Surreality, by Lisa Renee

This phase that is approaching next year has several intersection points that will create important windows of opportunity that can manifest externally in the global theater. We are certainly embarking on the most amazing adventure of our lives! The current energy barometer indicates that anything can happen at any time. Depending on your level of adaptability and delivery, this will make you excited or bring you some anxiety.

Between Worlds of Time

As the timelines (that is, dimensional spaces) collapse, we are becoming more aware of the experiential reality and the possibilities that exist within the simultaneous time spiral. During this phase (and especially for those of us who are currently doing the ascension work of incorporating the Code of Light) our outsourced reality will become increasingly surreal. This Surreality will be a topic for us to describe our reality experience for quite some time. We are in the transitional phase of walking among the world of time. With these layers of dimension separating (the timelines are collapsing), we will begin to clearly see the holographic dream that we once thought was real. It is going to reveal to us similarly as if we really saw ourselves as an avatar playing with a video game. The matrix that has contained the pattern of our consciousness will finally be seen.

The most recent increase in the frequency register is absolutely inflexible in its taste for stripping our bodies and our minds of anything strange. Now, it is crystal clear that there is absolutely no place for anything that is not in alignment with the command of your mind. Of the many things that appear (out of nowhere) and that can then disappear immediately, what really remains is somehow amazing! Currently what may be a short-term alignment makes us feel as if we had made a regression to the past. Lately, many of us are asked to keep a very low profile. From a linear perspective there seems to be no sequence or reason for some of those circumstances that appear. A great part and much of the time we find ourselves adapting and changing in every millisecond the cornucopia of people and things that appear in a span of one day. In these constantly changing energies, the possibility of committing to a date in advance (or just for tomorrow!) Can make us uncomfortably upset. Everything changes so incredibly fast! However, in the midst of all these structures that are disintegrating you can feel an energetic "cohesion" if you are only completely rested at the moment. The challenge of being focused while the body is in a mode of constant recovery or fatigue has accelerated recently. It is true that being focused as a laser when all you want is to lie down and take a nap frequently is not easy.

At the moment many are feeling lost in the desert due to the lack of orientation at any time or space, let alone what is clear for our immediate future. This last planetary initiation has drastically altered the spatialization of how we perceive the movement of time. This adds to the surreal special effects. The only thing that is very clear is that we must maintain our adaptability and the flexibility to change and be anywhere at any time. We are twisting to accommodate the growing momentum of great magnetic forces that are digging their way into our bodies to alchemically transform our cells into something that our minds still cannot conceive.

Reaction or Creation? Choose now

This recent shift to a new energy terrain has many of us wondering what radio station we are being tuned to. What the damn kind of station is ESTA ??? This new station still operates with a little static (while we are in the middle of the stations) that seems to impede our clarity of feeling our future direction. Many of us are feeling as if they had dropped us into a labyrinth of spiral realities with many doors coming between them. Energetically this is felt as if "Everything is happening" and yet, simultaneously, "Nothing is happening." This is a state of being that disorients a lot. We can feel our own Galactic Center (still point) spiraling out looking for its new multidimensional passage to be secured. This is very similar to how the Galactic Centers of all Universal systems link together (during the Ascension Cycle every 26, 556 years) and connect in phase with each other allowing a clear multidimensional passage

As Alice in Wonderland and Down the Rabbit Hole, this has created many possible realities in new multidimensional doors. On a collective planetary level where the masses are greatly asleep, what will be manifested globally is a private mystery of God. For now, while we are still standing outside the door between (and enrolled in the manifestation school) we are constantly becoming aware of our ability, in every second, to choose between our reaction and response. Will we react or respond? We can choose to respond and recreate our intentions at all times of Now. This is a final step and our main tool to achieve the mastery of the soul as we leave the 3D world of "Reaction" and enter the worlds of higher dimensions of pure "Creation." We are going to need this as a relative skill put in order to focus our response to purely create in order to move gently towards our destiny.

