AA Uriel - "May the Water bring you to the Light", channeled by Hester Aira

  • 2012

AA Uriel March 15, 2012

`` May the Water bring you to the Light '', channeled by Hester Aira

Today Uriel has said:

[ ] You are precisely in this moment: the moment in which you realize that what you thought was Truth is Lying and the moment in which you have to throw out of your On the side of the Liar Truth discovered to let in the Aut nica Truth, the true one, which your souls remember and recognize. The time has finally come for the veils to fall. That is what will happen during this Equinox. Many can perceive that new reality uncomfortable. You must not forget that you have Free Will. This significant moment Here and Now has arrived and so it should be, to be prepared for the next steps in your Ascension process. However, you always have the last word.

You can choose in which reality you wish to continue walking in consciousness: in the new and for some unknown that appears before your new eyes, or in the known, in the old. You will not be judged whatever your choice, since you must know that you are lovingly and respected. But that split will mark a milestone in your History, since it is right at that moment where Duality of Unity will be split and there will be no going back. They will coexist on the same plane for a while, but only and only for a while. It is time for fully responsible and mature decisions and the elections can no longer be governed by the external, you can only look at your interior and, depending on what you have there, choose.

It is a wonderful moment, the moment before germination, is the precise moment in which the seeds push hard to sprout, in which the chrysalis fight internally to break. They may seem confusing and dark moments, but they are only the previous moments of a childbirth, childbirth in which you, beloved babies, struggle to leave the Maternal Belly to begin to live a new life full and full of Light. The birth hurts the Mother more than the baby that is being born. You, beloved babies about to be born on the New Earth, are already prepared and you are feeling the restlessness and discomforts of the lace to go out to the Light. Your Mother, all Love, has been preparing a long time for it, and although childbirth is a painful process, she is deeply happy and excited for such a beautiful and important event.

Beloved beings of the New Earth, settlers of the new civilizations and fraternities, pioneers of the New Era. Celebrate this culminating moment of Creative and Feminine energy. We are waiting for you on the other side with open arms, all smiles and songs, with garlands of flowers and offerings and mantles of beautiful colors. The Light, a majestic Platinum Light illuminates everything here where we are, ready for as soon as you arrive to accompany and cover yourself with your colors. This is a party, the upper Golden Light crowns this new perception, surrounding everything with its halo, everything that your new eyes will see from now on, protecting your new look with the energy of higher vibration. You are highly loved and loved, you are immensely expected, both for all of us and for your Mother Earth. Fluid like water. Be Water. May the Water bring you to the Light, to us, beloved ones. We are waiting for you with your colors and wanting to finally embrace you in the new way. La Paz de mi Rayo closely and closely monitors the process.

Creative Love nourishes you and pushes you towards us. Follow your heartbeat, follow your heart wherever it takes you, because wherever it takes you, a beautiful melody will sound, your own, unique and personal one, which we will all recognize, and we will all give in your honor to finally celebrate your return home. Live the intensity of this Here and Now unique and exceptional with joy. Let your heart beat with excitement and start singing and before you imagine, you will be humming your song yourself, the one you are, the one you come from, the one you must share with joy for the Common Good of all of you siblings.

Sing because you will break the limitations of matter sooner than you think thanks to the incredible transmutating power of the Spring Equinox energy: the balance between two worlds, between two totally different and valid perceptions. Go in peace. The light reigns. I am Uriel. ”



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