Call to Los Obreros

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 One more step is taking place towards the fusion of all souls with their Spiritual Father. 2 The world has no time left. 3 It is time for human beings to unite for the salvation of the planet, for an opportunity is given to you. 4 Help innovate the Light of the World.

Channeled Message from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

The Lord of the Golden Light ¹ unites in his Divine Sanctuary the luminous forces existing on this planet, so that the moment of the great transformation is processed.

One more step is taking shape towards the fusion of all souls with their Spiritual Father.

The Lord of the Golden Light is receiving all the souls that have sought him, sending them to his Light.

He has covered with his mantle of Light all the souls that call him, so that they can leave the darkness of ignorance of their personalities.

The Lord of the Golden Light, as Father, is donating a part of himself, surrendering and nailing his flame into the hearts of souls.

A great preparation is being made by the workers of the upper levels so that humanity can support the "Great Night" that will last in human memory for centuries.

Humanity is in the phase of expurgation and awareness. Later will be the redemption of all souls who find the path of liberation.

The Great Mother is bringing her igneous energies to the surface of the Earth. She is picking up her children in her belly, in her breast.

Workers around the world! It is time to assume their true identities .

The world has no time left.

The time is now of severe action and faithful to the Light.

Many workers are getting lost in the world of darkness . Entrust your Light to the Great Father and the Great Mother .

Do not let your balance be shaken by the events that will come.

Seek above all the union . Union of souls and spirits!

Your faith will be put to the test when the righteous comes to sweep the invading souls, the dividing souls, in the dark .

It will be a great suffering what your spiritual eyes will see, what your hidden senses will register .

It is time for human beings to unite for the salvation of the planet, for an opportunity is given to you.

The workers of the Light must accept the crucifixion of personality, so that in them the Light is strong and powerful, linked to the Source.

The workers must work every day their protection in the Violet Light, because they will need to face all obstacles with a lot of Strength and a lot of Light, because the times of today bring a strong struggle of the forces of darkness.

But don't be afraid. Order your crucifixion, deliver your Light to the Unit. Tune in daily, every minute, at all times with the Light of the Lord of the Golden Light, so that you can receive what He is donating to all mankind.

The Lord of the Golden Light (Sanat Kumára) begins his departure and Lord Gautama begins to merge with his Light, in order to continue the Great Work for this humanity.

Transmit to all those around you the energies of the Holy Spirit. Leave your chalices always full. Illuminate sister souls with the Trine Flame.

Help innovate the Light of the World.

The time so warned for the workers arrived.

The Great Hour has arrived in which all the Incarnated Beings of Light are assuming their real functions and working in the Light and the Light, without stopping, at all times.

Workers, may your Light be united to all luminous consciences . May all be a single luminous body to carry the Flame of Love and renewal for all beings.

Workers, your time to help the Earth is short, there is no time for illusions and selfishness.

May your souls reach the necessary conditions to guide you and guide you at each stage.

Now, you must be fed with Light, just as you are fed by dense energies for the survival of the physical body. If you do not feed on Light there will be a great internal imbalance and you will get lost in the dark.

Accept the sacrifice that must be made, for the Glories of Lord Maitreya, the Glories of the Divine Father and Mother, will be with you forever and ever.


Spiritual Channel: Lourdes Rosa.

Sor Sanat-Kum ra was the former ruler or ruler of the Earth. He held the position until May 1991, when he transmitted it to Lord Gautama Buddha, the current Lord of the Golden Light.

Workers. Disciples

PORTUGU S-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the big family of

SOURCE: Book Mensagens Two Beings of Light . Second Edition Authors Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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