Sacred Geometry, the origins of geometry

In the most remote times, man had to consider a multitude of forms that correspond, very roughly with the object figures of Geometry.

In many minerals, vegetables and animals appear triangles, circles, hexagons, ellipses and spirals.

But from the knowledge of these concrete pseudogeometric forms to the creation of abstract notions, based on Geometry, hundreds of thousands of years have elapsed: the time necessary for the mind to recognize the similarities between concrete natural figures and know how to group them into some How many fundamental types.

This is why it is sometimes said that Geometry was born in Egypt and precisely the need to measure the extent of plots of land whose boundaries and shape were periodically altered by the flooding of the Nile.

Herodotus has, in effect, King Sesostris who, having distributed the land among his subjects and given each one a QUADRANGLE, charged the annual tax according to the effective extension of the QUADRANGLE, determined again by the royal agents after each flood.

The primitive procedure of estimating the magnitude of a crop field had been to find out the amount of seed that it required, a surface was measured by a volume or a weight, only much more metric than a whole culture diluted in several tens of centuries.

Science, whatever the branch in which it is grown, is, of course, in addition to knowledge, education. But in Geometry special circumstances concur.

First of all, it constitutes the original mold of all the sciences of the spirit.

Rightly, D. Papp comments that Geometry is perhaps the greatest discovery of man. And not because Geometry has created the concept of space, a concept that according to Bergson is the matter with which he builds the spirit.

The Geometry Spirit:

There are 7 main forms within Sacred Geometry: the 5 Platonic Solids, the Circle and the Spiral.


The 5 Platonic Solids are completely symmetrical forms that have all equal sides, all equal angles, of the same measures and that all 5 fit within the Universal Matrix that is the Sphere.

We have the TETRAEDRO which is a triangle based: it represents the consciousness of fire.
It has 6 edges, 4 triangular faces, 4 vertices.

Symbol of WISDOM for representing the sacred fire, the first element.

The CUBE with 12 edges, 6 square faces, 8 vertices representing the secret of the natural world.

It is the consciousness of the EARTH, it is the experience of what was born from nature.

The OCTAEDRO of 12 edges, 8 triangular faces, 6 vertices.
It is the air, it is like 2 inverted pyramids, joined at their bases.

The DODECAEDRO with 30 edges, 12 pentagonal faces, 20 vertices, represents the fifth element (ether, prana, chi).
Considered the feminine power of creation and the MOTHER FORM.

The ICOSAEDRO with 30 edges, 20 triangular faces, 12 vertices, is the water consciousness.
It represents the seed of life, the form of the universe, is the masculine.

Creation plays by transforming from one form to another by exchanging the masculine icosahedron and the feminine dodecahedron, also passing through the other platonic solids.
Over time, geometry became a deductive, idealized study of physical space and of the sizes and relationships of physical objects in that space. Therefore for the Greeks there was only one space and one geometry. These were absolute concepts.

Space was not considered as a collection of points but rather as a region in or place in which objects could be freely moved relative to each other and compared to each other.

In the middle of the 17th century, space began to be considered as a collection of points and with the invention of non-Euclidean geometries, mathematicians accepted the situation that there is more than one conceivable space and consequently more than one geometry.

Likewise, the development of algebraic geometry in the 20th century demonstrates how a certain field of mathematical study possesses both points of view, algebraic and geometric, each of which helps the impulse of the other and therefore leads to the essential unity of algebra. and the geometry.

Now in the 20th century the concept of geometry has expanded and a lot of information is appearing regarding this beautiful subject, with the hundredth monkey theory, the existence of planetary networks or morphogenetic fields that are the matrices that sustain All existing forms.

The hundredth monkey tells that a group of scientists who were studying the monkeys discovered that a monkey, one day realized that the fruit fallen on the dirty sand, could be washed in the sea.
From that moment all the monkeys began to wash their fruit, not only on that beach but in the distant ones.
The scientists realized that there was something that united and communicated them.

They developed, then, the concept of planetary networks, for each kind of life.
The network makes the information that enters through the species reach each of its members.
This concept is not new, since Plato theorized about this concept as well as the Maya, Egyptians, and Hofis Indians.
These networks are grouped and related by means of the geometric structures of the Platonic solids. Since the birth of our planet, the network surrounding the earth was made up of a matrix of sacred geometry. Plato said that the basic structure of the earth was in the process of evolving into an icosahedral network (of 20 triangles).

These matrices are lattices that cover our planet, our body, our places, our cells, atoms, and modulate the energy-light that sustains and creates forms. They are of crystalline origin and invisible, since they move at the speed of light. These structures constitute what is known as the language of light. The language of light is a way of receiving information and energy in order to facilitate our development.

It is a learning method without the need for books or intellect.

This language is formed by 144, 000 seals of crystalline energies (way in which light is decoded), which are formed in the network of Christ consciousness on earth, which since the harmonic convergence in 1987 has been formed at a distance of 30 miles around from the earth.

Beyond the Platonic solids series there is another geometric shape that is generated from the old Icosa Dodecahedron crystal (female and male union).

