What is the number of your mission in life?

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 You were born to face certain challenges 2 Recognize your challenges to live an empowered life 2.1 Step 1 2.2 Step 2 3 Number of your Mission in Life: 1 4 Number of your Mission in Life: 2 and 11/2 5 Number of your Mission in Life: 3 6 Number of your Mission in Life: 4 and 22/4 7 Number of your Mission in Life: 5 8 Number of your Mission in Life: 6 and 33/6 9 Number of Your Mission in Life: 7 10 Number of your Mission in Life: 8 11 Number of your Mission in Life: 9

Do you always attract the same problem ? Do you feel challenged in a particular area? Are you aware of your potential but something keeps you stuck ? Do you wonder why some people struggle with illness, poverty, conscience, sick relationships, or low self-esteem, while others do not fight at all?

Although it sounds absurd, the answers to all these questions and many more can be found in numerology.

You were born to face certain challenges

According to numerology, the ancient science created by Pythagoras 2500 years ago, the date of birth and the name hide the seven Personality Numbers, which reveal the traits and areas of success along with the challenges that hold you back.

When one knows that these challenges are also part of the soul's journey towards enlightenment, one can begin to overcome them and live an empowered life. It is what is known as living "consciously" and being in the driver's seat of your own life to reach full potential.

Do not fear your challenges . You chose them previously, before you were born, because you knew you needed to develop those particular areas. Just as you inherited those challenges, you also inherited the strength, skill and wisdom to overcome them in the course of your life.

Recognize your challenges to live an empowered life

Each of the seven Personality Numbers in your numerological chart has a set of unique and unique challenges. Of those seven numbers, the Number of your Mission in Life is the most significant.

Let's calculate the Number of your Mission in Life:

Step 1

Reduce all numbers on your date of birth to one digit, unless one of them is 11 or 22 (11 and 22 are left like this).

Example: December 11, 1969 (12/11/1969)

11 1 + 2 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 25

11 3 2 + 5


Step 2

Add the three numbers and continue reducing until there is a number between 1 and 9


3 + 11 + 7 = 21

2 + 1 = 3 Number of your Mission in Life

If the number adds 11, 22 or 33 does not reduce to 2, 4 or 6. It remains 11, 22 or 33 and becomes the Number of your Mission in Life 11/2, 22/4 or 33/6 respectively .

Number of your Mission in Life: 1

Mission : Become an independent individual who travels the less traveled roads and leads others.

Challenges : Learn to stand on your own and harmonize with others. Overcome feelings of being different, of being separated or alone.

Potential for success : Guide more to follow. Use your individuality and uniqueness as an advantage and improve your ability to succeed.

Number of your Mission in Life: 2 and 11/2

Mission: To become a co co-operator of peace that understands, comforts, supports, mediates and / or heals others.

Challenges: Learn to balance your emotions. Overcome feelings of insecurity, inferiority and lack of self-worth.

Potential for success: Obtain a balance between giving and receiving. Using your creative, supportive, mediating and healing abilities to help others, you will improve your own ability to succeed.

Number of your Mission in Life: 3

Mission: Become a “creative that expresses your being”, using your artistic, creative and communicative gifts to lift others.

Challenges: Learn not to criticize and complain, nor exaggerate negativity and drama. Learn to be responsible, organized and focus.

Potential for success: Express yourself in a healthy way. Use your personality gifts, to use words, artistic, creative and / or communicative for positive goals, you will improve your own ability to succeed.

Number of your Mission in Life: 4 and 22/4

Mission: Become a "dedicated worker" that brings stability, organization and order to your environment and those around you.

Challenges: Learn to be flexible and adapt to change. Persevere in challenges and overcome feelings of restriction and limitation.

Potential for success: Build a stable and secure foundation for your future. When you provide stability and order where there is chaos and discord, you will improve your own ability to succeed.

Number of your Mission in Life: 5

Mission: Become an “adventurer who lives in freedom” with a great life experience, that transmits what he has learned to others.

Challenges: Learn self-discipline and moderation. Instead of succumbing to addiction (or other forms of escapism), you must find healthy ways to stimulate your senses.

Potential for success: When you use your personality, multiple talents, varied interests and gifts for communication to help others, you will improve your own ability to succeed.

Number of your Mission in Life: 6 and 33/6

Mission: Become a “responsible caregiver” who serves and supports your community, your loved ones, friends and family.

Challenges: Learn to accept imperfections from you, others and the world. Find the midpoint between helping and over-helping, and between attending and training

Potential for success: When you balance to receive and work at the service of others, you will improve your own ability to succeed.

Number of your Mission in Life: 7

Mission: Become a "seeker of contemplative truth" and discover your spiritual truth.

Challenges: Learn to be tolerant, open and trust others. Overcome feelings of loneliness or alienation. Learn to express affection and emotion.

Potential for success: When you spend time just to contemplate the meaning of life and discover your spiritual truth, you will improve your own ability to succeed.

Number of your Mission in Life: 8

Mission: Become an "individual with a business and / or empowered mind" who leads with others.

Challenges: Work on issues related to personal power. Learn not to let anything (or anyone) take away the power or take it away from others. Overcome victim mentality and poverty awareness.

Potential for success: When you balance your personal power and adopt an attitude of abundance, you will improve your own ability to succeed.

Number of your Mission in Life: 9

Mission: Become a “compassionate humanitarian” that helps make the world a better place.

Challenges: Learn to accept, let go of the misadventures of the past and move on. Overcome feelings of abandonment. Learn to accept and forgive everything or who has caused you pain.

Potential for success: When you live in service and rise above your judgments towards others, you will improve your own ability to succeed.

There is much to gain with the knowledge and understanding of the numbers using this ancient wisdom to improve the quality of life.

DRAFTING: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

REFERENCE: Michelle Buchanan, numerologist, author of the book Numerology: Discover Your Future, Life Purpose and Destiny from Your Birthdate and Name, 2015, Hay House.

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