FUTURE SIGNS * ARE YOU READY? - AA Miguel through Ronna Herman

Dear teachers, as was the case in ancient times, when there are major global changes in the air, there is an accumulation of predictions, most of which focus on portents and gloomy and sinister catastrophic events. Let us assure you, dear ones, that the future is in your hands, that you are "writing your own future" and, ultimately, the future of the world. Yes, for a while there will continue to be wars and violence throughout the world before they begin to remit. And yes, in order to facilitate the healing and balance of the Earth through the forces of nature, there will be extreme weather patterns and other "violent natural acts" that will bring to the consciousness of humanity what must be rectified. However, you have all the necessary means to create centers of Light, peace, security and harmony, regardless of who you are. We have provided the tools and all the components are in place. The only thing missing is that you, the Legions of Light, put into action. It is an honor that goes beyond any other that has previously been conferred on those who have been given the opportunity to enter the Cities of Light of the higher dimensions, and who are able to come into contact with all the Great Beings from all the confines of the Omniverse. In doing so, you will begin the process of opening the "River of Love and Light" that runs from the center of the Sacred Heart of the Supreme Creator and contains the pure particles of the Source of all matter. These ashlars of Creation are now available to mankind through the Cities of Light throughout the universe. Thanks to your participation and intention, these transforming frequencies of the Light will begin to flow to your Pyramids of Light of the Fifth dimension and, from them, to you, to the depths of the Earth and, finally, to the world in general. In doing so, you and your fellow Light Bearers will firmly anchor the higher frequency energy of the transformation inside the crystal grid system, thus creating vortices that will contain the new seeds of Creation for the coming Age. There is already a fresh wind of change that is circulating around the Earth as the number of dear souls who assume their roles as active instigators of change grows. It is time for the crowds to regain their spiritual power, to stop allowing others to trace the direction of their future for the benefit of the few, rather than for everyone.

In the immediate years they will see science and spirituality regularly corroborate the same concepts of expanded consciousness. When more and more of you become effective in manifesting your dreams, the scientific and business communities will begin to take note and undertake to “make cash” with what has been called “the New Age methodology”. However, this will not work unless universal laws are applied, since the time to suck energy from others is coming to an end. Businesses based on integrity that benefit ALL will prosper; and more and more entrepreneurial ventures will fail because the masses will be better tuned to the vibratory patterns of harmony or discord, ceasing to interact with those who operate within an unfavorable environment.

In civilized or industrialized nations, mass attention will continue to be focused on electronic devices and mechanical stimuli that involve the use of linear and analytical mental faculties of the left brain. In many societies the desire to escape from reality is increasing, which is especially harmful for young people. A greater number of cardiac problems and nervous disorders will be revealed at earlier ages, until there is an awakening among the crowds and they become aware that behavioral changes must occur within their collective consciousness if they want the Mankind successfully makes its transition to an era of expanded consciousness with a minimum of tension and stress.

The insistence on tuning into nature will increase, "saving the ecology of the Earth" will become an increasingly popular central point for many Lightworkers. Tuning in with the Earth and its well-being is a vital part of the transformation process that is currently taking place.

Dear ones, if you make a quick review of how much your world has changed in the last centuries and multiply it by a thousand, you will have an idea of ​​how radically the Earth and humanity will change during the next millennium. As already said, we ask you to concentrate and remain focused on the point of stillness of the MOMENT, since this is the only time you have insured. Remaining focused on your Sacred Heart and with pure intentions, will create perfect moments that will build and magnify a harmonious and wonderful environment in which all good and beautiful things are possible.

