The History of Humanity ", by Kryon through Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear. I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

I am giving my partner a glimpse of what I am asking him to do and that makes him nervous. When we get into this kind of thing, in this new information, I show you by energy how important it is to be exact. This is a unique situation, because you are sliding over the ocean at this time, you are moving, floating on the earth. They are disconnected from the energy they usually have, and due to that disconnection, a greater, more accurate perception is achieved, both by the sender and the recipient. Therefore, it is at these times when we often want to give them information that has not been given previously.

In these and subsequent moments, I wish to provide you with information regarding the history of the Earth from the beginning of humanity. I will chronologically reveal how everything was achieved. We have talked about the fragments and parts of this information for years, but this will be the first time we connect it in such a summary. In addition, we will add metaphysical information.

The basic plan of the Earth is intuitive and is in each of you. We have taught you this for almost 19 years. However, we have never revealed the duration of this earthly journey. How long will Humans be on the planet? What was the plan, first of all? Where are they now in this timeline? How it began? How was it modified? What was the free choice of Humans that changed history? Now I will talk about much of that.

Dear Human Being, although this may sound like history and geology, the angels in this room sit on you giving you great news about who you are. And if they are not interested in these things, they may settle for just sitting and having their feet washed. Perhaps. Are you ok with it? We speak to you in a third language, regardless of the three-dimensional languages ​​spoken here (English and Spanish). We call communications "a third language" because the number three is a catalyst. Other things are being transmitted along with the three-dimensional language, and they penetrate the heart. They go to the cell structure. While you are in this energy many things change in you if you give your permission and are open to such things.


The Earth is very old, but humanity is not. There was a very long and evolved biological journey, and many have called it evolution. Actually, the biology of the planet evolved and that is the sacred way that God chose to develop it. It is not contrary to anything except the limited thinking of many Humans who wish it were not so.

Let me roll them back to the recent past, as I see it, as the stones see it. Let me paint you a picture of the planet. I am giving my partner a lot to see and many facts and there may be pauses while correctly capturing it. Because these things I'm talking about will be transcribed and seen by thousands of people.

One hundred thousand years ago what you would call the Enlightened Human Being began. That's it, only 100, 000 years ago. Oh, there was humanoid development long before that, but it can be said that the Human Being did not have a spiritual mechanism in the DNA. It was just biology. Your anthropologists will tell you about the age of Humans. They will dig up many bones and tell them stories about the antiquity that humanity can have. Those are only biologically developed creatures, they are not yet part of the stage where angelic beings are part of the DNA.

Many times we gave hints of the story that I am going to tell you. But let me first paint the picture: By then there was a lot of evolved biology. There were 20 classes of Human Beings on the planet and anthropologists have identified many of them. They were all very different, you know? Some had differently shaped heads and some even had a tail. Up to 20 classes of Human Beings coexisted. That is a fact of normal evolution on the planet, because if you look at any mammal, there is a lot of variety. This is how nature works and it was working well even 100, 000 years ago. Twenty classes of Human Beings were being developed. There were several places where they were developing faster than others and their anthropologists know them. It didn't start in a place on the planet. They were in places that you would call Western Europe, or the Middle East, and another uncommon place, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! I will explain in an instant. Evolution was slowly creating all kinds of Human Beings, just as nature does with all things.

Then the planet was contacted by design, by sacred design

By sacred design, this planet was visited in a quantum way by enlightened creatures that were not angels. It is difficult to describe something like that, but it was. Listen, life abounds in this Universe, and one part of it is going through lessons like you and another part is not. There are biological creatures that live on planets like yours, with an atmosphere like yours, but where there are no wars. They live in a quantum state, in which there is agreement about what they are there for. They represent societies that are twice as old as Earth. Humanity and an enlightened group thus existed then and still exist today. It is located in your light, however, they visited you easily. They came to this planet to plant the seeds of the sacred in their DNA. They came with permission, by design and with the consensus of all the angelic beings of the Universe. It was not accidental and was not part of a conquest plan. It was his loving task.

