We are going through a moment of great purification and integration

  • 2016

This is a time. Great purification . The intensity of physical symptoms will depend on what needs to be purged and released and you must understand that no one is better than anyone, since each one is in his or her own process.

What you have to understand is that this process is an opportunity to observe you and see if you are still reacting to the discomforts or discomforts or on the contrary you accept and allow them.

Each moment gives us the opportunity to ascend or stay in the wheel of pain, but anyway, if you are reading this, your own evolution will lead you to recognize and release it. That is why it is important to recognize how much you are resisting seeing reality within yourself, and valuing what one thinks reality is. Especially, you have to analyze YOUR own definition.

Who do you think you are and who you really are.

And for this, you have to allow yourself to face the shadow itself. Understand that no matter how much you resist and want to close the door, it will go everywhere. Because literally, it's the only thing the shadow can do right now. Integrate with the light.

This is the process of integration that we are going through and that although we do not understand we have searched tirelessly, it is the process of the inner divine union. We are beginning to remember the true objective of this game on Earth : integrate separation.

Therefore, those who continue to resist this, swirling in obsolete, illusory and limited bases, will see how their shadow seeps through their pores: nightmares, negative thoughts, accidents, palpable fears, etc.


Because you are magnifying and distorting your own shadow, by putting all your focus on covering it, all you do is make it more evident and reinforce it, as we already know the Law of manifestation: Energy follows intention and your manifest focus.

Those empaths, healers or sensitive souls may be “fishing” these frequencies and feel them, knowing that they are not their own, you just have to keep in mind, that this will also happen, that they are connecting with the negativity so that it leaves the collective light . In these cases, they also reinforce their focus and personal limits, the fact that they are sensitive does not imply that they have to feel everything that is available to feel.

Others are adjusting their process, their awareness . Some prepared for years, going through various healings to be ready for "mother healing . " In order to be prepared and face the shadow, see her face and… embrace her.

It is time to unite the contradictory. And, realize that there is no such contradiction ... that everything tends to Unify within us.

AUTHOR: M. Rosa Ruso

SEEN AT: http://shamballadeluz.blogspot.com.es/2016/05/estamos-transitando-un-momento-de-gran.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+ShamballaDeLuz+(SHAMBALLA+DE+LUZ+DE+LUZ+DE+LUZ+DE+LUZ

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