One of the most amazing gifts that can be received when you enter the path of ascension is the entrance into the "state of joy" of the higher dimensions. Once that goal is reached, it is always being sought again because a glimpse of the true state of our Being is acquired. Dear ones, as you increasingly integrate Diamond Divine Consciousness Particles into your Sacred Heart, you will begin to feel more and more that "state of jubilation". They will feel the fullness and expansive power of love and, at times, they will feel as if their hearts are overflowing with the Divine Elixir of Life. They will be able to enter the "kingdoms of jubilation" during meditation, especially if they meditate being in their glass pyramids; However, your ultimate goal should be to reach that state of joy while acting in your daily lives. It is what is called "being in the world but without being of the world." Look at your guardian angel perched on your shoulder as you take care of your daily tasks and remain focused on your Sacred Heart so that you are permanently aware of the Spark of Love and Divine Light that flames in it. When they can do so, they will be prepared to establish their own private Heaven on Earth.

Dear ones, you are the co-creators of the future and, as such, you must chisel your new reality and be very clear about what you wish to experience in the future. What is your passion? What are your most ardent and deepest desires? If they could manifest their most runaway dreams, what would they be? How do you wish to reveal the mastery of your being for the greatest good of all, including yourself? You must answer these questions if you want to activate and unfold your loving energy, transmitting the maximum possible amplitude of the full spectrum of the Creator's Light, also called Diamond Particles: the magical Elixir of Life and of all creation.

If you have been following our teachings, you will have realized that, at this time, an epidemic of gigantic proportions is occurring on Earth. People of all races and countries and of all possible life paths are disenchanted with their lives just as they live today. Those who are still immersed in the illusion of the environment of the third and fourth dimensions are suffering shortages, oppression, fear and have a sense of hopelessness; instead, those who have learned to use the universal laws of manifestation effectively have been able to create an environment full of material wealth; however, they often feel weakened and frantically seek something or someone belonging to their outside world that generates a sense of joy and well-being, which helps them rediscover the true meaning of life.

What has happened so that this has been achieved, if these situations have existed for thousands of years on Earth? The "have" and "do not have" have been making them live their lives in a world of illusion where they almost never get what their hearts want, whatever it is. The difference is that the Divine Plan has moved on to the next phase of the evolution of humanity, from which your soul is playing an active role in your experience (whether or not you are aware of it). There was a special condition that you all consented before incarnating in this life: You gave permission for your guardian angels to set aside your free will when the time came to push you toward the path of consciousness. Many of you may remember when this happened because it is generally not a pleasant experience and, when this happened, your life changed dramatically. For many of you this has happened several times, but if you listened and answered the call, your life will have changed radically for the better.

When one enters the path of ascension of self-consciousness, it may seem as if the dark night of the soul is being lived; However, if they learned their lessons well, they will see the justice of the exams and tests they had to overcome, as they helped them become the directors of their own future when they were pushed to the path of the teacher a of his being. The Electric Being is pushing them all, to a greater or lesser degree, in an effort to capture the attention of their soul. No one can preserve their status, wandering and weathering and ignoring the wake up call. Your consciousness has to grow and ascend or sink deeper into chaos and limitation.

There are many reasons why so few people found and lived their passion, a condition that prevails both within the spiritual community and at the general level. The most frequent reason is that people seek to feel satisfaction and self-esteem outside of them. It is always easier to look beyond being instead of immersing yourself in the process of self-improvement and self-discovery. Many think or run: If you had a different partner, or a different job; if I lived in a more beautiful area or I had another aspect; if I did not have the limitations that I have, I would realize my passion and my life would be joyful and full. We insist again that the transformation begins within and gradually radiates to the world in general. An internal evaluation and a cleaning process must take place, and each person must lay firm and solid foundations if they want to create a world of abundance, beauty, peace and harmony around them.

We have often stated that, in order to lead their lives with passion and purpose, they must first eliminate those things that do not bring them joy or satisfaction. There is a step-by-step process, each of which has been described in our previous messages. They must learn to use the universal laws of manifestation to detail and clearly state the future they want. We have repeated again and again: HEAL THE PAST * WRITE YOUR FUTURE * LIVE IN THE PRESENT.

