The Five Obstacles to Awakening ~ Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll

  • 2014

May 10, 2014, in Moscow.

Greetings Dear; I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Thus, this day comes to an end. My partner departs and what follows is a message for you; a message we give to you and anyone who listens.

Before you begin: How many of you truly understand that God is within you? What does this mean? I speak to you now from the other side of the veil, with the purity of Love, not as an instructor but as part of the Creative Source that wishes to know you better. May the Spirit of God be possessed on this place, a thickness of Divinity so that you feel the integrity of this message and understand its purpose so that we can know you better. That is the only purpose.

Sooner or later, humanity will wake up to a greater purpose. It may take generations, but it is starting now. The problems will be solved one by one; energies will be presented to create new tools to solve the enigmas of humanity. Meanwhile, the Old Soul that is here and the one who hears this are invited to tune in better and wake up to a different kind of Light.

So what is lighting for you? When we talk about waking the Spirit, of becoming aware: How do you perceive it? Do you see it as a belief system or do you see it as a way of life? It is a way of life. It's not a list of things you do to be able to sit in that chair in a meeting like this; It is not a process, it is not a belief; It is a way of life. It may be new for you to understand how deep this is and what is expected of the Old Soul. This is an invitation for you to capture your intention to come, before you have even arrived. Even before you were born, you looked at this planet thinking about today. Now all the lives you've lived are concentrated. You are on this planet for a reason; and that reason is not to believe in a certain way; The reason is to change, to be part of the broader perspective. All of you, anyone within the reach of my voice, will understand any of the languages ​​spoken here, all of you are included.

5 is the change number. We have said it before. So, we simply offer you five attributes. We call them the obstacles to awakening. They will surprise you. I've talked about some of them before, but not in your language.

Let's say you think you are on the path, the path of enlightenment, the path of awakening. Let's say that right now you think that's what you want to do. Maybe you even think you're doing it. We have also told you that things are changing, that the path of the old energy is very different from that of the new.

We will give you five attributes. Number One: One of the biggest obstacles is that you hear everything I tell you and everything the Masters say; and you try to accommodate God's ways to your agenda, but you don't realize it. You think you know how it will happen: God will do things your way. You are convinced of that, because you look around and know what you need; therefore, God knows what you need and can make a list of this and that… “Yes; I know that God will change this easily. God knows I need this, then this will change ”; and you sit comfortably, saying, "This is how it will happen." (Kryon smiles) And nothing changes. Do you understand what you are doing? You just decided everything. True? You could say: “And who else? I am the one who knows my affairs. ” Dear, you know your affairs, but you don't know the system around you. You don't have the broadest perspective; you don't know the potentials of what others are going to do or how things are going to work; and then you plan everything, just knowing what you know. Do you understand that that could stop everything? Let it surprise you. You have to give up the plans of what you think you need. What if something much bigger was at stake? You would never see it, nor would you realize it, because you are stuck in thinking that you know exactly what God is going to do. So the number one is to give up your purposes and allow the Spirit to take the helm of the boat you are in and guide it to places you don't know. This is very difficult for many.

Number Two: My partner has taught this expression in the past: Humans tend to humanize God. This has been explained many times. Humans tend to impose Human Consciousness on the Creator. Did you ever think you were doing that? You may say: “No; I do not do that. I understand that it is not good; I will not make God a Human. ” Maybe you're not thinking about it. Some of you do just that and you don't even know it.

I will tell you what you do, it is another obstacle in the path of consciousness: You worry about knowing if you are doing things right. (Kryon smiles). Think about it. How many are you wondering if you are doing things right? And what would happen if it were not so? You would say: “Well, I wouldn't get results. Maybe it would offend God. I need to do things to please God. I will do this and that and this. I want to do it right! ”; that you say. Do you see what attitude I am talking about? You have decided how God thinks! You decide what pleases God and what dislikes him. What if I told you there is no such thing as pleasing or displeasing God? That is what you do with your parents when you are a child, not with the Creator of the Universe! Let me tell you something: God is always pleased with you. Do you hear me? God is always pleased with you. Mother, when you look your son in the eye: Are you pleased with his life? Is there anything he can do to stop loving him? Do not! God is always pleased with you. You may believe that you are doing something wrong or staggering in the desert. (Kryon smiles) Those are your things, but God loves you as you go through all that. God is pleased even that you are looking for which path to take. Stop worrying if you're doing well. You're doing it right! So is! Humans have a hard time discovering how to work non-linearly! Learning about the new energy requires a lot of effort and a change of consciousness, however there is no such thing as making mistakes. It may take some of you longer to solve the puzzle, but you are not displeasing God. Do not humanize God. Feel the Love that is always there for you and know that there is no such thing as displeasing the Spirit.

