Log of the Earth of April 7, 2009 by Celia Fenn

April 7: Changing the Continent ... Energy in the Americas : I'm here in Buenos Aires, Argentina. With a little jet-lag but, otherwise, enjoying my second visit to this energetic and great Latin American city. I arrived on a warm and sunny autumn day, with the perfect weather to spend some time walking through the streets and shops of the city. We are stopping in the center, near the commercial area of ​​Florida, and I start getting used to the loud noise of every big city.

Well, as soon as I arrived, there was an immediate "connection" within me with the emerging energies and the emotion that is unleashing in the American continents. For me this has been quite new, because right now the energy in Africa is somewhat tamed compared to the excitement that is emerging here. Well, I was interested in finding out how things are going in Latin America. So the first night we went to dinner at a friend's house, Karina, owner of the “Mandala Space” where we will celebrate our Buenos Aires event in May, “ Masters of Light . " We had a good time in his sacred space, just chatting, and then I took a drum and began to play. Suddenly, with the sound of percussion, the room was filled with "presences" and messengers from the spirit world.

The enormously exciting revolved around two specific events and energies. First, a new masculine energy is emerging, and its shamans are feeling it. Now that we are preparing for the sacred ceremonies of our calendar, Easter and Wesak, the divine masculine energy, the masculine Christ energy, is sprouting within people of the entire planet. This, for the divine masculine energy, is a wonderful victory, as it resurfaces as a force of Light within the human collective and in the minds and hearts of people. This energy will intensify, along with the divine feminine energy, as we pass through Easter and Wesak and over the next two months.

But, in addition, there is another event that is generating from here, from Latin America, a true “tumult” in the realms of the Spirit. This is the "Meeting of the Ancients", which will be held in Arizona, USA. UU., At the end of April. What I saw while playing the drum was a powerful "kundalini" energy from the Earth rising through the new "vertebral" grids of the Andes Mountains, a powerful Dragon Energy that is waking up to Earth itself. A similar energy is descending through the Rocky Mountains of North America, and both energy "currents" are coming together in Central America, in the Mayan lands of Guatemala and Honduras. This is creating a powerful dance of the Dragon or of the Serpent throughout the "mountainous" column of the Americas, as well as a powerful vortex of Light in which the two energies converge.

This energy will be the one that spreads the “Meeting of the Ancestors” in Arizona, also represented by the Eagle and the Condor flying together to bring Peace and Abundance to the Americas and the New Earth.

At the time of the Meeting, those who are working with the Ancestors and Masters of the Earth belonging to the indigenous traditions to create the “dreams” for the New Earth, will be working with this so powerful, freshly awakened energy of the Serpent o Dragon of the New Earth.

And indeed, there is immense joy in the world of the Spirit. There is a tangible excitement growing as they prepare to help humans who, across the globe, will be singing, dancing, drumming and dreaming about the New Earth in Arizona. And the energy is running Andes and Rockies up and down, with the effect of an electrifying “dance” that is changing the Earth to take it to ever higher levels of Conscious Consciousness.

I wish I could have been there too, but we will all be where we should be at the right time. At the time of the Arizona Meeting I will be in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in a Starchild Meeting in which we will also make a Shamanic Journey through The Dream in favor of the New Earth, so we will join this nascent energy. Our task will be to anchor this energy in Brazil as part of the Celebrations and Ceremonies. And, wherever you are on the planet, you can also connect with the nascent energies of our Earth in this powerful time for Her.

So, today I will be leaving Buenos Aires to go to Puerto Iguazú and the rainforests of the Amazon. Therefore, my next blog will arrive from the Iguazu Falls, the most powerful water vortex on the Planet, where we will hold a Meeting of Lightworkers to work with the sacred energy of Easter, which they call here “Week Santa. " I am also looking forward to returning to that wonderful place, home of the "Paradise Codes", to share the energy with the old and new friends of Foz do Iguaçú. In addition, we are going to inaugurate a Project of our Foundation for Children in Brazil and, at some time of the week, we will visit a home for Children with HIV / AIDS in Foz. So, please, if you wish, travel with us through this Paradise Nation of South America!





Foz do Iguaçú, Brazil: April 9, Plenilunio Water Ceremony.
Details here.

April 10 and 11: Holy Week meeting at the Iguaz Falls! Details Here.

Yes Paulo, Brazil: April 18 and 19: Group Retreat Weekend in the Forest. Details Here.

River de Janeiro, Brazil: April 24, Ceremony in the Christ the Redeemer. Details Here.

April 25 and 26: Weekend Meeting of the Sacred Heart and the Twin Flame in Rio. Details Here.

More details of the events in Brazil by clicking here .

Buenos Aires, Argentina : May 8 and 9: More information by clicking here .

Rosario - Colonia, Uruguay: May 10: Soon more details.


Santa Fe : Message of Archangel Michael to the Meeting of the Network of Light of Argentina Santa Fe and Litoral.

San Rafael, Mendoza: May 1 and 2: Celia Fenn will attend the Meeting of the Luz Cuyo Network. For more information, write to Alicia Contursi .

Translation: Paloma Fernández .


by Celia Fenn

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