Hippogriff, A Mythological Being.

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Hippogriff, A Mythological Being. 2 3 What is a Hippogriff? 4 What do the Hippogriffs symbolize? 5 The Hippogriff is a legendary creatures. This time we will be talking about the Hippogriff, a mythological being that allows us to transport ourselves to other times with our imagination.

Hippogriff, A Mythological Being.

What is a hippogriff?

Looking for some definitions we can say that the Hippogriff is a: Mit Mythological and fabulous animal, which is half horse and half tap, with wings, which appears in chivalrous poems .

The Hippogriff is an imaginary creature, which looks like a winged horse with the head and claws of an eagle. Its origins are related to the Latin poet Virgil.

Now, within mythology there are a number of myths that are part of certain religions or cultures. These myths or stories may have a sacred origin and be related to beliefs of a fictional nature .

The myths are stories based on tradition and legend created to explain the universe, the origin of the world, natural phenomena and anything for which there is no simple explanation .

What do the Hippogriffs symbolize?

It seems that the Hippogriff symbolized the impossibility. The Taps were represented and shown as creatures that hated horses, they hunted and killed them regularly. A tap is also “a mythological creature, whose frontal part is that of a giant eagle, with golden feathers, sharp beak and powerful claws. The back is that of a lion, with yellow fur, muscular legs and long tail. ” Virgil, trying to give meaning to an incongruity, was the first to mention about this mythological being, the Hippogriff, since he spoke about crossing horses with Grifos, where the prey would be part of the predator. That is why they would be the reflection of the impossibility since copulating between a tap and a horse would seem impossible.

The Hippogriff is a legendary creatures.

The Hippogriff was one of the most used creatures in the poems and fables of the medieval era. Although today in the Harry Potter saga we have seen them too.

They have been described as evil creatures but also as beautiful animals that helped transport knights in rescues of beautiful princesses.

I hope you liked the information, it is always good to know these magical creatures that make our imagination fly and expand.

Author : Patricia Gambetta, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of hermandadblanca.org

Sources: https://smitologicos.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/%C2%BFque-son-los-seres-mitologicos/; https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hipogrifo

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