Wait! We are moving to the next level by Patricia Cota-Robles

  • 2016

Since the birth of the New Earth on December 21-22, 2012, the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on this Planet has been raising the vibration frequency of our Earthly Bodies as much as we can withstand in a period of 24 hours.

Day after day this process of Divine Alchemy has been slowly changing the cellular structures of our physical, mental and emotional etheric bodies from carbon based on planetary cells to crystalline Solar Light cells of the 5th. Dimension. Many people are aware that there is something unusual that is happening inside our bodies, but the masses of Humanity are oblivious to what is actually happening right now.

This lack of awareness is causing a lot of stress and anxiety as each and every day our bodies are being pushed to the limit in this transformation process. Fortunately, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Enlightened Truth are aware of the mental and emotional challenges that this process is causing and they have joined the Presence AND I AM of each person to co-create a Divine Plan that will relieve stress and bring comfort to the process without delaying our physical transformation.

It is important that we understand that this great acceleration would not be allowed by our Father-Mother God or the Company of Heaven if it was going to cause more harm than good. The only reason why this intensity is allowed, is due to the help we are receiving from the sincere invocations of Humanity that is waking up and a myriad of Global and Celestial opportunities that are being presented to us at this time. Please open your heart and mind and focus on the following information with all the power of your attention. Your I AM Presence has brought this Heavenly Share to your sphere of influence because you have a role to play in sustaining the sacred space for the next quantum leap in the Ascension Process of Humanity.


As we moved towards the full of the Aquarian Sun cycle on January 18, 2016, we officially completed our transition from the Age of Pisces to the Solar Crystal Age of Aquarius of the 5th Dimension. During that Cosmic Moment, the Earth was bathed in the glow of a strange celestial alignment that involved Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

This alignment created a protective force field of Light around the Earth that paved the way for several events that helped anchor in the Purity Core in each atomic particle. and individual subathemic and wave of Life on Earth higher crystalline frequencies of the Seventh Solar Aspect of the Deity of the 5th Dimension, which is the Violet Flame of Perfection Infinite of God. This is a higher frequency of Light that Humanity and Earth have ever been able to withstand.

The anchoring of the monumental NEW frequencies of this Violet Flame from the same Heart of our Father-Mother God was made possible through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. After entering the Aquarian Sun cycle, the I AM Presence of each person on Earth gathered the energy of each person's thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs expressed, that somehow it was added to the Light of the World. At the request of the I AM Presence of each person, the entire Company of Heaven purified this energy and used it to help anchor the Violet Flame of Perfection. Infinite of God.

In addition to the individual efforts of Humanity, there were many events that attracted the collective attention of people throughout the World. Whenever there are hundreds of thousands of people focused on a particular event, a Consciousness Cup is formed. That Cup creates an open portal through which the Company of Heaven can exponentially expand the Light of God flowing to Earth. All that is necessary for the collective attention of Humanity, even in the most mundane or horrible case, to become a Light Clyx is for the Lightworkers to invoke the Violet Flame to purify the energy that people focused on that event are releasing

After purifying the energy, we can invoke each and every one of the I AM Presences of each person and the Company of Heaven to Consecrate that purified energy with the Divine Attempt to achieve the Highest Good for ALL concerned . That purified energy will then form a fluid field of the unmanifest Divine Potential on which the I AM Presence of Humanity and the Company of Heaven can encode the NEW patterns of perfection to achieve all facets of the Divine Plan that our Father-Mother God has given us revealed. That is exactly what happened after we officially entered the fourth year of the New Earth in 2016.

One of the events that was used in this way was the “Super Bowl” soccer match that took place on February 7 in the US . An estimated 100 million people participated during the Super Bowl, but there were many other events that occurred during the previous week that greatly accentuated the momentum of the collective attention of Humanity.

Since the birth of 2016 we have experienced many other events that attracted attention, both good and bad, that have attracted the approach of Humanity throughout the World. For example, the stock market crash, the terrorist attacks, the current presidential elections in the US., the inclement weather and all kinds of chaos between governments and stubborn souls determined to abuse their power

On the positive side we have experienced the incredible influx of Light that we always receive during the birth of a New Year, a powerful Full Moon, the Chinese New Year, several Global Meditations that improve the quality of life, Valentine's Day and the event annual held on Valentine's Day called World Healing Sound Day.

During the past 14 years, on Valentine's Day, while millions of people focused on Love, Lightworkers have projected the Divine Intention of Compassion and Love on the body of Mother Earth and ALL Life in evolution over she. This is achieved in the Sacred Breath as thousands of people around the World at 12 o'clock, from local time, make the Sacred Heart Note sound vibrate: "AH" for five minutes. This is done by each person with the sincere intention of raising Global Consciousness.