Stellar Seed Prepare for 2008

Since the end of the summer, the Star Seed races are being radically initiated to physically incorporate and energetically prepare for the new cycles that begin in the timelines of 2008. 2008 has some critical milestones set in the timelines of possibility that will bring the more transformative shocks and changes we have seen to date. This is the necessary alchemy process that leads us to radical changes to a higher consciousness. So it is important to remember that this is a natural part of our current process of transformation and our role will be to remain centered and always connected to the Source of God as our last guide. This group has been rigorously trained and kidnapped since about mid-July. Many of us have perfected the state of neutral association and detachment engaged in high-pressure triage (crisis management) training.

A small group of us are beginning to incorporate coding for a new Star Seed biological pattern, which is beyond the human program, and Your hologram This is a different codification from what I have previously referred to as the Cosmic Critical Consciousness and the Trinitarian Form. All humans are designed to incorporate the Cosmic Christ and this is the ultimate destiny of species, while fulfilling a planetary evolutionary purpose. Apparently, mostly, the new Star Seed Pattern is aligned with the Dynamic Lineage of the Soul, which originated outside this Universal Time Matrix. This seems to be a measure of intervention in crisis of which contingencies are being formed for the impending Ascension Projects . It is also designed as a support system for those with a Galactic Emissary contract or other high-risk contracts so that they are less visible while operating within the human holographic matrix. The 3D human holographic matrix is ​​implanted with several slavery programs that distort many levels of the biology of human beings and their ability to activate their own DNA. These programs are used aggressively to control or suppress those beings who are here with contracts of Ascension at a Galactic level.

During the next twelve months those who have incorporated these new activations will begin to seem more extraterrestrial or superhuman. For many, this is intended to support more physical galactic communications with their Stellar Lineage as many will be asked to activate their Emissary agreement. The Galactic Emissaries are here to be intermediaries between the human race and the extraterrestrial races that are supporting ascension and human liberation. This group is a task force incarnated to keep communication links open by creating energy volumes / safe areas and by opening interdimensional portal systems. Most of them have escort contracts (walk in) and are considered sleepers until they have their escort event. A sleeper is born with an emotional agreement that has an energetic signature of a 3D human until he has his event of awakening or companion. Upon incorporation of the companion, the 3D contract is immediately discarded and the new energy contract becomes effective. This is to keep the soul safe from being detected and then being overwhelmed while being biologically young. When the body is young, the soul finds it harder to protect its energy limits. More sleepy adults are coming to the revelation of the truth of their superior identity and knowledge at this time in order to be activated towards their Ascension mission.

The Andromeda Galaxy

The old galactic portal connected from Giza once allowed passage through Sirius B and from there through the Andromeda Galaxy. Andromeda has a spiral Galactic Heart Center and connects to the Galactic Heart Center of our Milky Way during the Ascension cycle. There is currently tremendous activity happening in this area around Giza on Earth and in Andromedan energies. The Giza portal is the location of the Heart of the Earth Chakra, it also corresponds to the 4th portal and the 4th dimension. This portal is also interconnected with the place of the Hall of Records that releases Universal memory to the Planetary Memory Banks (and morphogenetic fields) once the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid and the Heart of the Earth Center open. This makes available to humans the memory of the incarnations of the soul and planetary with a minimum of activations of the 4th strand of DNA. A greater number of us will begin to perceive this information if we meditate and tune into the Unified Field.

On the occasion that a new influx of this information is being transmitted within the cellular memory of the planetary fields, there has been an influx of 4th dimension implants in order to prevent such information from being received. When observing groups I have noticed that most of the implants have been placed in areas of the heart, chest and back of the head. This is to create chaos and mental confusion and to make it difficult to focus and concentrate, let's not say download this important information. Please remember your 12 D protection techniques and be vigilant about the cleanliness of your spiritual home (go to my website and download a free audio of the 12 D protection).

