Installation in us of the Fire of love in this month of June. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov and Ma Ananda Moyi

  • 2013

Good afternoon dear brothers, here I am again in you, Omraam, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, as I was called in my last life. Today I present to you as Melchizedek of Fire, Melchizedek, with all the power and all the Force of this Element. Today I come very well accompanied, well accompanied by the Star Ma Ananda Moyi, who also comes to make Communion with the Element Fire, Fire of the Spirit.

Well, brothers, here we are in this new stage. This new stage that has arrived after the Earth Weddings. As you have seen, you have lived the Celestial Weddings, you have had the Earth Weddings, and now comes the time of the Honeymoon.

As everyone knows, after the Wedding, there are a couple of weeks, or more depending on the budget, in which this trip is made, where this couple finishes knowing each other well, where we are going to say ends deepening huh! Thus, everything will be prepared so that, once this Honeymoon is over, the Son begins to be the Head of this New Family.

Thus opens this period so special, and long awaited by you, announced by the Archangel Uriel, also by your Mother Mary. So you can appreciate today, as the Doors of this New Communion open, in which you are from all Eternity, with your Spirit, with Christ.

So it is the moment of manifestation, total manifestation of who you are, where they come from, and of your Original Vibration. It is time to live Eternity, Here and Now, in this Present, on this Earth, returning you to your Eternity. They are fantastic moments, because for a long time it was not possible to experience this on this Earth, this level of Vibration, which the Earth is experiencing right now.

So it is time to recover your place, in your Heart, and also, to become the Word. First it was the Word, so first of all we will try to be the Word. Once awake if you remember, the subtle Bodies, the Bodies of Light, carry the IS point, the Verb point. Once this circuit of Light is activated, in your Heart, in your Marial Channel, your Body of Light is in perfect communion; Your Word is able to manifest the Light and the Truth of the Light Here and Right Now.

This is the Power of the Word, the Power that you will recover again; for your Abandonment, for your Simplicity, for your Authenticity. Thus the Word can manifest in you the Power of the Spirit, from the Absolute, from the Supreme Peace, the stays of Shantinilaya.

Each one has the power of the Word, so they must find your Note, don't they? They will find your Note, in your spoken Word, where your body resonates, where your body enters the Vibration, by the simple pronunciation of words, of syllables; will manage to get the Word into resonance with your physical body, even at times, and make it vibrate with the Power of the Word.

It is thus that in these special moments, there are no longer two paths. The "charlestone" period has already passed for some of you. Of course, some "bungee" (ndt: jumping in bungee jumping) may still exist, but remember that the rope will quickly pull you up again.

So it is Installation Time, the Total manifestation of Light in this dimension. These are times where emptiness is present, and where fire burns, where fire burns in your heart. Be respectful with this Vibration that is being installed, be more and more sensitive, more and more sensitive to your Word, more sensitive to the mental that can still remain, because of its reactions or fears.

Increasingly extremely sensitive. And as the Absolute, that your Freedom of Consciousness, of Yes, is installed, will allow you to release these locks that still remain in the Yes, in terms of mental views, conditions of spirituality, of the judgment on the good and evil, and on the spiritual path of your brothers. This is the last job left for some of you.

By releasing these lines of predation with your brothers, your entrance to the Absolute will be instantaneous, there will be no space between one thing and the other. For now nothing can separate you from the Light, from the Vibration, from the Eternity that is now here manifested on this Earth, through the Fire of Archangel Mikhaël, through the Air, as Sri Aurobindo said; They have been able to observe the tornadoes and manifestations of the Air.

Everything is here for the Great Party! For the moments of tribulation previously announced, for the announced moments of Gloria. Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Mother, the Father and the Son, unified again in you. The Tri-Unity is a reality in this space of the Earth. Space where nothing is fixed, where everything is updated and will be updated faster and faster. You only have the recommendation to abandon yourself to the Light, because nothing that happens in your life comes to move you away from the Light, but on the contrary, so that you strengthen yourself and settle permanently in your Heart.

Do not worry, then, about any history of this world, of all the visions that may appear on television or in its media, it will increasingly seem like a mirage, really like a movie. There will be no doubt for you in the Vibration, what is the Truth of what happens, in all aspects of the Transmutation of the Earth and your Transmutation.

They will also help the Last who will be the First. With little touches of your Presence and even the Word, it will be enough to lead all these brothers to the Light, and they will be prepared, to make the jump right now. Thus they will recognize you in your process and in what is happening around you. And at the same time, your process that you have lived, for some of you for many years, will be the way for your brothers.