In my city of Tucson, Arizona, there is another very powerful event that takes place every year during the Aquarian Sun cycle. This event is the Annual Tucson Gems and Minerals Show that is known worldwide as the largest gem and mneral show on the planet. This is the 62nd year that we have organized this event, which consists of approximately 4, 000 suppliers and hundreds of thousands of people traveling to Tucson from every corner of the Earth loaded with their precious gifts from the Elemental Kingdom. Since the beginning of the Gems and Minerals Show, this meeting has attracted more than 100 million people to Tucson, Arizona.

Vendors bring with them the most exquisite reflections of the Mother Earth's Crystal Grid System that nature has to offer. These precious crystals, gems, stones, minerals, metals are actually Crystallized Sacred Fire. They pulse with the highest frequencies of the different Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity that Humanity and Mother Earth are capable of receiving. These Elemental Beings form the function of the Mother Earth's Crystal Grid System as acupuncture points and meridians in the physical body of the Earth.

The Goblet of Light and the permanently open portal created by this annual meeting of Humanity and the Elemental Beings are impressive to be determined. Each year during this event the gates of Heaven open and the more intensified frequencies of God's Divine Light that Humanity and Earth are able to withstand flow to the Elemental Beings that are taken to Tucson. This light is then projected towards the Divine impulse in the Heart of Mother Earth and exhaled through its Crystal Network System in a tremendous starburst of Light that is secured in the Purity Core in each atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth.

This year when Earth officially entered the Crystalline Solar Age of Aquarius of the 5th Dimension,

the frequency of light that flowed through the Chalice of Light in Tucson and the Earth's Crystal Network System was unprecedented. This Light facultized not only to a large extent the Divine Qualities that resonate within the Twelve Solar Aspects of the Deity that pulse like Crystallized Sacred Fire in the Elemental Beings brought to the show of gems and minerals, assured within the Purity Core of each of the new frequencies of the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God. This Violet Flame now pulses gently like a glowing aura of God's Infinite Perfection around each and every one of the crystals, gems, minerals, stones and precious metals in the Mother Earth's Crystal Grid System. This has moved the energy, vibration and consciousness of Mother Earth and ALL her Life forward in the Light a quantum leap, thus paving the way for God's Infinite Perfection patterns that we have not even begun to understand.


The Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity and the Divine Qualities associated with each of them have been largely anchored by the NEW frequencies of God's Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection. Now that we have completed our transition to the Crystalline Solar Age of Aquarius of the 5th Dimension this Divine Light is perpetually pulsing through the Crystal Grid System of Mother Earth and through each of the Twelve Crystalline Solar Chakras of the 5th. Dimension of Humanity. This information is being revealed to us by our Father-Mother God so we will be aware of this Divine Light during this auspicious time. This is the Light that we will all use as we co-create the patterns of perfection for the New Earth through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs and memories.

As we ascend to higher and higher frequencies of the New Crystalline Earth of the 5th D., the frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of the Deity and the precious Elemental Substances of the Earth are also rising at increasingly higher frequencies of Fire. Crystallized Sacred that is greatly intensifying the Divine Alchemy that is taking place inside our Earthly Bodies and the Bodies of Mother Earth. The NEW frequencies of the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God that are now radiating like a glowing aura around each of the Aspects of the Deity are elevating each Divine Quality in previously unknown expressions of the Infinite Perfection of God. We are being asked to remember this profound Truth as we invoke this Divine Light every day in our meditations.

1. The 1st. Solar Aspect of the Deity is Sapphire Blue with a resplendent aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

The Divine Qualities of the 1st Solar Aspect of the Deity are: the Will of God, the Illuminated Faith, the Power, the Protection and the First Cause of God's Perfection.

2. The 2nd. Solar Aspect of the Deity is Yellow-Sun : with a resplendent aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

The Divine Qualities of the 2nd. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: Critical Consciousness, Illumination, Wisdom, Illustration, Understanding, Understanding, Perception and Constancy.

3. The 3rd. Solar Aspect of the Deity is Crystalline Rose with a resplendent aura of the Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection of God.

The Divine Qualities of the 3rd. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: Transfigurative Divine Love, Adoration, Tolerance, Unity and Reverence for ALL Life.

4. The 4th. Solar Aspect of the Deity is White with a resplendent aura of the Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection of God.

The Divine Qualities of the 4th. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: The Immaculate Concept, Purity, Hope, Restoration, Resurrection and Ascension.

5. The 5th. Solar aspect of the Deity is Emerald Green with a glowing aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

The Divine Qualities of the 5th. Solar aspect of the Deity are: the Enlightened Truth, Healing, Consecration, Concentration and Internal Vision.

6. The 6th. Solar Aspect of the Deity is Golden-Rub with a resplendent aura of the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God.

