Psychology for well-being: Positive Psychology

  • 2018

Positive Psychology is a science that studies human well-being by focusing on positive emotions, such as optimism, joy and happiness, rather than from illness or the negative aspects of life.

This discipline aims to promote the strengths of the individual to find a purpose in life, improve their mood and feel full and happy.

It is about changing the perspective of traditional psychology that tries to solve problems, building positive qualities and behaviors instead. The object of this psychology is well-being, but it is a science that cultivates optimism .

Next, we will get to know the world of positive psychology better and how much it can contribute to the life of any person, since its benefits are very numerous and of high qualitative value.

The positive psychology of Martin Seligman

Positive psychology is born from the work of Martin Seligman, an American psychologist who has written several books on the subject: "The Optimistic Child", "What You Can Change and What You Can't" and "Authentic Happiness", among others.

Seligman supports various theories for well-being that provide different approaches to the treatment, for example, of depression. His famous theory "Learned Helplessness" (Learned Helplessness) is an experimental model that aims to counteract the negative thoughts of the person through the skills of dispute.

"Authentic happiness", another of his theories, comprises 5 elements (PERMA) that free people choose because. This theory concludes that well-being and not happiness is the subject of study of positive psychology . And that well-being is a construct.

This means that well-being is the same as weather, no measure alone defines it thoroughly, but several things contribute to it.

Positive Psychology: Virtues and Strengths of Character

At the beginning of his work, Seligman worked with Christopher Peterson, an expert in clinical psychology, to create " The Manual of Virtues and Strengths of Character, " (Character Strengths and Virtues).

A manual that, instead of focusing on what can go wrong, focuses on what can go well . This is a list of the most valued virtues in all cultures.

This list contains 24 strengths of the human being that combine in 6 groups of virtues (wisdom and knowledge, humanity, courage, justice, moderation and transcendence). These strengths can be measured by the VIA Signature Strenghts Questionnaire test.

The 24 Strengths of the Human Being

  • Wisdom and knowledge : Love for knowledge and learning, curiosity, open mindedness, judgment, critical thinking, perspective, originality and practical intelligence.
  • Humanity : Love, ability to love and be loved, kindness, attachment, generosity, emotional intelligence, personal and social intelligence.
  • Courage : Authenticity, honesty, integrity, perseverance and diligence, courage, vitality, passion for things.
  • Justice : Leadership, sense of justice, loyalty, teamwork, citizenship, citizenship.
  • Moderation : Ato-control, humility, discretion, prudence, ability to forgive, compassion.
  • Transcendence : Appreciation for beauty, capacity for wonder, gratitude, hope, optimism, projection to the future, faith, spirituality.

According to Seligman's definition, Positive Psychology is the scientific study of positive experiences and other aspects, such as individual positive factors. It also includes the development of programs that promote improvements in people's quality of life.

It could also be defined as a branch of psychology that focuses on emotional health not only as the absence of disease.

Human beings can develop our positive qualities to face everyday challenges with optimism and positivism. In this way, we will achieve mental health and well-being for our life.

Seen in Positive Psychology Uruguay, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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