So there is no more to do than the Party! Really free yourself from all suitcases, be as light as a Feather, go where the wind blows. And every time you will realize that you will act without practically making use of the mental, everything will come delivered by the Light, by the inspiration of the Supramental. They will find themselves existing and acting, thinking, acting and existing simultaneously, all Unified Bodies will really be. This is the gift of Light, this is the Present of now.

Be grateful also every second, for every event, every smile, for every moment where all consciousness is lost. And do not forget the Humor, of the Cosmic Humor, the joke will make you be in the lightness, your Love will make you go back above the earthly circumstances that can still be experienced. That yes, I speak of Love and the Humor of the Heart, the most humble, innocent, and spontaneous humor.

So Omraam greets you within you, I send you all the blessings of Love and Fire. Also a Greeting in a Communion with all Melchizedek.

Prepare your Spirit for the Dissolution in the Light, upon returning to your Spheres, in your House; It is right here in you now. Omraam greets you and leaves you in Communion and with the Presence of the Star Ma Ananda Moyi.

Thanks and so far. Blessings.

(Communion, Merger, Dissolution)

Good afternoon my children, Ma Ananda Moyi embraces you in the Fire of Love. Today in the company of the very Venerable Omraam, bringing Fire to this meeting, providing the best tool to Life, to Eternal Life, to Your Life.

Now, in this month of June that opens, you will see how you really are. Without more mirage, without more deviation from Alpha and Omega. You will see and be in Presence, Transparency and Light.

You will be blessed in Grace, in Grace and in bliss, in Ecstasy, Intasis, which will emerge within you, like a flower that opens within you.

The states that will experience in duration and power will be amplified without any restrictions. They will also be able to manifest your Mission on Earth, with contact with your brothers, more Clarity and Transparency, accelerating the process of Awakening and Transmutation.

The moments of Fire are reached, the Fire of Heaven and the Fire of Earth are reunified again.

Rejoice, rejoice in the Fire of the Spirit! The Fire that is Eternal Life and Joy, rejoice children! Communion in the Fire, in the Fire that We Are.

(Communion, Fusion, Dissolution)

The End Times of Grace have opened, the Light will enter however small the gap is, and so it opens. There is no place to hide, there is no place to go, only your Heart, your Unity, your Absolute, your Infinite Presence, will be the Truth, the Way and the Life in this Time. Finally redirecting your axis and your AL point.

No altered vision can be installed in what you are. For the Law of Resonance will support you with Irradiation in your Unitary Fields. Your Soul, totally turned towards the Spirit, will continue to act and manifest your creativity in these times. For the ultimate goal the Soul already knows what it is, has already passed into your Redemption.

So be spontaneous, do not hesitate in that time, doubt will slow you down, it will make you leave Grace quickly. Open the Heart, to Children, and Transparency.

You will be like birds, fast and agile, graceful and docile. And at the same time you will be like lions, you will be the King of your Temple, you will know how to have the Strength and Security to move anywhere with the Truth of Light. A few moments of Dissolution.

(Communion, Fusion, Dissolution)

Allow the Fire of the Earth to rise through your feet, merge with the Fire of Heaven that enters through your Crown. Unify this fire in your Heart. This is your Flame, this is your Original Identity, your Filiation to the Spirit, your Eternal Flame. This Flame that has come to shine in these last moments of this cycle change, of this end of Kali Yuga. You are the Flames that illuminate this Ascension.

So do not faint, enter into your interior, to the Stays of Supreme Peace, Shantinilaya, and in the Infinite Presence. Recover your Emptiness, your Vision, in order to manifest Consciousness, the Consciousness of Love that everything can. The Consciousness of the Christ Love that will no longer be an assumption here on Earth.

Ma Ananda Moyi accompanies you all, in your Heart, at every moment. Be the Fire, the Fire of Heaven and the Fire of the Earth, the Male Fire and the Female Fire, and the Fire itself.

See you soon, my children. Ma Ananda Moyi hugs you in Heat and Tenderness. He takes you by the hand, and caresses you, taking you to your Inner Joy, your silent Joy, where your heart will be overflowed with eyes full of tears.

Then my children, good return to you, good reunion in the Infinite Joy of Infinite Fire. See you soon.

Transmitted by: Sijah Sirius

Translation: LM

Sijah Sirius June 1, 2013.

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Translation: LM


Installation in us of the Fire of love in this month of June. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov and Ma Ananda Moyi

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