METAPHYSICS AND SCIENCE: Translation into Spanish

  • 2017

METAPHYSIK UND WISSENSCHAFT (In German in the original)

Metaphysics versus Science

The findings of Science are always subject to interpretation and the conditions resulting therefrom, therefore, behind each finding an element emerges that we can
denominate Will of Power .
Any Science can be solved from a certain level of Metaphysics .
Metaphysics is for humans itself intangible and unknowable . Therefore Metaphysics will always be interpreted from another tangible interpretation.

Only the tangible is understood and from that point an attempt will be made to derive a Metaphysics .

That is, any form of Metaphysics in Science is only an interpretation, and thus is again subject to a Will of Power .
That Science and that Metaphysics that possess a greater inherent Potential of Power, is the one that will prevail. But it will be limited and interpreted by the Power Will of the ruling class .
The sciences established as such, such as Natural Sciences or Psychology have an essential role in our society, precisely because they have great potential: in their case the Power-potential about Nature and about Human Beings respectively.
Other sciences such as Hermetic, Astrology or other Esoteric Sciences are called Pseudo-science, because they do not have much inherent potential power. Certainly many of
These sciences designated as Pseudo promise a Potential power, but they cannot maintain it, or they cannot be easily accessed.

In this way, the sciences that ultimately prevail are those that have the greatest potential for power and in which this power is most readily available . These sciences are always interpreted by the Will of Power of the ruling class and both powers must not be opposed .

Example: Capital in terms of money, promises to those who possess it the availability of a series of assets, incentivized to the willingness to align them in order to obtain more Power . Consequently, people who have a lot of money would be interested in the means of being able to continue exercising that Power.
Thus, the Sciences in which the increase in money aligns people who have a great fortune with those same sciences, would be the ones that receive the most Power. Among such sciences, we have
Engineering or the Economy, since they can meet the value of Capital, so that it generates more Capital.
Natural Sciences such as Physics or Chemistry have the virtue of expanding the aforementioned Sciences, offering new possibilities and potentials.
On the other hand, Psychology makes people tangible and predictable, so that people who have the necessary resources (money) will once again establish themselves in a position of Power to lead those tangible people through advertising, politics ...

However, there are other Sciences that relativize the means of power of money or even deny it. Here the Humanities and Esoteric Sciences are encompassed, which are consequently repressed by those in power and by the representatives of their Sciences.

AUTHOR: Sehtnacht

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