Number three: Stop fragmenting God. Either you have God inside you or not. But the Human Beings want to put it on an agenda. S, Kryon; I know I have God inside. But, you know, I am a busy person, so I will spend a day or an hour to recognize God. Realize that this is a tradition. According to tradition, on certain days you set aside time for worship, you dress differently, act differently, go to a building, honor God that day ; and then you go home, you dress normally, you act normally; And you are different. Do you realize what you are doing? You decided to fragment your life and for a day you put your awareness of God in a box. Do you understand what I say? It's time to finish that. We are with you all the time. Don't fragment us, let us be in everything you do. When you are awake and when you sleep, when you talk to friends, when you drive your car, you have God inside. Do not schedule a specific time for us, because we are always there. When you direct your attention to a moment like this, while sitting in a room, we want you to understand that what you see here is always with you. For you, this channeling may have a beginning and an end, but not for us. If you allow us to enter twenty-four hours a day; and you are walking the path all the time, not just one day, when you dedicate time to meditate, it is beautiful. But we want you to understand that you are always in meditation because God is inside you all the time. It's you who decided to set up boxes. Can you do that? This was number three.

Number Four: How attached is your personality? How attached are you to the habits of which you call your way of being? Because habits should change. If you ask me, I will tell you what they will change. Kryon: Could you explain that? If you have a belief system, your personality does not change. You are who you are But if your life changes, if your reality changes, what you call will also change your way of being. Did you know that some of you are addicted to your way of being? You worry, you are afraid, you say: Well, that's me. Maybe some even like to complain. And you say: Well, I've done it all my life. I question everything, I analyze everything and I manifest it. Some people think that I complain and argue, but that's me. Really? I want to ask you something: How much do you know about the Masters who walked this Earth? What is your favorite Teacher? There were many! I want you to imagine your favorite Teacher. Did he complain a lot? Are you arguing? The answer is: never. Do you think people are attracted to someone who is always distressed, or who always argues and complains? The answer is no. Dear, we invite you to rewrite that program, to change your Human Nature. It is not weakness! It is not weakness that others see God in you; It is not a weakness that you are gentle and loving with others. It is not a weakness to walk among the people and see God in them and not complain about it. That is the invitation. It is not a belief system: it is a way of life. This is what the new energy is bringing: the recognition of your participation in a great plan for you. We cannot enter your life and give you what you deserve if you maintain a personality that presents us with complaints saying: This is the old energy and that is how I want to be. Did you know you stop us? It is your free choice to do it. That was number four. Numerically, the four is a structure number. Do you understand its correlation with what I just told you? So structured are you who you are like so you can't change? It is your free choice.

Here is the last one, Number Five: How many of you tend to isolate yourself and only dedicate your sociability time to like minded people? You realize that this is safe, because you never have to explain who you are or what you believe in. Isn't it true that you find it uncomfortable for someone to ask you what you believe in? It is annoying! Most people do not believe in what you believe. Then maybe you become hermits. Being with a group like this is nice for you, you can talk openly about these things and then you go home and look for others with whom to discuss all this. This is starting to change. We said it before, we want you to listen. You will not change the world by getting into a box. It is not time to go out and shout at what you believe, but it is time to live this change and allow your way of life to show others how balanced you are. And how balanced are you? What happens if you enjoy arguing and complaining? How attractive do you think that is? Have you ever thought about it? Does that show the inner God? Really: Have you thought about that? Is that balance? The balanced Human Being is gentle; the balanced Human Being does not have to prove himself to others; the balanced Human Being does not impose itself on others, it remains calm and radiates balance. And it attracts other Human Beings who want to know what it has and what is so different, so beautiful, so full of Light. The balanced Human Being does not get angry easily. The balanced Human Being is patient; and that, my friend, is the way of radiating Light to the world. You walk among those who do not believe the same as you and show them what you believe in the way you act, with what you do.

So how are you doing with these five? And where in the road are you? These five things are for the Lightworkers. These five things are for those who are already on the road and try to solve the mystery of spirituality. The New Energy on this Planet is beginning to change even the way of working of the Old Soul. You may hear this and say, "These things are difficult!" I will tell you something: The new energy also contains new tools that will help you change absolutely everything you try to change. There is a more benevolent system than ever and it is here for you. Patience, understanding, all these things can be yours. You may say, "Well, Kryon, that's not me!" I want to tell you something: Yes you are! You just don't know it yet! Until you start to walk the road with us.

This is the message. It is not the message of the day; It is the message for a new millennium. A time for Humans to begin to change so that finally everything you see is God in you, in a new way of living. It will happen slowly, but it must begin with you. This is the mystery, this is the task. All for you, with free choice. What are you going to do?

I conclude with this: No matter what you decide, no matter how you do with any of these five things, we are always here. You can't kick us out You can pretend we don't exist, but we'll be with you all the time. This is the promise of God: We are within you, always with you. We will always be in love with Humanity. Always.

And so it is.


Translated: Jairo

The Five Obstacles to Awakening ~ Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll

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