The Eagle Principles. Example of Overcoming and Leadership by Lur García

  • 2013

Considered the king of birds, who wants to become a leader studies nature and also the attitudes of this majestic animal. These are the principles that have made him an example to follow:

1. They fly at high altitude completely alone, neither with sparrows nor with smaller birds. No other bird can fly as high as them. Stay away from those who do not maintain your same flight, they will only slow you down. The eagles only fly with eagles.

2. They have a great vision, which they focus from 5 Kms from the air. When an eagle locates its prey, it sharpens on it and tries to get it. No matter the obstacle, the eagle will not move its view of the prey until it gets it. Have vision and stay focused (whatever the cost) regardless of the obstacle, and that is how you will succeed.

3. Eagles do not eat dead things, they only feed on fresh prey, only vultures and other carriage animals do. Stay away from old and outdated information and always feed yourself from the current one.

4. The eagle is the only bird that loves the storm. When the clouds accumulate, they get excited and use the wind to get a higher altitude, taking advantage of their rage to rise above the clouds, and this is what gives them the opportunity to plan and rest their wings. While the other birds take refuge in the leaves and branches of the trees.

We can use the storms of life (obstacles, problems, etc.) to rise to high altitude.

5. The eagle tests before trusting. The female before mating, descends to the ground chased by the male, takes a twig and flies high to release it. The male will pick it up before it reaches the ground and returns it back. This sequence is repeated for hours until she makes sure that he dominates the art of catching the twig, which demonstrates COMMITMENT and only then will it allow mating. Both in private life and in business, you have to test the level of commitment of those around you.

6. Male and female jointly participate in raising the new family. She lays the eggs and protects them, he builds the nest and hunts. The base of the nest is composed of thorns, covered by grass and the male's own feathers to complement it.

During the training time of the young chicks, the mother throws them out of the nest .. but due to fear, they jump back inside.

Then she throws them again, removing the feathers and grass, leaving the thorns exposed. When the frightened chicks jump back into the nest they are pricked by these thorns, so screaming and bleeding they jump out of the nest again.

After a while, the mother pushes them into the void .. the frightened chicks are caught in full fall by the father who returns them to the nest, until they manage to beat the wings after a while

Preparation exercises us when opportunities come and active teamwork in the family leads to success. Being pricked by thorns tells us that sometimes we are too comfortable, we go through life without experiencing and therefore neither progress nor learn.

The thorns of life come to tell us that we have to grow and move on and if someone really loves us they will not let us remain in laziness but will push us to grow and prosper.

7. Eagles rejuvenate (Watch video)

[youtube] [/ youtube]

For all these reasons, the eagle is considered the king of birds.

Choose between dying or renewing, leaving behind all the burden of the past, going through a hard change of transformation.

The commitment is what differentiates entrepreneurs from dreamers. Visualize, focus and take action.

Author: Lur García.

Source: leadership /


The Eagle Principles. Example of Overcoming and Leadership by Lur García

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