The Flow of Divine Power, by Master Kuthumi

My regards to you as I come once more to help each of you in your times of transmutation. Yes, it is the right word, since I am referring to transmutation not to transformation. Well, you will see that this is what is happening now, with the powerful energies in and around you. The new energies in the same atmosphere, which seep into your daily experience. And also the new energies within his very being. Explain more.

Many are aware of a new energy that has been leaking through their Earth ethereals for a few years. It has been constantly changing in intensity and power. In your time now, the strength of this energy is such that many of you are feeling physical symptoms from this flow.

Many are feeling quite tired, experiencing physical aches and pains, lethargy, headaches, interrupted sleep patterns as well. This is mainly due to the physical body as it adjusts to a newer higher energy. This will continue for a few months to come.

In addition, the emotional body is also experiencing a transmutation. The ethereals are dense with emotional problems which, of course, create an emotional energy. Indeed, anything that needs to be cleaned will be cleaned.

Any relationship, on any level that is not built strongly will collapse. Some of you will find that some of your relationships have been completed, and will depart. If they have allowed the problems to remain under the surface, and have not talked about them, these problems will be revealed to deal with them. And so with the new flow of energy, it is important to maintain clarity in all your relationships. For in his time all false and negative expectations of others will require transmutation to an expectation of great integrity. If they are using another person for a selfish reason, it can no longer be. The energies will now bring this to the surface, to be seen, to be adjusted and clarified.

They are preparing to enter the portal of a new level of being. A new level of experience. I have already told you about the importance of leaving behind all the old negative behavior paradigms.

For change is not only in its external energy field. The change must also be in your inner energy - the energy that contains your true beliefs. Indeed, the center itself, the center of your heart. Many of you who are wise now begin to reside and flow from the center of the upper heart that we call your sacred heart. I tell you that it is not simply enough to know about this, to have this superior knowledge, no. Well now they are being called to start working from the center of their upper heart. Yes. In every experience of your daily life.

The energy penetrating your atmosphere and creating the physical and emotional changes you are experiencing comes from the Divine - God. It is a divine flow of energy. A superior vibration that many have experienced in a previous incarnation. This is why they are experiencing these changes in their being. Why many are looking for more peace, a higher consciousness of existence.

I also tell you, the Divine flow of energy is activating the Diamond Light contained in your sacred hearts. Many of you are familiar with the term New Age, and more recently, the Golden Age. Did you think that this would happen, that you would experience this new level, that you could continue as you have always done before, in the lower vibrations of war, control and greed? No, this will not be the form of your future times.

For my friends, you must prepare to receive the new Golden Divine energies in your being - in its entirety. Now they must learn to function from all their upper bodies. This begins in the center itself - your sacred heart.

I tell you that the most precious, the most sacred, the most treasured possession they have does not exist anywhere else in their physical world. No. You will not find it anywhere on Earth.

For everything you enjoy now will leave you when you go to the other level of existence. You cannot take anything with you that is of a physical nature. But - ah, my friends, you can carry your most precious and sacred possession - your Light. Yes, the Diamond Light of your sacred heart.

Furthermore, if they have been wise, their Light will have grown and expanded through a correct life and attaining superior knowledge. Through letting everyone see and share their Light. Well, by doing that they help others with the example. Giving others the opportunity to reach the great Light, the great growth of the soul.

It is that lower energies, lower behavior patterns, false imbalanced emotional problems must now be transmuted into a higher vibrational energy. One that will expand into the new Divine energies that now surround the Earth. When the lower energy is transmuted through the Divine Light you become free. For many of you, this is a new experience. Yes, just be free. Not having thoughts of inferior desires, of hurting others through thoughts, words or actions. Be truly happy with yourself, love yourself - just be.

This, my friends, is what you will experience in your Golden Age. Therefore I tell you to accept more Light, breathe more Light in your being. For this will accelerate the transmutation of their physical and emotional bodies. I tell everyone - start now.

Begin to live in the Light.

Master Kuthumi

** Copyright © 2003-8 Rev Lynette Leckie-Clark- All rights reserved. They can share with their friends, but they cannot sell this material in any way.

Translation: Xitlalli Contreras -

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