The Twin Flames its Physical Similarity and Its Relationship with the Higher Self

  • 2016


The similarity between a man and a woman who are twin flames is enormous. They share similarities in their physical anatomy and, in the tastes and preferences of the soul - the most similar being the shape of the nose with different dimensions since the nose is a decisive element in the physiognomy, with its shape and its line, and the characteristic more obvious for identification. Although the profile of the spiritual couple is very similar, physical similarity is reflected throughout the body, they are even more similar than brothers and sisters. They usually have the same color eyes and hair although it is not always the case. Neither race, height nor weight are valid in terms of comparison. Actually using a sixth sense, the third eye that allows to go to the essentials of the imprint; it is noted that the traits come just from the same tracing; of the same mold; of a single matrix expressed in the two versions: the masculine and the feminine.

Giuditta Sheraa: “And it was truly like opening wide of a great door to infinity that showed me what the true force of cohesion and rapport between spirits is, and how fundamental is this recognition of one's own spiritual root; without which it is not possible to access universal love. It is the spirit that elaborates the matter. This means that the igneous egg of white light that is divided into two halves to create a man and a woman with the same essence of the soul, also gives them the same physical structure and the same intimate nature. The universal laws are repeated according to certain schemes in all dimensions and in all living beings. The masculine and the feminine are the main engines of the cosmos, with a single origin that brings them together and governs them, but for the union of a spiritual couple to endure, both must be evolutionary and have conquered certain balances and virtues in order to be faithful, lenient, honest, peaceful, harmonious, respectful, committed and understanding with each other. Like two twin brothers far from birth, despite growing up in different family environments they do not lose their identical imprint, so also the incarnate creatures that start from the same cute live the earthly experience resembling in the physical body and in spirit; even if they don't know it. ”


Soul mates; as two twin brothers precisely; once they have been recognized; they will find among themselves such a similarity that will become for all in the tactical declaration of their reciprocal spiritual belonging. When you discover the key to the physical recognition of soulmates, you realize that they resemble each other in body and spirit, and it is quite easy to distinguish them. Incarnated people who are part of the same cute live similar life experiences and have similar emotions and sensibility that is lived in two opposite situations since as men and women, the way of experiencing life is very different, and that which It is such that despite being different they are the complementary expression of the same cute.

Very few people discover this truth because of the true depth of their feelings. It is those people who by their spiritual evolution reach a consciousness that can not feed any doubt. These people have often found that they must fight even with the rejection of their true soulmate. They must fight their own battle against all misunderstandings, hostilities and criticisms, from the surrounding world that has no knowledge of the truth that Love is the primary energy that gives life to All that Is, is more than a feeling, it is it is necessary to understand that the Love that is within one is energy; the energy of the highest vibration in the Universe. The eternal love with the partner or the companion that the Divinity has arranged for us, is only possible between people who already have a soul relationship that has been orchestrated by God before because they proceed of the division of a white egg of white light and of the same spiritual monad. This is the partner or companion that God has created for us.


This person can be any time that the superior being sends to reflect the exact image of you. It often reflects your negative vibrations, while other times you are in glory seeing the beauty that you are. The twin ray is the maximum, the happiness we have been preparing for so long, is overwhelming. Today sad memories from this departure of the two hearts which we will clean before moving towards the divine embrace of our twin ray. It is really a gift that we come in harmony with the other half of ourselves. After working on the reconnection, the twin ray is known as the consort. Some of you will connect electro-magnetically with the perfect match here on Earth. A twin flame or a soulmate. Whatever the level with which they want to reconnect, there will be changes in their lives and the spirit will not give them anything they cannot handle. Our twin ray only seeks and wants the best and the highest. Ask yourself if you are one of those who will make the union of the dimensions with your twin ray happen.

The Love of spiritual halves can only be understood from its just truth, since its bond is made of true love, of the same light substance and is for all eternity, for the deep and indissoluble of such a union in which He can recognize the Universal Love that unites everything.

We belong to a group of soulmates with a similar vibration frequency and within that group is a soul with a frequency of vibration equal to ours that is our companion of God of opposite gender, with our same soul essence and similar physical anatomy. However, we could be attracted to the other soulmates of the opposite gender who are not the other half of our being at the energy level.


The Higher Self tries to keep us on the right evolutionary path, so do meditations with your Higher Self, which also supports your polarized partner, since in the fifth dimension where the Higher Self dwells, there is no polarity; male and female The Higher Self is both. The Higher Self will only help, when asked for assistance, and will not intervene in those lessons that each soul must learn for itself.

During the long evolutionary cycle of many lives, when souls descend to lower worlds of matter, the Higher Self remains on a higher spiritual level, constantly recording all the evolutionary experiences lived by those souls in the lower planes. Then they achieve the self-mastery that elevates them through Ascension. The Creator has told us that the Purity of their bodies will be the first door that the Love of the Twin Flames must pass through and will come to Earth from their Holy Christ Self; with all the virtues that the Father has granted them, so that they contribute to elevate this planet to the place where it belongs. It is difficult to be separated from the twin flame, both when you recognize it and when you do not remember it because experiences with other couples do not really make us happy. We always long for the Divine Love that the Father has created for us.


The reason why this kind of relationship feels so much is because all the cells of both beings vibrate with the same frequency of energy. It is those men and women who only among themselves can find the identity of the true love of the spirit, which vanishes with selfishness and with the limitations of the ego, Jesus calls them twin rays. Currently there are more and more young people who can access the truth of meeting their soulmate in their current life and this is because evolution has made many mature souls and with spiritual evolution become incarnate, thus raising the level of spirituality of The humanity.

Author: Susana Blanco Murillo


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