Effects of mass meditations, changes in time lines and other topics

  • 2014

A couple of days ago, a great friend, trainer, and conscious entrepreneur, Sergio Quiroga Morla, was in Barcelona to visit, and he proposed to see us and record a relaxed talk about the topics of the blog, which we both love so much, and about those who could spend weeks talking.

We sat on a bench, near the beach of Barceloneta, and, while the camera's battery lasted, we were talking about certain very important topics, and burning, at this time, as are the effects that massive meditations have they make from time to time all over the planet, the modifications of the alternative time and future lines, the changes of reality that we are living in this process of evolutionary change, etc., etc.

It is possible that, at some of these points we touched in the talk, some sensitivities were hurt and that I could clash frontally with beliefs and ways of understanding things, as we are used to it, and I am sorry for it, because there are some very powerful movements, which become viral, and drag thousands of people towards objectives, which, being noble, end up feeding nothing positive realities .

An example of this is what, as you can see in this news, they are trying to do, beat the Guinness record of people registered in a joint mass meditation. I am very aware of the beneficial effect of positive energy, and I meditate with my companions and friends on a regular basis, the problem is not that, the problem is when everything is prepared in such a way that it is used premeditated, by the powers that handle the threads, thousands of people like piles, to collect energy, which is then derived for purposes completely negative for the planet, and the events that happen on it.

I leave the video and I hope it is of interest.


Source: http://davidtopi.com

Effects of mass meditations, changes in time lines and other topics

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