Rituals for December 24: For this Christmas, Receive Blessing, Success and Prosperity

  • 2017

December 24 is one of the most anticipated and important days of each year, precisely because Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve; time that has an energetic load, esoteric and of incredible transcendence. Do you want to receive blessing, prosperity and success ? I invite you to practice the rituals that I am going to teach you and achieve all that you have always wanted.

December 24: Old Christmas Eve Celebration

… December 24 is one of the most anticipated and important days of each year, precisely because Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve.

Since ancient times we have celebrated the "Nativitas" or Christmas, a term extracted from Latin, and in more colloquial words means " birth "; reality, which goes beyond a simple celebration, is the right time to share with family, forgive offenses, demonstrate love and strengthen faith, faithfulness and bonds of friendship and brotherhood.

But is it the birth of who? Tradition tells, very briefly and without intervening in the thought of any religious profession, it is the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, so the Christians would specify the beginning of the salvation story planned forever by God the Father. However, it is not the only tradition, I will tell you the most important ones.

The Romans every December 25 celebrated the feast of the birth of the Undefeated Sun, or in original Latin terminology "Natalis Solis Invicti", a celebration associated with the birth of the god Apollo; The “winter solstice” day party was established, or as the Romans called it, a “haze” celebration.

Also, it was customary to celebrate at this time, the Roman festival named "Saturnalia" in honor of Saturn, which lasted approximately 7 days.

On the other hand, the Scandinavians and Germans celebrated the Feast of Frey, a festival dedicated to the Norse god of the rising sun, fertility and rain. It is said that they adorned an evergreen tree, in order to represent the Yggdrasil, in Castilian tree of the Universe, a tradition that would evolve until our time.

The Incas celebrated the birth of the sun god, whom they called Inti. This festival was called C pac Raymi, which translated into Spanish would mean Fiesta del Sol. Importantly, this celebration had some initiation rituals in the adult life of the young men of the Empire, a party traditionally known by the name of Warachikuy.

Also the Aztecs had a celebration in the time we call Christmas today, this party was called Huitzilopochtli, which in Spanish would translate to the god of the Sun and War.

Important to keep in mind, that despite celebrating these traditions on the same day, each culture, for that moment, held a different calendar, however, it is the celebration of the birth of a God For all cases. Precisely, here lies the energetic, esoteric and transcendent importance of Christmas, and its prelude on December 24.

I invite you to do personal research on the evolution of Christmas, I assure you that you will be passionate as I am.

Receive Blessing, Prosperity and Success with the Rituals of December 24

Already known, a bird flight, the history of Christmas celebrations and December 24, I invite you to know the most important rituals for these holidays, so, you manage to attract your life Success, blessing and prosperity .

Abundance Check Ritual

The abundance check is one of the rituals that is essentially more complete, you can fill it out on December 24 at midnight.

Next, I will place the abundance check for you to print and diligencies:

As you already observed and detailed the abundance check, I want to let you know the instructions so that you can complete it without any error.

Step 1 :

Place the date of issue of the check where the space allocated is.

Step 2 :

Where it says "pay yourself to", you must place your full name, without studs or amendments.

Step 3 :

In the box where the amount of money to be paid is traditionally placed, that is, where it says “the amount of”, you must write “ paid all the debt ”, or “ infinite abundance ”, you can also place “ paid in full ”. Please, do not place money in any section.

Step 4 :

Keep your wealth check in a safe place, and forget about it, it will be the Universe who takes possession of your check to give you what you deserve and have asked for.

If you print the abundance check that I have placed before you, you will not need to fill in more information, the necessary ones are already filled out, only the steps I have listed will be missing. You will receive blessing, success and abundance !

Ritual to make wishes on December 24

“In my home is prosperity, success, and blessing, and more and more is still coming”

These rituals to make wishes, it is only possible that you do it once a month, however, in order to gain effectiveness, I advise you to do it on December 24 at midnight, or failing that, at 12 in the middle day.

For this ritual you must follow the following steps, please, do them one by one, so you will avoid mistakes:

Step 1 :

What you want to achieve write it on a white sheet of paper without scratching. You can write what you want to achieve on a social, professional, health, success, money level, in short, whatever you want.

Step 2 :

Light a white candle .

Step 3 :

Visualize in your mind and in your heart what you have asked as if it were already a reality. You should see it very clear and accomplished.

Step 4 :

While doing the visualization, let the candle burn halfway.

Step 5 :

When you notice that the candle was consumed halfway, place the paper with your desire in the flame, and let it burn. The ash that is creating the burning, you will blow it, and out loud, with faith and determination, repeat the following sentence; " In my home is prosperity, success, and blessing, and more and more is still coming ."

Step 6 :

Finally, let your candle burn completely. You will receive blessing, success and abundance !

Please! For these rituals it is very important that you keep in mind all the necessary precautions, avoid any accident at all times.

Christmas Blessing Ritual

On December 24, the table that you will use to enjoy Christmas dinner with your family, you must decorate it with a red velvet in the center.

Blessing rituals are very important, today I want to show you one of the easiest to perform, and that brings more efficiency to our lives.

For December 24, the table you will use to enjoy Christmas dinner with your family, you must decorate it with a red candle in the center.

When you sit down with all your family and guests, you should say aloud while you light the red candle : “ I light this Light as a symbol of love, money, prosperity and health; May the newborn Jesus Christ fill us with blessing, success and prosperity to all who are gathered here and now (at this time you must say the names of all who are participating in the Christmas Dinner), and also those who are not for various circumstances (you say the names). Thank you Child God and Spirit of Christmas for listening to us . ”

When the candle is completely consumed, the remains must be buried in your garden or in a pot; Please, don't throw them away. You will receive blessing, success and abundance !

Christmas Ritual to Repel and Destroy Negative Energies

... these rituals are extraordinary, they have amazing powers, you need to perform them with faith, confidence, and thinking that your desire is already achieved.

December 24 will be the day when you manage to destroy and scare away all kinds of negative energy, and attract positive energy to you, high energy vibrations .

Get liturgical coal, ground cinnamon, myrrh and incense . On December 24 at noon, you should light the liturgical coal and add the myrrh, cinnamon and incense ; subsequently, place them in an iron, tin or ceramic vessel, in the center of your business, work or home; Then he says the following sentence: “ Our Creator, that, through this ritual, my home, my family, my work and my business, are protected from all negative vibrations, from all negative energy around us. May the 7 human virtues be stimulated in us so that we can live in full happiness every day of our life . ”

Finally, let the pleasant smell of frankincense, myrrh and cinnamon spread throughout your home, work or business.

If you want to invite your family to perform this ritual, you can do it, ask each of them to make a personal wish when you turn on the elements. You will receive blessing, success and abundance !

These rituals that I have taught you today are extraordinary, they possess amazing powers, however, it is necessary that you perform them with faith, confidence, and thinking that the desire you have requested is already achieved.

There are other rituals, you can investigate them if you wish, however, I made the compilation of the most important and those that have the most energy, magic and power they have essentially on the date of December 24 .

On behalf of our Virtual City Community of the Great White Brotherhood, receive a special greeting of peace, love and fraternity, that these Christmas celebrations are the time you need to achieve everything you have always wanted, Happy Holidays!

Author : William Hernán Estrada P rez, Editor in the Great Family of https://hermandadblanca.org

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