Karmic Number 16, destroy the old and receive the birth of the good!

  • 2019

What do you know about karmic number 16, what do you know about karmic numbers, do you know what karmic numbers are, these and other knowledge on this amazing and exciting subject you will know today, you are welcome!

What are karmic numbers?

In Numerology, there are two types of karmic numbers . First there are karmic debts, and secondly there are karmic lessons ; today we will focus on karmic debts, specifically on karmic number 16 .

All this, because karmic debts have a little more weight, and karmic lessons are less intense than a karmic debt .

The karmic numbers are 13, 14, 16 and 19.

Surely you are wondering, but ultimately ... what are karmic numbers ? I want you to know more about this interesting topic below, exactly when clearly defining what karmic debts are.

Karmic Debt

Karmic debt can also be called test number, warning number or hidden number.

Basically, the karmic debt number indicates that you have a debt to pay in this life for the actions you performed in a previous life.

When you notice that one of these numbers appears as central, it is a message that indicates that you are working with problems of the past.

Here is an example of how a karmic number could appear in your life.

Look at this example:

If someone was born on July 16, 1950, his birthday number would be the 16/7 karmic number . Now, not only would this be the way to do it, it is one of the easiest ways, however, according to the current, there are different ways to find a karmic number .

When you observe a karmic number, it tells you that you will experience significant challenges or difficulties with a particular "theme" in your life.

It is really good to know that the struggles that you probably experience again and again can receive a name and a reason to be, pass and exist.

It's more like you have a debt on your credit card. You have to decide to give up vacations, go out to eat or buy because you have to, instead, use that money to pay your credit card gradually.

If you don't pay it, your debt continues to accumulate, the interest rate increases and your debt will consume your life. The collection service starts calling, the lawyers threaten you, attack you, until finally, you may lose some good that covered the debt.

So, when you see a karmic number, it simply indicates that you have a debt to pay.

Fortunately, if the numerology is your ally, you will know the positive nature of your debt that you are paying, it is as if you receive a bonus for your payment.

Now I do! As I had promised you, here I will make the information concerning the karmic number 16 known .

Karmic Number 16

This is a sign that in your past life you were too stubborn and refused to believe anything other than your point of view.

The karmic number 16 is one of the most difficult numbers to live, however, if you find strength to overcome it, you will be rewarded as much as this karmic debt has taken you away.

The karmic number 16 is a sign that you live more in an illusory world than real. You may have found incorrect information and believed it, or your principles may not be compatible with the circumstances of the world around you.

It is also possible that you have chosen a wrong authority that limits you to living a full life.

It is a challenge to accept that something is wrong in your life and learn to find different perspectives, to look for different angles to fully understand the situations in your life.

It is a lesson in flexibility and being open to everything new, even if you have never understood it before.

This number is difficult because it is hidden, the person rarely understands that his opinion could be wrong, this, because it is quite natural to be sure of ourselves.

It is also complicated because many internal strengths are needed to overcome these characteristics, since they are generally our habits or perspectives.

When the person takes the first steps towards the right position in life, the person is rewarded and encouraged to continue, until the debt is no longer relevant. Exceeding the karmic number 16 gives you true happiness and self-realization.

In case the person does not want to admit that there is something wrong with their life, the karmic number 16 is getting worse, so that person will begin to recognize that changes are necessary.

After the internal revelation, bringing the changes into play, the life of the one with karma number 16 changes dramatically to improve.

It can be compared with the personality reset. To get rid of the karmic number 16 you need to be more flexible, less oriented in your beliefs, be really inquisitive about the world and question the authorities, especially those that seem to be the most defined.

It means the destruction of the old and the birth of the new

Karmic debt 16 represents the destruction of the old and the birth of the new. The 16 is about the fall of the ego and everything he has built for himself; It is essentially a cleaning.

Everything that has been built and everything that serves to separate the person from the source of life is destroyed. Through the karmic number 16 the meeting with the great spirit is achieved.

This can be a painful process, because it usually occurs after much ego inflation.

Life presents challenges to your big plans, your decisions should be the most favorable and consistent.

Karmic debt 16 is a losing battle, you are likely to feel humble in the face of the collapse that follows; However, this humility is the key to later success, because you will learn to follow the indications of a higher reality, approaching life with a completely new consciousness.

Those with karmic number 16 should be careful with selfishness. Very often, these people use their highly intuitive and refined intellect to despise others and see the rest of the world as inferior, which leads this individual to acute alienation and complete loneliness.

When 16 is in one of your main numbers, this process of destruction and rebirth is a continuous cycle that actually serves to lead you to a higher consciousness .

Karmic debt 16 can be a path of progress and great spiritual growth if you look at it properly.

How did you think of this spectacular theme about karmic number 16 ? Amazing! Right? I invite you to tell us your personal experiences.

I invite you to be very aware of our next publications, extraordinary Texts we are preparing for you. I wish you abundant successes and blessings, A Hug of Light!

When 16 is in one of your main numbers, this process of destruction and rebirth is a continuous cycle that actually serves to lead you to a higher consciousness.

Author : William Hern n Estrada P rez, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of hermandadblanca.org

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