This is the planet's assertion network created so that the earth can resonate at a higher frequency and raise its state of consciousness to a new step in evolution. All networks are unified by means of the sphere in a unit pattern, the only difference is that they have straight interconnections formed by the Platonic solid they represent. Current researchers have verified that the nodes and alignments of the network previously attributed to the old network no longer match.

Weather patterns are changing, climates suffer variations and bird migration routes have changed.
Whales and dolphins get stuck on the beaches more frequently in the 14 years that followed the harmonic convergence.
The electromagnetic field of the earth is also changing and does them very quickly.
The new network of consciousness is increasing its frequency as the magnetic network decreases.

The old crystalline net fades and a new crystalline matrix is ​​forming.
We are part of the new crystalline formation.

The planetary network is a manifestation of the evolution of energy and growth designed by universal consciousness.

The alchemical realization evolves from the formless and is directed to a geometric perfection symbolized by the dodecahedron in philosopher's stone, to the perfect faceted gem in ruby ​​red, which leads us to the icosahedron.
Basically the gnosis begins in the structure of the cube.


Consequently, the sacred geometry of the network contains the energy patterns of the flower of life, the crystalline matrix of creation.
The flower of life is the holographic code or matrix that the universal spirit designed to be able to create and manifest everything that exists in the universe.
This code is the original pattern through which the divine side creates, expands and develops absolutely every manifestation of life.
Everything that exists, everything that is, was born and will be born from this divine matrix.
This hologram represents a spherical geometric sequence (unity), consisting of infinite spheres that are contained and intertwined with each other, giving shape to the "flower of life."
In turn, the flower of life is constituted by infinite codes of color, sound and geometric shapes with which each atom of life is designed and expressed.
Each cell of our being contains total information of perfect health, therefore in each being inhabits the universal memory of harmony and fullness capable of reversing and transmuting every process of disease aging and vibrational imbalance with the simple loving intention and connection to original pattern.

Although this information seems new and surprising it is very old.

The Egyptians, Atlanteans, scenes, Mayans, knew perfectly this hologram and used it to heal and restore any disharmonized part, using the intention, thought, adequate, restoring order, rejuvenation and perfect greet their physical and etheric bodies.

Currently, the application of holographic healing techniques has been developed throughout the planet in a moving way and continues to expand.
It is no coincidence that the memory of the power of this symbol is returned to the planet at this time.
Understanding the information is vital for each of us.
It is to be displayed in your meditations and worked in all the ways that your internal guide indicates.
I can't help emphasizing the importance of this symbol
They are remembering the secrets once again.
You are the flower of life.

Traveling through these matrices, contemplating from the microcosm to the macrocosm, holograms, fractals, spirals.
It reminds us of Hermes's phrase: as it is above, it is below, to do the miracle of one thing.

The matrices used in Tibet and in other places called Mandalas, are called psychograms, their figurative representations constitute projections of spiritual contents, whose key must be known.
Through iconographic elements using the image or instrument, the thought of the meditator is invited to find the path of his inner self to be realized in him.

The invocation of divine energy tends to provoke with that same energy as the awakening in which you meditate.
The mandala provides a means to reach that state or perhaps, since it proceeds from the outside towards the center, it is the medium par excellence.

The mandala represents the cosmic forces acting within an archetypal environment, it is a kind of celestial language.
For this reason it is used to fix the observation and elevation of the state of consciousness, through visual representations linked to inner experiences.

They are a system of assembled geometric structures that create a set of stimuli and representations of colors and shapes that act in the observer as a concentrator and energy generator providing inspiration.

Mandalas are an alarm clock towards higher levels of consciousness, connecting doors with the hereafter.
To discover their codes is to find the keys that reconnect us with the superior light that dwells inside, to understand and experience that we are part of a higher consciousness.
The mandala works by sending sensory stimuli to the inner mind in a manner similar to what is now known as subliminal.
The message passes through the vision towards the receptors of the brain where it is processed and a reaction is obtained, such as positive attitude changes, recovery of self-esteem, release of fears, anguishes, emotionally unlocks and generates a lot of internal changes.
This possibility that gives the mandala, part of which its structure of form is corresponding to the structure of possible archetypal forms that the universe acquires in constant change and evolution.

They are the infinite possibilities that the kaleidoscope of the universe has.
The mandalas give a feeling of multidimensional transfer or travel, prepare the mind to center it, expand it, to new knowledge that starts from universal infinite wisdom.
In new levels of consciousness there are new levels of reflection and energy.

Not much to observe the mandala will have greater effects.
Once our mind captures the visual stimulus, the processes of change take place.

Returning to the seven main forms that we discussed at the beginning, we will develop the geometry of the circle representing the form of God, unity and totality.

The circle integrates those different forms from each other to interrelate them in the unit.
The true center of the circle is a point, but the point lacks dimension and place therefore escapes our perception and ability to manifest.
Our world does not belong, because in our world everything has extension, dimension, because the world is form, but the point belongs to another scale of being. It exists beyond the world, It is metaphysical in the most literal sense.
The point symbolizes unity, totality, perfection.
The point contains everything, only in power, not manifested.
From it are born the circle and the sphere that are the ways in which the point is revealed.
What in this is still metaphysical power takes on formal configuration in the circle and sphere.
All Platonic bodies are different and actually constitute unity (the sphere).

