The Hidden Hierarchy I.

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 They call this Hierarchy, among several names, also as the Hidden Government of the World. 2 This Hidden Hierarchy does not behave as if it were a government, where orders are issued and blindly obeyed by its subjects. 3 Planet Earth has a way to go. 4 The Great Hierarchy continually seeks to monitor and energize the Plan and, at times, choose unconventional processes. 5 The human being has freedom to walk in the way and with the methods that he finds best. 6 When a people is static, standing in its evolution, it attracts crystallizing forces on the nation that block their collective and individual development and this can generate violence, wars, misery, hunger and death. 7 Why does the Hidden World Government or Hidden Hierarchy not interfere in wars? 8 Planetary evolution is done through the actions of forces.

Message of the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

So far, we have seen that there is an “Plan” of action executed by souls who, reincarnated or not, directed by a greater enlightenment and consciousness and grouped in various sectors, are carrying out the Divine Occult Work of Evolution for this humanity and for the planet.

You can perceive that life and evolution do not walk to the taste of the beautiful pleasure of the human being, but that there is a Hidden Order that, hierarchized within a discipline, manages life on this planet Earth .

They call this Hierarchy, among several names, also as the Hidden Government of the World.

The term may be correct, however, we believe that they are more "hidden administrators" than constituents of orders and powers.

Let's analyze this Hierarchy a bit. We will not schematize because those who want to deepen may consult the works of Alice Bailey.

Let's see some actions of this hidden work. The Great Hierarchy, to which we are referring, is composed of souls that, for the most part, went through various reincarnations on Earth and reached a high degree of spirituality.

Some posts (on this date, 1988) are still filled by souls from other planetary systems and even solar, because there were no human souls with the same characteristics, but, shortly ¹, these souls, which never had human bodies, will be replaced because Earth already has souls that are reaching very high evolutionary levels.

This Hidden Hierarchy does not behave as if it were a government, where orders are issued and blindly obeyed by its subjects.

Things are not processed this way.

The responsible elements of each department of the Hierarchy have already reached a state of Illumination of their mind, conscience, soul and spirit, being completely in tune with the Great Planetary Consciousness, the Logos .

Thus, everyone knows what each one knows how to do, without the need to receive orders. It may happen that, on some special occasions, they receive superior orders that, with all discipline and with all love, are executed.

As is known to who is a student of the occult or esoteric sciences, two important points of the Hierarchy are the Triad and the Seven Rays . They express the various keynotes, or sound-light-color, on which the Hierarchy dome bases its Principles.

Planet Earth has a way to go.

Nothing in the universe is paralyzed or indefinite, everything is in constant motion, then, the Earth has its own way because it is an evolving Being, with the complexity of any Being, with its bodies, its Chakras, your own evolution.

If there is a path, there is an objective to be achieved, a program to be fulfilled . Obviously, this programming is neither rigid nor static; It is dynamic, always seeking to introduce new elements that lead to a greater rhythm of its evolutions and to a greater dynamism.

The Great Hierarchy continually seeks to monitor and energize the Plan and, at times, choose unconventional processes.

The beings that work in the Hierarchy are more administrators, instructors, coordinators, educators and vigilantes than interveners.

They only intervene in case of danger to the evolution of the people in general or when there is the inability of men to solve their collective problems . They always seek new knowledge and energy so that humanity walks faster and does not deviate from its path.

If a certain group of souls, or a certain nation is not following its own trajectory, it is contributing to stagnation of its peoples, or wanting to flee its path and, therefore, colliding with other paths, the intervention of the Hierarchy arises silently but positively to correct, not to punish.

The human being has freedom to walk in the way and with the methods that he finds best.

He cannot curtail the freedom of others, imposing his personal will, his economic and social-religious political ideologies, enslaving his fellow men. Here he is transgressing laws and the Hierarchy will certainly make the correct correction.

A nation is sovereign as long as it tries to bring its people to freedom, balance, development, peace, in every way, so that everyone has the same rights and duties, not allowing hunger or injustice, mainly socioeconomic, at all levels.

However, the intervention may suffer if you are working against the planetary evolutionary order, thus losing sovereignty and your own freedom .

Hierarchy beings only interfere, ultimately, when human inability to solve problems is demonstrated. This intervention is not done through power and force, but through the transformation of acting actions, leaving the human being the opportunity to be the agent of the transformations themselves.

Sometimes, peoples create actions that trigger various reactions and normal effects arise, and thus, they will have to exhaust their own collective karma - for being the best path for karmic exhaustion to go through a period of political or economic dictatorship, for deprivation .

When a people is static, standing in its evolution, it attracts crystallizing forces on the nation that block their collective and individual development and this can generate violence, wars, misery, hunger and death.

Here the Hierarchy may or may not intervene . Many times he lets that people solve their own problems, only interfering when they are passing the tolerance limits.

To better feel the action of the Hidden Hierarchy moving, it is good to always keep in mind the collective, global aspect of a nation, a continent, the planet, and travel in time, back and forth, detaching from concepts and observing Always the evolutionary aspect.

If we were sitting on the Moon, having the power to see each nation, each town, each continent and the Earth as a whole, then, as silent observers, the evolution of the peoples would pass before your eyes and everything would seem simple to you. and natural

Why does the Hidden World Government or Hidden Hierarchy not interfere in wars?

Millions of human beings die in them!

Do they have no sorrow of humanity?

The human beings who died in the wars, were generally the generators of their own forces of destruction, in that life or in past lives.

The Hierarchy cannot interfere with collective karma - she watches so that human blindness does not reach other areas and generalizes the process of destruction, creating a chain reaction.

You will have to analyze all this outside of sentimentalities and passions . The analysis cannot be done in relation to a personality that has a limited duration of 70, 80 or 90 years, but in relation to the soul, which lives millions and millions of years until merging into the spirit, which is eternal.

So, what is often bad for a human being (dying in a war or even of AIDS), can be extremely beneficial for the evolving soul, and this is the most important thing.

Planetary evolution is done through the actions of forces.

And there are opposition forces to evolution, which we call crystallization forces. The Hierarchy is always attentive not to let the imbalance cause chaos.

Lately, and especially in the last one hundred years, the Hidden Hierarchy has been in great activity. Its influence is notorious in all human activities.

The reasons that have led her to influence the activities of mankind are basically three: first: the end and beginning of a New Cycle with the entry of the Age of Aquariums, which is very important for evolution of humanity; second: the new manifestation of Maitreya (The Christ), bringing new forces to the planet and to humanity, opening a new solar cycle; third: the Hierarchy that when the outer disappearance of the largest part of Atlantis became internalized, with the entrance of Aquarios it would be exteriorized again , and the great souls illuminated relive among men to teach hidden and divine things.

Master Zanon (Also known as Master J piter). 01/12/1988.

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa.

Since May 1991, the main base of the Hidden Hierarchy became composed of souls who reached those spiritual levels so high in the evolution of the Earth. However, the occupants of the old offices, which are originally from other systems, still remain on the planet, helping the new composition of the Hierarchy.

The globe is a living being, with embodied power, life and consciousness. Earth breathes. His heart beats. It is the body of a God who is the Spirit of the Earth. The rivers are your nerves, the oceans, great nerve centers. The mountains are the dense structures of the giant, whose form is the evolutionary field of man, and whose inner life and powerful energies are the permanent abode of the Gods. The Kingdom of the Gods - Geoffrey Hodson.

PORTUGU S-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the big family of

SOURCE: Book O Governo Oculto do Mundo. Or Trabalho da Hierarquia Oculta, Editorial Portal. Second Edition Author Henrique Rosa.

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