Message from San Germain: Responsibility is your entrance to the Ascension

  • 2018

Those who are ready, can step forward and embody the new wave of energy that symbolizes the responsibility of their ascension process . For some, the idea of ​​taking responsibility for their own spiritual evolution can be an intimidating process that causes more insecurity and confusion. This is due to the lack of confidence in themselves and the presence of the Creator in and around them.

Taking responsibility does not mean that you should guide your own spiritual path or reach your ascension by yourself, these understandings arise from the belief of the ego in the separation of the Creator. To assume responsibility for your ascent is to open up and surrender to the Creator's Universe and let yourself be guided, trusting that everything will be good and satisfying.

Opening yourself to the Creator's Universe allows you to be guided in the most beautiful way to live a wonderful experience of spiritual learning, soul, growth and understanding. When you do not take responsibility for your growth and spiritual evolution, you lack direction, connection with yourself, blame others and expect others to do spiritual work, growth and evolution for you.

Other people are always present in your reality to help you, inspire, direct and reflect the truth of the Creator. However, to grow spiritually, it is necessary to be centered in your heart giving yourself to the direction of the Creator, and the intention to co-create in harmony with the Creator.

The question that promotes your acceptance of yourself

The question you can ask yourself is: “ How can I co-create spiritual satisfaction, growth with the Creator and those around me ? This question allows you to realize that you are the creator and central demonstrator of your reality and existence on Earth. However, you cannot do it alone, so co-creation is always essential.

When you recognize yourself, your creations, those around you and the Creator as energy, you perceive your reality differently and you realize that all energy is born from the Creator and you want to experience the connection, to transform and create new energies . When you surrender to the Creator and are ready to receive the guidance, help and support of the Creator, you advance to receive the new energy waves anchored on Earth to help ascension and take responsibility for your spiritual evolution.

Access your goal in Ascension

When you ask for guidance on the purpose, the journey and the experience of your ascent, you realize that the moments of awakening, of realizing yourself and your inner being, offer you the option of diving into the light to allow yourself miraculous experiences .

When you choose to accept the light in and around you, you create a bridge between your physical reality and your spiritual being, this initiates a transition process. In every moment of your existence as a human being, you are a spiritual creator connected to the light and consciousness that inhabits a physical body.

An awakened consciousness and an inspired understanding of oneself, seep into your mind and consciousness as a gradual integration. You will notice that awakening is repeated in many different ways, becoming more advanced throughout your life.

Jumping into the light and focusing on creating a bridge of light between your physical and spiritual being, takes place when you give up and open to receive the expansion of the Creator. When you choose to surrender and recognize the light of the Creator in your being, especially in times of confusion, agitation or chaos, you take responsibility for your spiritual growth, co-creating and reaching your goal, which allows you to progress along your path Spiritual with ease and perfection.

An experience and a reminder of your ascension goal

Allow yourself to sit down peacefully in the experience of your dense material reality, enjoy the experience of your body and your surroundings, honoring energy physically. When you are ready, imagine a beacon of purple light that manifests in your third chakra, in the third eye. Explore purple energy as much as you want.

Imagine, feel and recognize that you submerge your head in the bright violet light, fascinated by the freedom that the violet light bath gives you . Your body feels weightless, you feel a great lightness of your emotions and in the clarity of your mind . You can swim effortlessly following your intuition and your inner sense through the light.

The turquoise light infiltrates the violet light, enjoy and observe that the red, blue and green light also integrates. Imagine, feel, recognize that you are involved in every manifestation of color. You find yourself immersing yourself in every color, vitality, freedom, energy and expansion experienced, let your senses open to the light.

The white and peaceful light enters your consciousness with strength and santity. You swim up and bathe in the purity of white light . With your permission, a golden ray penetrates your central axis to the base of your being.

You are one with all that is the Creator, it is your destiny, your truth and eternal existence . This is what you are looking for at all times and now you are consciously experiencing it. Your mission is to realize that you seek unity with the Creator in your daily reality and understand that every experience on Earth offers you the opportunity to experience unity.

Feel your physical body again, everything you experience moves into your body creating a rose-shaped energy in the center of your heart . You have realized your greatest desire in the world and in the entire universe, to be one together with all that is the Creator and the universe.

By sharing this meditation experience with you, Saint Germain, wants to offer you the idea that the ascent is always fluid, continuous, repetitive, advancing in an extraordinary way, in constant evolution and in an inspiring way. The feeling of being guided by a driving force that goes beyond understanding, will be combined with an emerging and wise certainty within your being.

In many ways, there are no stops or time to get out of your way, but the feeling of going nowhere will occur simultaneously. In truth, you are in every moment of your golden path to reach a greater connection and a bridge between your physical and spiritual energy with an understanding of your purpose in the ascension process. Remember that your physical reality is extremely important in your process, since it is your canvas of expression, experience and creation.

It is a series of many expeditions in and around your being, accompanied by incarnations of consciousness that describe your ascension process and purpose. When you create the intention of taking responsibility for your spiritual growth, you allow the world of the Creator to unfold towards you, experiencing with divine perfection and at the appropriate time, the magic, bliss, love and truth of the Creator within your be.

Achieving your goal is easy, just express yourself to the Creator in a beautiful, full and creative way. I am a light that constantly guides you,

San Germain

TRANSLATOR: Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Channeled by Natalie Glasson

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