Sananda's message. Via Kathryn E. May

  • 2016

... For us, it is a time of great pleasure, as we see how the events we plan together are unfolding. There have been gusts, but that was to be expected when it comes to more than 7 billion beings, where everyone interacts with each other, and they have their own criteria about how this drama should unfold. This is as it should be, since each of you has free will, since your contract requires that each of you pledge crucial lessons about your own soul development as you move together toward the historical change that will soon flourish.

We are trying to prepare you as the leaders who will take the reins in the days and months to come, so that you are ready for anything. We want you to be independent thinkers capable of following your own hearts; We encourage you to question, to always look for the finest solution and the highest level to all questions or problems. Yes, you have been tested. We have given you the opportunity to seek new answers and weigh all the options in your lives to decide for yourself what suits you best, and what provides the Supreme Good.

This process of choosing what suits you best is a permanent exercise for soul development and personal growth. Now they are learning the deepest lesson: what really suits them - what makes your heart sing - always coinciding with the common good. It takes maturity and experience to get to this, given the temptations of life and the limited options presented to them at any given time. One of the biggest obstacles to change in all of you has been the old patterns of fear that kept you locked in a sense of worry and despair over money. They were prevented from making big leaps and changes for fear they wouldn't have enough: not enough money to support themselves and their families, not enough hours of work to provide enough, or a salary scale high enough for you to have to work long hours and even surviving, to spend a few hours with loved ones.

It has been a devastating existence for many, full of feelings of discomfort, unsatisfied hopes and unfulfilled dreams. Here, in the illusion of finite time, you only have this short life to achieve the goals set by you for yourself, your parents and your culture. Many of those goals are not realistic, given the state of the world. For example, not everyone is going to be rich, given the rigged system in which the richest and most powerful get richer and richer. It is a finite system with limited resources, where the few above are on the deck; They are stacked against everyone below, so that everything is in favor of the smallest proportion of the planet. And yet, you managed to create options to expand and grow.

The Prosperity Programs that we have stored ; They are designed to offer you much more than money. We are helping you to buy your own freedom from servitude and oppression. That is why this has been related to the new flourishing of true freedom in their government systems. You will see a rather sudden and somewhat disturbing change, as many people forgive begin to feel their own power to demand dignity, independence and free expression of their own needs . Initially, they will realize that many confuse the idea of ​​what to do, say and demand whatever they want at any time with freedom. Of course, freedom is a much more complex state of being that goes beyond capturing the attention of others, or expressing opinions aloud against various things that happen or makes them feel dislike. It is not about rebelling against everything that authority represents; nor does it require that they take that position of opposing all who could ever cause them pain. That is a version for children, as is the insistence on eating sweets as much as they want, regardless of how this affects their body or how they could be affected when they create something unpleasant in others.

Freedom is the achievement of a delicate balance between self-expression and authentic service to others. Yes, it includes service to others, because this is the only way to achieve real personal freedom in the context of life with grace in the company of others. It is the only way to achieve personal fulfillment and, therefore, peace of mind. So, you see, being at the service of others is not an extracurricular activity. It is the source from which all the high vibration flows, the source of deep goodness and love. What is service to others? First we will clarify what is not. The work they do and for which they are paid is not service to others. However, the attitude and emotional tone they put into their work, the love they express through their actions is extra, such as nurses who express love and care for their patients, in addition to assisting them with the pills, and so on. Being a teacher who is in love with his trade, or with his students, or being the chef who makes his delicious food with pleasure and love, all these are acts of service to others.

There is a rather difficult element that we must clarify here. Smiling and pretending friendship when you're angry inside doesn't count as love or service to others. It is simply a hoax. Only the care that comes from the depths of your happy heart is the authentic sensation. If you are angry, you must learn to tell them - yourself and others - but that is another lesson. Meanwhile, know that smiles and sweet words are not equivalent to love; neither are the reassuring, neat and syrupy explanations. Love is simple, direct, and always makes the receiver feel good. If you create division, confusion and pain in your heart, it is not love.

Many of you have grown up in the conflict, in the anxiety and in the pain of what you have experienced and have come to expect those feelings, even in loving relationships. I tell you, dear ones, there is no heartbreaking pain in a truly loving relationship. Nor is there jealousy, there is no need to control the other person, and there is no fear of separation or abandonment. Those are also childhood feelings. Even in separation or death, the loving partners continue to feel that deep and sure connection that is the mark of true love, and that sustains them through anything.

