How to control anxiety?

  • 2017

What is anxiety?

If you receive constant worries, you conceive yourself tense or think that negative events will occur, possibly suffering from anxiety.

Have you ever felt intense excitement, great restlessness and extreme insecurity? Do you hastily judge other people? If you receive constant worries, you conceive yourself tense or think that negative events will occur, possibly suffering from anxiety. I invite you to continue your reading and acquire reliable tools to control anxiety.

How to live without anxiety?

As a therapist, I can give you some advice based on recent experience, science and research . So, if you are currently going through or have gone through these realities that strip human life and tie it to empty fears and justifications, you must start to control it! It is an auspicious moment to make transcendence in your life and abandon malicious and harmful realities. It's time you control your anxiety!

What is anxiety? Know your symptomatology

"Anxiety as a natural adaptive mechanism that allows the person to be alert to compromised events"

In accordance with medicine, anxiety is defined as a “natural adaptive mechanism that allows the person to be alert to compromised events” There is adaptive or non-pathological anxiety, and pathological anxiety. The first is a current emotional state that acts as a result of certain stressful circumstances . In other words, it is an adaptive response that prepares the body to react to emergency contexts. The second is the modern evolution of the first, currently called "anxiety disorder . " For those who suffer from this anxiety, they suffer negative and quite unpleasant consequences; since, in these anxiety disorders, there are phobias, obsessive-compulsive, panic, agoraphobia, posttraumatic stress, generalized anxiety and social anxiety. For no reason should attention be avoided by a specialist .

Some symptoms:

  • Feeling of acute discomfort, restlessness and excessive tiredness.
  • Feelings of uncertainty and fear are not controlled.
  • Exaggerated sweating
  • Dizziness
  • You feel tension.
  • Strong and fast heartbeat.
  • Muscle pains
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Dryness in the mouth
  • Among others.

Exercises to control anxiety

If you feel any or several of the above symptoms, do not hesitate to practice these exercises that I describe below, so that you control your anxiety and resurface ahead!

Increase your self-esteem. Spend time for sports and physical exercises. A study conducted in 2013 by Dr. Smith JC, ensures that exercise gradually reduces and intensely anxiety. The mood of the person changes and self-esteem is enhanced . It is very important that, if you discover symptoms of anxiety in your life, devote long periods of time to sports and physical exercises . Necessarily, you must love yourself! loving You! Value yourself! You are important and valuable.

Practice meditation In other Articles, I have highlighted the incredible benefits of the practice of meditation. (It would be excellent if I read it). Great care! Meditation is not going to a quiet place, sitting on the meadow, closing your eyes and doing nothing. Meditation is "a set of practices that promote relaxation, the construction of internal energy or life force, develop compassion, love, patience, generosity, forgiveness, self-esteem, firmness, success . " In other words, it is “a real and intellectual exercise, in which the person reaches a mental and physical level of serenity, inner peace, concentration and creativity . Another study by Dr. Madhav Goyal, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, in 2014, insists that the practice of meditation from 20 to 30 minutes a day, significantly reduces the effects of the anxiety. I invite you to practice it! It will bring excellent benefits to your life. Do not let anxiety nest in your life!

As of today you must think differently! What is thinking differently? Fight and fight against those negative and mysterious thoughts that come to your mind . Rethink the situations that happen to you, see them from another point of view . Look what happens to you by his kind face Free your Mind. Put aside your anxiety! You will not need it.

Give the necessary time to the treatment so that it can bear fruit.

Feel happy for your future! For what is coming for you. It is too exciting to study research in relation to this topic. You will find that according to what we see in our emotions, that will be what will be received as a result. As a human being you are extraordinary , you can have control over your emotions! AW Brooks, an important psychologist and writer, affirms that all human beings have the quality of achieving self-control and managing it according to the emotion experienced at the time of the event . It is wonderful! True? From now on, to live your future controlling your emotions. Anxiety was left behind!

Don't hurry up! It is very common in today's society to observe people who, erroneously, based on other people's facial expressions, draw hasty conclusions from their emotional intentions. Never judge! If you have been doing it, be careful! You are possibly being absorbed by anxiety. This has been studied deeply by Dr. Chris Fraley, with other colleagues of his in 2006, in the Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois. Do you want to reduce and control your anxiety? You must stop drawing conclusions when they are not welcome, expect to know the person completely! It would be better.

Rest well. If you do not sleep, work, study and do not get enough rest, you will not be contributing to the reduction of your anxiety . Take time to rest, relax and sleep . I advise you to sleep at a regular time, turn off electronic or cellular devices, do not sleep with them, make your bedroom the right place to rest, you can use aromatherapy, lavender fragrance helps you to inspire your relaxation. Finally, avoid smoking.

Feed yourself nutritionally! Very important that you take a balanced diet . Many studies emphasize that caffeine and refined sugars worsen anxiety in some people. Instead of these, you can drink plenty of water, consume fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, lean proteins and whole grains . Together with this exercise of anxiety control, I recommend you not to consume alcohol, nor any depressant with direct involvement in the central nervous system.

You can control your anxiety!

Please! Be patient. You should know that these realities of stress and anxiety are gradually controlled, you can not despair . Give the necessary time to the treatment so that it can bear fruit. I recommend you visit the specialist, in case your anxiety has evolved into major categories and you do not manage to control your emotions, feelings and future accomplishments. Remember: practice physical exercise, increase your self-esteem, think differently, practice meditation, think and control your future, rest, do not make hasty conclusions and feed properly . If you practice it, you will control your anxiety! Do not forget.

Author: Diogenes de Fénix, Editor in the Great Family of

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