Those Star Seeds that are connected to the Andromedan Activations are being prepared for this level of conduction of these portal work frequencies. Much earlier than expected it seems that we will be preparing for Andromedan Activations since our Galactic center and the Andromedano Galactic heart center will be intersecting. Another way of saying this is that we are finally intersecting with the Original Heart Center of Our Creation, the center point of All Union. Additionally some of us are now working to understand the toroidal movement of the unified fields in relation to the mechanics of the star portals. This is very exciting since it seems like what we have thought is science fiction can really be done sooner than we thought possible! This is an important event for our planetary Ascension and seems to anticipate the possible physical encounter between more humans and the races of the Star Families.

Many of us who are still living in very active metropolitan areas are feeling that the intense pressure of the density increase is leaving us feeling overwhelmed. This movement - slow as a spill of chapopote - to navigate there, some days has made us feel that this way of life is hardly tolerable. I have asked myself several times if I was living in a third world country since I suddenly felt surrounded by uncivilized barbarians, going to the grocery store, paying bills and loading gasoline has required an effort that I I don't remember feeling before. Everything feels so gross and still vulgar in a few days. Where did this suddenly come from?

The recent increase in frequency has definitely led us to a new level of expanded polarity. The dense just feels so dense now. There will be occasion for many of us to be relocated in much more stimulating and harmonious environments that support our bodies and the level of energy work we are doing. It seems that a new way of living is being creatively designed by many of us who feel the same way. Many of us are discussing sustainable or alternative ways of creating community since the current paradigm is not supporting our well-being. It will be interesting to see how these changes evolve to support our Ascending community! The next February and March will be milestones of important life relocations.

Kali is here

This Intensity is beginning for us in November and is clearly symbolized in the archetypal personification of the energy of Goddess Kali. As I write this article I am surprised to realize its direct implication to last month's theme of exorcism

Kali is one of the most intense forms of feminine energy and represents the creative feminine principle of God's strength (more about Kali at the end of the article). Kali has symbolized congested creative energy, whose authentic expression has been repressed. In her passion to free herself from the world of evil, she takes on a pretty scary appearance. Its beautiful form becomes fierce as it is covered in blood while in the mud of a burning battle. Traditionally, Kali's devotees see this as an act of an overprotective mother destroying the evil forces so that the last thing they could do was harm their beloved children. This inspired passion and the pure force of the principle of feminine energy are represented in various forms in Eastern religions. Now we in Western civilization will witness our own form of Kali energy used to achieve the ultimate death of the paradigm of an inflated human ego and clean up the foreign waste.

Speaking of Kali, while I was evacuated from the Malibu fires in the past week, I find that this is a great example of Kali's current energy at work. Sitting next to the remains of the effects of fire, looking over the blackened and blackened landscapes, there is a strange stillness and something that is firm in its purpose. This is a tremendously powerful force that does not yield and has its definite objective. It was incredibly overwhelming to witness this event. A great cleaning has been completed in the Western grilles of the California coast. The Guardians mentioned several issues, one was that much of the retrovirus implanted in the coastal grids in November 2004 (see the article of the genetic route cutter of September 2005) has been burned. They describe how fire and fever work in the same way to clear DNA distortions by throwing them out of genetic patterns not only in human bodies but also in the planetary body. Fire is a great purifying element and thus to the same febrile fires of our personal kundalini force as it burns through our bodily energy imbalances to activate our Upper Light Body.

Also, the recent symbolism that surfaced with the Malibu fires was very strange. With about 4, 500 acres burned, the two main structures that were destroyed were the local Church and a residential property built to look like a huge castle. These structures seem to represent the annihilation of the Old Energy paradigm of The Church and the State and in this context they were curiously personified. The concepts of church and state have historically been abused by the power elite in order to bind the masses creating a separation through fear, divisionism and control. It is very interesting to see symbolically that these structures must now be repaired and tested by Kali! ¡Auch! (It has been said that repayment is a beast! Who knew that it has the form of Kali ?!

Until next time, remain in the luminosity of the path of your Heart and your Soul!

We are here as One!

© 2007, Lisa Renee

Enrique Santoyo's translation:

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