Ceremony of the Vacuum and Silence: 2 Pulses, Codes of Will and Balance in Santiago, Chile

  • 2011

Path to Sirius.

Wednesday, august 10, 2011

This year under the planetary influence of the portals of Sirius and the Sirian Light connection, the 2nd pulse will be made from the consciousness of man to anchor the codes of will and balance through the universal void. This ceremony was carried out in ancient times by the priests of Lemuria where the energetic pulses of creation were received with the new schedules that converge from the pulse of the great Creation Center. This act, was called from the high spheres Ceremonia of silence and emptiness, which we will explain in more detail later.

Under the aspects that we are by right of correspondence in the image and likeness of the Almighty Father-Mother, in alignment with our brotherhood of Sirius and the Order Ra. We are preparing to carry out this synchronization of harmonic convergence for the opening manifestation of the vibrational codes of the CREATOR GLASS. This vibrational pulse synchronizes, aligns and orders under the celestial order the restructuring of the divine purpose here on Earth. Under the free will of the human being, we are requesting the integration of servers for the realization of this ceremony.

With the guidance of our brothers and in conjunction with the RA order of Sirius, we were allowed to remember our remote past of the great Lemuria, and we were allowed to remember the ritual of our beloved Lemurian priests who held They were the influence of the Cosmos to be delivered to all the spiritual structures that coexisted in harmony with the true codes of the plan, now called Truth Codes: it is the vibration of reprogramming and alignment, under the figure 10 representing God (creator, unique and eternal) the one as the only one and zero as the totality, that is to say the whole unified in one and were received on October 10, 2010. Following the development of the ceremony, this year manifests the will of the plan in the consciences of human beings, the power of change from within each being. From my will and my right of correspondence I AM CHANGE. From the universal consciousness of our creation that is sustained by the Sun System, who regulate, graduate and sustain the energy balance in the mental field of consciousness, the assistance of a energy flow that will allow to stabilize and balance, the imbalance caused by the manipulation of the human mind. This allows our planet to be assisted and sustained by the Divine Plan, from the new evolutionary perspective to which we are beginning in our being. The process of change is here and now!

The statement of the Sun System refers to the importance of understanding and informing about the anthropological philosophical study of each human being in order to reach their own level of ascension. This means that each of us must fully understand himself as an individual, create his own coordinates of time and space (momnetum), from there undertake the integration of his knowledge and allow the projection of his own daily scope (my thoughts are creating reality where and how I want to manifest). The increase in the activity of the Sun is precisely the regulator of all duality so that it is balanced. The dual mismatch contained for several millennia is graduating towards an evolutionary rung that will allow the human being to choose his own scope of reality according to the vibrational frequency achieved in his own evolutionary process. In this way the opportunity to create an ambit of reality as a whole is only in the will of the human being and his divinity. It will be we want on our own merit to choose design patterns that we will apply to our world. It is not uncommon to see in the press the great collective movement that has been activated throughout the planet, imposing from the individuality the value to life, equality, law and all the components that are integrated into the great social demand. This emerging mismatch also affects the personal of each being and the imbalance is manifested in our own rigid structures of thoughts and behaviors. Therefore, do not be surprised at each emotional, economic, labor, etc. denial. We must understand that we are in change and as announced, we must sustain it with what we ask in our own connections, meditations, prayers, etc. And for our requirements to be fitted into this design pattern that we call reality, we must allow the above to be removed so that the new can be established.

As you know, there are always mismatches between one change and another, so we will receive from the sun and emitted by the Sun System the necessary balance for the change of reality is transformed with the assistance of light workers here on planet Earth and together with our Mother GAIA.

Unity is strength, let us put aside our own beliefs and issue together with humility and love our intention from free will and under your right of correspondence. A year ago, the codes (frequencies) began to be received and in 2010, under the alliance of Sirius the codes of truth were manifested, so that everything hidden in manipulation and misrepresentation, comes to light from the consciences of humans. So being able to decide from the truth, now the will to manifest our own reality and undertake this change in balance is integrated.

Join this force and organize yourself in your country or city, we must all act and stop complaining if we do nothing. Now from silence and emptiness, we will program the creation of our own World, in harmony with the Universe and our nature.

Next October 10, at 12:00 pm we will unify beyond time and space in a single consciousness. We will wait for you! And they have been waiting for us for a long time!

More information for the development of the ceremony:

Light, peace, love and faith.


ASH RA Group.

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