It is important that you do not dodge the unfinished issues, but remain in your present environment (circumstances) while deciding what your passion is (or what your next step towards your self-awareness will be). They should clarify the old issues that they can. In other words, if your family life is chaos, or if you are dissatisfied with your job, you must do an interior job before you can manifest balance and harmony in your outside world. Recount and take on the task of discovering what lessons should be learned from each situation. Get to see the best in each and consciously seek to make adjustments in your attitude. Each person with whom they interact and each situation that is presented to them every day and that impacts them, contains a lesson to learn.

What mainly prevents them from obtaining the mastery of their being and acquiring abundance, beauty, joy, peace and harmony, as is the Divine Right of Birth of all mankind, is fear. Fear to fail; fear of the unknown; fear of success since they are removed from the "comfortable zone" they have in their current existence.

We have already told you that "Your earthly contract is fulfilled, " which is applicable to all souls on Earth. We have declared that the Divine Plan has passed to the next phase or level, and this means that everyone must advance through the spiral of ascension. This also means that all people on Earth are being given the opportunity to write a new "Galactic Contract." That is to say, "Define your Future", or your future will decide for you, which will not be so exciting by far or have so much potential. Each person must take responsibility for their own past, future and present. It is more important than ever that each person KNOW HIMSELF.

Many dear souls of enormous potential continually self-sabotage their ventures, since deep inside they feel they are not deserving and still harbor fear of failure. You have to pass each step on the ladder of the ascension, you have to face the energy or lessons in it, you have to overcome them and you have to integrate the wisdom of each of those lessons. This is the path of self-mastery.

When you deepen the balance and harmony that exists in your beings, your guides and teachers will lovingly open the way for you, and your destiny and passion will appear, but not before you are ready to take responsibility for making your dreams flourish. . Learn to walk the middle path and "Back to the Center", radiating from it vibrations of peace, balance and harmony in your environment, so that these harmonic frequency patterns return to you more and more.

When they begin to see each challenge as a growth opportunity; when they have such a burning desire to complete a task that they don't allow anything or anyone to stop them; when they have placed their clear and concise vision in their Pyramid of Power and Light and ask for the best result, for their greatest good and that of all; When you have gained knowledge of that vision, place it on solid foundations and move forward firmly and decisively in pursuit of your objective, YOU WILL FIND and live your passion. Take the steps described, dear ones, and we can assure you that you will achieve success. A great celebration is taking place in the higher realms now that we are ready to welcome you, the brave teachers and avatars of the future, back among us. Know that we are always close to guide and inspire you. We radiate to you the eternal love of our Mother and Father God. I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.

Broadcast through Ronna Herman

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Web Site: www.RonnaStar.com *

© 1998-2007 Ronna Herman, Star Quest All Rights Reserved
775-856-3654 • * 6005 Clear Creek Drive • Reno, NV 89502


As I prepare for my last seminar of the year in Washington DC, on November 11 and 12, I look back at this year and am amazed at the progress we have made. It may not seem so if you believe in everything that the media induces us; However, we have a different knowledge, because we can feel the changes deep inside, around us and within our dear Mother Earth. We are aware of how mutable this world of ours is, this reality that is fading away, as a whole new and advanced world civilization unfolds before our eyes. They may feel lonely and isolated while gradually abandoning the physical plane of reality of three or four dimensions; However, if you constantly strive to remain centered in your Sacred Mind and Heart and in the sacred "moment of Stillness Point", you will enhance the flow of the full spectrum of the Light or Diamond Particles, which are now available to all those who have reached harmonic frequency patterns of the level of the fourth middle dimension or higher. We have a critical role to play in this "Change of the Ages, " as we were given the opportunity to participate in the Divine Project and in the general plan for "our courageous new world and new galaxy of tomorrow." We have to address the wisdom of the Cosmos, and our beautiful friends the angels to guide us and protect us. All we have to do is maintain the purity of our intention and follow the path that opens before us. I, once and for all, will use all the tools at my disposal and attract the maximum possible amount of Light from the Creator that I can integrate, I will activate it with my loving energy and radiate it to the world. Please join me in our World Light Pyramid, rest in the Love and Light of our Father and Mother God, and share our unique loving energy with all humanity and the world. Eternal love and angelic blessings, Ronna

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