Joining the internal vertices of an icosahedron, drawing 3 lines from each of them with their opposite sides and then from the two upper vertices we draw four lines towards the opposites and converge Lines in the center will form the edges of dodecahedron.

It is a generation that gives itself by crossing the internal radii of the icosahedron.
From the dodecahedron simply joining six of its tips and the center form a cube.
Using the diagonals of the cube we form the star tetrahedron with the cube giving us the exact points to form an octahedron inscribed in it.

Then, inside the octahedron again using the lines formed by the internal radii of the icosahedron, together with the points of the octahedron, a second icosahedron appears.
We have traveled the entire cycle through five stages from seed to seed.

It is, therefore, an infinite progression.

With this geometry in the drawing of 13 spheres of the flower of life we ​​achieve what is known as the Metatron cube, which contains in itself the invisible germ of all tangible reality.
Inside there is condensed all the information of the universe.
Each of the 13 spheres describes in detail each aspect of our reality, everything we can think, see, semtir, until we reach the current atomic structure.

Sacred geometry makes us understand the unity of life and find the origin of various events with each other.
To get to the unit we have to find the integration.
We have always seen duality as something normal (white, black, good, bad, etc.), and for this reason we cannot integrate the female part of our brain (right side), where the unity of consciousness and spirit is found. ritu.
At the same time our male part (left side), does not believe in it, so it makes us see duality everywhere.

The basis for the integration of the cerebral hemispheres is in the sacred geometry, since our left brain part male, does not believe that there is a unique spirit and that only it is He who moves or directs all things.
When we manage to convince this part of the brain, integration occurs and the process in which we will go from polarity to unity of consciousness begins.

By achieving the unity of consciousness, which would be represented by the sphere, we would begin to live the fourth dimension (time-sphere).
The fourth dimension is mathematically constituted as a radial matrix.
A radial matrix is ​​a self-existent order of numerical and harmonic relationships, whose units and proportions are generated radially and of which, in part and in sum, all units have a radial relationship with each other.
All tetradimensional mathematicians are radial.
All radial matrices are series of integers.

There are no irrational or broken numbers, but simple series of fractals and relationships, whose power of exponential magnification is infinite.
To the total radial series of diametrically opposed orders and the series of numbers of which they are composed we refer to as a matrix, the underlying self-generated order of time as the fourth dimension.

That is why time (fourth dimension) cannot be correctly recognized as linear, nor can it be said to have a starting point or an end point.

The icosadodecahedron consciousness network is currently producing the collapse of the linear time of the third.

Simultaneously they are merging the new dimension, the fourth with the third.
That's why you notice that some moments of the day are not strange
This geometric beef is very noticeable in our body.
You may feel symptoms that are unrelated to an organic condition.

The signs range from dizziness, intense desire to sleep, or on the contrary no desire to do so, headaches that last a short time, etc.
We can say that the fourth dimension is already a new planet that is on the earth of third dimension.

However, the molecular arrangement is different, so it is invisible to our material world.

Some fourth dimension awareness data:
The poles meet almost until they disappear.
We do not need conflict to grow.
Love and light begin to shine more and more.
The first consequence is the total elimination of psychological fear.
The thought is creative.
Instantly create what you need at that moment.
We lose almost every density that accompanies us in the current dimension.
The fourth dimension consciousness is group.
Individual progress positively affects the group.
In anthropology this consciousness is called synergy.
In the same way the advance of the group is the individual advance.
The sphere, time, is unity.

Returning to geometries we have the development of the spiral: another form of language of light.
All the geometric bodies indicated above are complemented by the spiral.

The spiral is the geometric figure that the heart generates when it loves.

Today at least two spirals are generated.

One that points down, which is the receptive and another the projective that points up.

The female spiral allows us to receive information from the cosmos.
The masculine projects our energy to encompass all life wherever it is.
The spiral unites all geometric bodies and makes them travel in space.

Therefore each Platonic solid is a ship of consciousness.

There are 2 spirals: the Aurea and the Fibinacci.

The Aurea is a cosmic spiral, like our galaxy.
The golden spiral has no beginning or end.

Fibonacci's begins at a certain point, that is, in our heart, and joins in space with the aurea.
In this way, love is the intelligence that connects with the great wisdom of the universe.
Also our body follows the development of Fibonacci.

Mantras (songs), have the structure of the spiral inside.
That is why it is necessary to repeat them, since with the repetition the spiral in the space is formed.

The Fibonacci spiral is used throughout nature to grow: sunflowers, snails, pineapples, trees, etc.
Another example of the Fibonacci spiral is represented by the location in space of the Giza pyramids.
The spiral is the access key to what is inside.
Your DNA has a spiral shape.

(Parts of this text were extracted from the Books (Barbara Marciniak Land) and (Bernardo Wikinski's MER-KA-BA)

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