The Divine Qualities of the 6th. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: Divine Grace, Healing, Devotional Worship, Peace and the Manifestation of Christ.

7. The 7th. Solar Aspect of the Deity is Violet with a shining aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

The Divine Qualities of the 7th. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Transmutation, Freedom, Justice, Freedom, Victory, and Infinite Perfection of God.

8. The 8th. Solar Aspect of the Deity is Aquamarine with a glowing aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

The Divine Qualities of the 8th. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: Clarity, Divine Perception and Discernment.

9. The 9th. Solar Aspect of the Magenta Deity with a resplendent aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

The Divine Qualities of the 9th. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: Harmony, Balance, Certainty and Trust in God.

10. The 10th. Solar Aspect of the Golden Deity with a shining aura of the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God.

The Divine Qualities of the 10th. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance and God's Supply of ALL Good Things.

11. The 11th. Solar Aspect of the Deity is Peach color with a resplendent aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

The Divine Qualities of the 11th. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm and Joy.

12. The 12th vo. Solar Aspect of the Deity is an opal color with a glowing aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

The Divine Qualities of the 12th. Solar Aspect of the Deity are: Transformation and Transfiguration.


The reason why the newly anchored Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God is so powerful is that it pulses with the perfect balance of the crystalline Solar frequency of our Father God of the 5th. Dimension of the Male Blue Flame of the Divine Power and the crystalline Solar frequency of the Mother God of the 5th Dimension of the Female Pink Flame of Divine Love. When the Male and Female polarities of the Crystal Light of our Father-Mother God merge into a perfectly balanced Violet Flame, all that encompasses this Sacred Fire is elevated to a greater expression of its Divine Potential and Infinite Perfection than before He was able to express.

The NEW Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection of God pulses with all the Divine Qualities that we have known and associated with the Violet Flame; Forgiveness, mercy, compassion, transmutation, Divine Ceremony, Justice, Freedom, Emancipation and Victory, but now the Divine Impulse full of Infinite Perfection of God penetrates every aspect of this Sacred Fire as well.

The Cosmic Being of Light known as Saint Germain continues to be the Guardian of the Violet Flame for this Universe and he has evolved to a higher expression of his Divine Being in order to expand this New Crystalline Solar Violet Flame in, through and around of every facet of Life on Earth during the more than 2, 000 years we will be held in the embrace of the Age of Aquarius.

One of the first things that Saint Germain has done in order to assist Humanity who is waking up to become aware of the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God is to give us a multidimensional image of this Sacred Fire. This beautiful image was created in the Inner Realms of Light and then projected on the physical plane of the Earth for our benefit with the cooperation of one of the Incarnate Daughters of Saint Germain.

She has protected this copyrighted image so she will continue to reverberate with her original Divine Intent and should not be changed in any way. This precious soul has given New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose permission to distribute this life-filled image of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. This image will remind us to use this powerful gift of Heaven daily.

This powerful image is designed to inspire each of us to focus on the Violet Flame in our daily invocations and meditations until we can perceive this Sacred Fire by pressing around us and using it effectively or without a physical reminder.

I will share with you that in my personal experience, I have witnessed dramatic changes in energy, vibration and awareness in my home and office since I put this beautiful image of the Violet Flame in those places.

I have also witnessed very positive energy changes in other places where I have seen this image displayed. For this reason I will state with great confidence that this gift from Saint Germain is much more useful in our Ascension process and in our ability to co-create God's Infinite Perfection patterns for the New Earth than we can understand with Our finite minds.

We at New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose have done everything possible to make this image of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection as accessible as possible to anyone who has the Call of the Heart to place this powerful multidimensional poster or print in cloth at home, office, place of meditation, place of meditation, relaxation or anywhere else in your environment.

In order to see the beautiful image of the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God of Saint Germain just click on any of the following links. A link will take you to the space on our website where you can see and order the poster if you are interested. The other link will take you to the space where you can see and order the high quality print of the FABRIC of the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God.



Saint Germain has assured us that he has codified this Image of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection to be truly multidimensional.

He said that the atomic and subatomic particles and waves within this image will be recalibrated at higher frequencies of this Violet Flame every time Humanity and Earth are elevated in energy, vibration and consciousness towards higher frequencies of 5th Crystalline Solar Light . Dimension in the New Earth.

Precious Hearts, regardless of whether or not you have the Call of your Heart to have an Image of the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God in your home or sacred space, know that this New frequency of the Violet Flame is a transforming Gift of Life of our Father-Mother God and the more we focus on her the sooner we will transcend the negative habits and deformations of the old Earth. God Bless you all!

AUTHOR: Patricia Cota-Robles

TRANSLATION: Alicia Virelli www.destellosdeluz.com.ar

SEEN AT: www.eraofpeace.org

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