaknesses in which we must work for spiritual reinforcement and how to evolve.

With these factors applied to the date of birth along with the proper name, a complex analysis of the personality of an individual can be obtained such as: his way of being, what he likes to do, the goals he has set, love, his vocation, among others. It allows the practitioner of t numerology to improve their weaknesses, exploit their strengths and change some aspects of their character that are not very good.

How to calculate the factors?
  1. Soul = to the sum of the day of birth. (If a person was born on the 15th, the soul will be 6).
  2. Karma = month of birth. (If he was born in April, karma is 4).
  3. Divine Gift = the sum of the full year of birth. (The one who was born in 1978, the divine gift is 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 25).
  4. Life = to the sum of the day, month and year. (Born on 04-14-1978, results in 34).

After obtaining the tantric numbers , it is necessary to consult with the master number table the meaning of each of them. It is important that the person who knows this information brings light to all aspects of his life, shares tantric numerology with others and guides them along the paths of knowledge.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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