Message of the Archangel Michael: Let's celebrate the truth of the light

  • 2017

I am Miguel, Prince and Regent of the Celestial Militia . Beloved children of the law of One, we honor our Presence together, to celebrate the truth of the Light.


Today I am speaking among you as the third term of the New Triumphant or the New Eucharist and it is that as Mary and Christ have told you, you are returning to the final phase of the ascension of the earth, allowing your liberation and freedom, so everything is realized and crystallizes in the plane of your physical and ordinary reality.

I have no new information to give them, especially because what is now illuminated on the internal and external screen of their life gives them the opportunity to see, with increasing ease and evidence, the reality of the process that is underway. Some of you, very recently, are living resonances with my Presence, whether within your dreams, your nights or in all lucidity. Your diverse experiences in the peoples of nature and in nature itself, as well as in your multidimensional contacts, allow me today to approach some of you close enough to resonate in the same connection and radiance that leads to Freedom.

My presence, for those of you who honor me with your welcome, needs no words

It is a silent communion, activating in you the emergence and foundation of your eternal body within the Here and Now, within the HIC and NUNC . It is possible that you, even for those of you who do not live or feel the vibrations or energies, come into resonance with my Presence and with my coming action, as I said, in a more individual way from now on, to decide on what you need to decide, to favor the birth in awareness of your eternity within this world.

Our communion in these silent moments, whatever the way it is during your dream, whether through the perception, vision or feeling of my Presence in any circumstance, is the agent that allows, individually, as has been the case collectively but more intimate and closer to each one of you, transmit the relief of my vibration and my radiance .

It is possible that you, beyond any perception, name me and then wait, without asking for anything more on certain occasions that will not be numerous, because there is no need to renew our common radiance, unless you are offered in a session that Instantly allow to burn the last habits, the last shadow areas, to illuminate them in the most powerful way possible.

So my radiance present in you responds to your call beyond any energy, vibration or notion of sleep, awakening or liberation

My action is silent. It will be translated for you, if this happens, in the days that follow this common radiance, by a lightning bolt of everything that still weighs within you, within your person, your story. It is not a resolution action of the ephemeral and therefore not therapeutic, especially as regards exclusively the ephemeral, but exclusively to favor the birth of your eternity, its full revelation, its manifestation, but also its use within this world.

On a more collective level, the plowing of the oceans, the plowing of the earth continues with an unequaled intensity on the surface of the ocean, since these phenomena called meteorites are observed. In addition, this plowed and sowing action also allows the Earth's crystalline nucleus, released for many years, to fully reach its first stargate, the Sun. The union of the Earth's crystalline nucleus with the Sun, due to the collapse of the shields that enclose ionosphere, magnetosphere and heliosphere, no longer allows us to close anything and re-form the slightest isolation .

This happens in the same way at the level of your subtle and ephemeral bodies, thus releasing what is called the causal body of the soul's claw. So, what a few years ago was called the tenth body or IM Gate of the throat, as well as the IM Star on his left ear, are, by my radiance, the elements that I come to unlock from his heart, from his Infinite Presence, to allow him to live in this world and leading him not to be subjected in any way by circumstances.

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