When faced with a dilemma, for example, when someone you have loved does something you find abhorrent, be it to you or to another, what do you do? Many of you have been taught to forgive and send love. That is good advice, but it should not come first. First of all they should express their feelings towards that person, if they can physically do it. Unless you do not, you will never feel complete about it. Without criticizing or expressing an opinion about what you think; Instead, say what you feel personally. How does that action affect you? For example, do not use the offense, even tangentially. For example: I felt hurt when you left, it is much more powerful and honest to say: I always knew you were a cheater.

There is a terrible tradition of insults and verbal abuse in their western cultures. Even among people who consider themselves loved, even the Lightworkers fall into the trap of saying things to others or others that deeply cut off the connection with the heart. Beloved, there is no place in the life of someone who really wants to be in service, to say things to another about the state of their heart, or the quality of their personality or their underlying motivations, unless they are asked to specify Just do it that way. It is none of your business to evaluate others or proclaim a trial. As we have shown you, the Company of Heaven, of which you are a part, always accepts you without conditions, without condemnation. Always.

Even in their darkest moods, or in their brightest moments, we love them infinitely. We see their transgressions, and we will send them more love, to help them restore their faith and overcome their fears, because we know that any aggressive act is really an expression of doubt and fear. We know that the cure for anger, hate, division and conflict is love. On this day, send your love to Gaia, for the calm resolution that we can all imagine for the future.

Now, we have to make this clear here. Even the Company of Heaven does not accept or approve their behavior when they do things that are harmful to others. We just turn our backs on destructive behavior, which we don't embrace. We know that in the life cycle and when you return to higher dimensions, you will learn what you need, and the lessons of today will become a part of your greatest wisdom. We do not punish, but it is part of our angelic service to humanity to protect the innocent. These angelic interventions are rarely obvious, but they can feel the effect of our presence if they are open and conscious.

We encourage you here, Dear Ones, to review your own attitudes, beliefs, actions and feelings to eradicate all the old resentments and fears. We have given you, with each message, a different window through which to look at themselves and others. We always encourage you to eliminate these archaic forms, but now it is especially important that they do so, because when the tsunami of energies washes them all, we don't want to see you flooded, or worse, jumping overboard because of some old idea of ​​unworthiness. or fear Now is the time to “stop being the hard one”: wrap yourself around our love, and they will float above the fray, seeing their openings, playing with the waves instead of drowning in them and in search of opportunities to be useful to others around him.

Be of strong heart and tender love feelings. Elevate yourself to see beyond the moment, beyond yourself and your own concerns. Fulfill your promise to put love to everything you find in this life, no matter what it means. If you cannot gather the full complement of love for those who have made themselves their enemies, then be neutral. It is not your job to condemn, punish or disapprove. I leave all that to the elegant system of Life, which will straighten everything that is wrong. You, in your human capacity, can defend justice by clearly speaking about your own feelings, by protecting others, especially children, to the best of your ability, and working to change systems that promote injustice and inequality. This is your great gift for the world.

Now we are approaching the new day. The first light of dawn begins to illuminate the sky, which already changes from dark blue, deep, to a lighter one, bright blue, brighter light. You see, they have already left the darkest moments. The Light of God, which is Pure Love, sweeps the entire planet. Much of this awakening is due to your dedication and what you have achieved here, along with other positive beings, that elevate communities of Light. We have been through it more directly in recent years as the veil is thinning, but it is their ability to maintain their faith and joy in a life well lived, which has been a source of inspiration for others.

We thank you for your unconditional dedication through difficult times. It is a mark of the Mastery that has persevered without complaints or doubts, that always moves by instinct to the Light, and towards our waiting embrace. Continue, Dear ones, continue walking on this path to the Light, and I will always be by your side.

Remember with me the beautiful Psalm 23, which says: " Even though I walk in the valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for You will be with me . " I am with you all my friends, while we carry out the dream of our hearts: Peace on Earth, and Abundance for all. I am with you in Love, His Jesus / Sananda

AUTHOR: Kathryn E. May


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