Brothers accept the truth and recognize what they really are

  • 2017

Beloved beings of Light,

Breathe slowly and calmly; allow that breath, which is the force of Life, to penetrate to the depths of each of its cells. The Higher Consciousness or Divine Presence that exists in all of you is at the same time on each one, waiting for you to accept the truth, recognize what you really are and get in touch with that part of you, is waiting for you to see within of you and appreciate your true Self, that Being that is in the center of your body, in your heart.

Breathe deeply and accept that Higher Consciousness within you, let it descend to all its cells and then head towards the center of Gaia, Mother Earth, in order to commune with her. Allow the Upper Light to reach your Sacred Center, in which you expect your spirituality and awareness of the Truth.

The beings that inhabit the interior of the Earth, those called Intraterrestrials, are completely willing to communicate with human beings; for this it is necessary that there is a cooperative movement between both of you where there is the opportunity to share among you the high spiritual vibrations that emanate from the Creative Source, so that these align with the vibrations of the entities that make up the dimensions or spheres higher on the other side of the earth veil.

By allowing this communication, they can share their Wisdom and Knowledge

It is important that each of you try to conceive the structure and functioning of your physical bodies; Imagine each of the atoms that are part of your body and all the electrons that revolve around the nucleus, can even be compared to planets that revolve around the Sun. We ask this in order to remind you that the Microcosm is constructed in the same way as the Macrocosm; each existing thing is connected in a single configuration, which derives directly from the great flame of Love that God Father / Mother has .

See your physical body and allow yourself to learn to visualize it consciously, so you can travel inside and fully know yourself as divine beings. An individual among you once spoke about the importance of balance and posture of the physical body ; since this person understood that the physical body is in fact, the temple of the Soul .

That is why the construction of it has to be harmonious and solid, so that they can avoid problems or diseases that occur as a result of the destabilization of the body, since its function takes place thanks to the proper functioning of thoughts and even, of Karma that people have to assume during their incarnation. However, it is possible to solve all this quickly, it is enough that you consciously trust the power of the Great Higher Consciousness . We want all of you to understand that everything in this world is connected, as in the different existing worlds and throughout the Universe.

Everything is related because everything drifts and was created by the Great Source

Each of you lives within a world where, unfortunately, you have been educated with the purpose of not trusting those around you, moving away from others, looking at those around you as If they were strangers. However, those individuals whom they think they cannot love and leave aside because of their origin, color, religion, etc., may be some descendants, close or not, of any of the incarnations they have had inside the earth.

This is the reason why you have to open your hearts to each of the beings that make up humanity and that is precisely my beloved brothers, which as time goes by they understand and accept a greater part of you. They must also know that the Great Brotherhood, composed of the love they have for each other, consists of an incredible force where their hearts rejoice.

Perceive the way they react by watching some television show, where the scenes of compassion are represented through real and / or fictitious images; appreciate the way in which the emotion hugs your heart when you see through these images, different looks of love, allow yourself to feel the emotion that your heart experiences when you see these images and is that human beings have the ability to feel compassionate and that is just one of their greatest virtues, in addition to their ability to feel Love and other emotions.

These emotions can be defined, in fact, as enormous forces that each individual must deploy around him, since one of his purposes is to unite and face the way in which this world works, which has caused them to move away from each other. . Be aware that by being separated it is easier for the negative forces to handle them, however, by being united they become a huge force capable of renewing the world.

And that is what is currently taking place within your world
More and more beings of light come together to face these forces and generate greater impulses of generosity, gratitude and love . Through the awakening that many experience in terms of understanding and solidarity about who they really are and have the capacity to achieve, a huge movement or revolution of Love has been generated.

Every thing that is currently happening has great importance within the Earth; Therefore, they must know that now and for a certain period of time, they will be inside a photon belt where their energy is transformed through numerous things that are present in this world. There is an influence that causes a really powerful energy impact thanks to the energy that emanates from the Great Central Sun, which is being realigned, in order to optimize each of the worlds that depend directly on said Sun, which can be translated as Each of the galaxies, planets, suns, etc., that revolve around the Central Sun are going through a transformation process as a result of this energy influx.

Similarly, an important upward movement is taking place just now, which many of you are able to perceive from the depths of your Being; through their emotions, which are shocked and affect their behavior in a certain way. Although it may seem a bit complicated to understand, you have the ability to do so by appealing to the Great Higher Consciousness that is within you.

We count on each one of you to appeal to that conscience and spread around the world the Light that is within all of you. Rejoice to be alive and travel your way on this earthly journey that will eventually take you back to the Great Source .

Remember that we love and bless you.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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