Is there a biodecoding treatment for schizophrenia?

  • 2017

The benefits of biodecoding for schizophrenia, as for any other disease, lie in the introspective work that needs to be done. An internal search, a family search, of the situations that remained unresolved in the patient's past or even in the life of an ancestor .

Biodecoding takes the disease as a starting point, in this case schizophrenia, to look for similarities, repetitions or antagonisms in the family tree . The life of an ancestor can bring us a problem that he could not solve and that the tree, as an entity with its own life, seeks to solve in one of its members .

The disease is an aid, which indicates the way forward to overcome this unresolved conflict. It is a guide, we must not fear it but hear it, and give it an answer.

The art of medicine consists in entertaining the patient while nature cures the disease. Voltaire (1694-1778)


Schizophrenia is a mental illness that for western medicine has unknown causes . It combines a genetic predisposition, with environmental factors and the alteration of the structure and chemistry of the brain.

The schizophrenic person has thoughts and experiences that are out of reality . They articulate phrases that often do not understand or make no sense and show disorganized and chaotic behavior. They usually participate little in daily activities. They may also have difficulty concentrating or memory problems.

Many schizophrenics say they hear voices and believe that someone wants to harm them. They have hallucinations and their senses are constantly alert, so much so that they sometimes demonstrate feeling, hearing, seeing, and perceiving flavors and smells that others do not feel.

Common medical treatment involves lifelong medication, psychotherapy and special care.


The universe is intercommunicated and any incident in one of its parts will cause a global effect sooner or later. We are facing the codified language of creation. Our DNA contains encoded information, which, as scientists have discovered, is related to our physical body.

The human body is not only a set of organs and tissues but of different levels of consciousness. The information found in the biological unconscious can be accessed through biodecoding .

This new discipline can treat physical and mental or psychological symptoms and diseases .

“Doctors are those people who prescribe medicines, of which they know little, to cure diseases that they do not know, in people of whom they do not know anything.” Voltaire

Biodecoding studies the three parts of being:

  • Chronological age, from birth to the present
  • The Sense Project, from conception to 3 years.
  • Transgenerational, inherited from our ancestors

The conscious and the unconscious to work in a healthy way, must be in emotional coherence. Thinking-feeling-acting must be consistent . If not, there is a disconnection in our biological unconscious and is expressed through a disease.

Biodecoding for schizophrenia

According to biodecoding or bioneuroemotion, the schizophrenic hides . It is likely that he grew up in a very rigid family where parents fought frequently. They are very intelligent and intellectual people and the stress suffered by children for witnessing these discussions causes them the need to understand the reason for that situation.

Among the cases of schizophrenia, biodecoding, when treating the consultant's family tree, he observes certain common characteristics :

  • Leaving or separating violently
  • Conflict of territory suffered with their parents
  • Fear of father's aggression
  • Devaluation of the father
  • Submissive mother and aggressive father
  • Great unsaid secrets, incest, murders.

Schizophrenia, as a mental illness, brings to light a hidden emotion that for some reason is considered taboo for that person.

You must reach that emotion, make it conscious to begin the healing process.

Did you know that schizophrenia can be treated with biodecoding?

DRAFTING: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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