I speak of the Pleiadians, and much has been said about them. Because when they talk about these things, in which a kind of creature comes and connects with an entire planet, whoever says: Well, that has to be inappropriate, it has to be evil, it has to be wrong . It was not. There has been much erroneous information about the Pleiadians. I tell you that if you could see them now, you would see that they look a lot like you! And some place will come to a place where it will be appropriate for them to meet them. They will call you brother, sister, and if they took a sample of your cellular structure, it would look very similar to yours. Because they have the seeds of enlightenment of the human race and they have wisdom and love for the Earth, because you are their seeds.

It is difficult to describe in a three-dimensional discourse what they gave to this planet. By using the gifts of being in quantum state with everything, they gave the planet's humanity two extra layers of DNA. And this happened simultaneously to only one of the 20 human classes, the class they have now. Only one class was ready to receive this gift.

Ask your anthropologists about it. Ah, don't ask them about the Pleiadians! Rather, ask them what happened to Human Beings about 100, 000 years ago. They will tell you that against all natural chances, only one class of Human Beings emerged on the planet. What happened to the other 19? They gradually disappeared, unable to compete with those who had the new DNA. This goes against nature and those who observe natural selection should be astonished. So it's something to keep in mind and try what I'm telling you.

In much of the mythology of the planet, this becomes the history of creation. Having happened so quickly and so recently in Earth's history, it brings with it the feeling that everything was done at once, without anything having evolved to allow that to happen. Therefore, many think that evolution did not occur at all, and that God created Humans instantly. Come? There is a seed of truth in all things, but many times they are placed in a 3D box to make them easier to explain. A beautiful garden, temptation representing good and evil, that is certainly close to the metaphysical vision of what happened when that single group of Humans received their two new layers of conscious DNA. Because suddenly they began to represent the process of duality, they became aware of darkness and light.

The extra layers were established for the Earth test, which would become the only free will planet of its time. One layer included the Akashic Record, the record of all angelic souls that would come and go within the human body. Humanity began to become spiritual, not simultaneously, but very, very slowly, for another 50, 000 years. The angels began the process of coming to the planet using the human body as the vehicle to create this Earth test. Only then did the Human Being become what they begin to see now. This means that truly enlightened humanity is only 50, 000 years old, it really is very recent!

At that time the Earth was different. So I would like to take them to approximately 40, 000 years ago. There is a great civilization on the planet and it has already existed in an elementary form for more than 5, 000 years. It was the greatest society the planet has ever seen, not in quantity, but in consciousness. It was not something to emulate later, because it was part of the establishment of humanity. It was the Lemurian civilization. I never said clearly how long it lasted, so I will do it now. What would you think of a society that lasted more than 20, 000 years? They lived in peace. That eclipses anything that has ever happened in society registered on Earth, isn't it? Nothing they know seems even a little.

Scientists say: “It is impossible. There were no societies so long ago. ”Certainly, there is no evidence, and that, my dear Human Beings, is done on purpose. Because the planet does the job of erasing the footprints of humanity well. Just look at what you are currently studying, because you cannot find anything that is older than 4, 000 years! It has been agitated, covered, buried, washed and lost forever. To make obliteration even more complete, back then society was on the mainland in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is no longer.


So the core of the Lemurian beginnings occurred about 50, 000 years ago. It took 10, 000 years for them to call themselves united, and another 5, 000 to begin to group together as a society with a common control center. The Lemurians had a mature civilization, made and right, from 35, 000 years ago until about 25, 000 years ago. Remember that things lasted a long time and were very slow in the early days of developing humanity. What now takes them a year to do, may have taken hundreds back then. Language was a problem, communications were new, traveling was very slow and hegemonies had never been attempted. While they can now have two meetings per day, they had two per year and often not even that. Their sense of time was very different because they had a quantum consciousness, almost a timeless state of existence.

Let me take you to Lemuria. Let me describe the Earth at that time, because it was so different then. There will be no shortage of those who laugh and ridicule and make fun of these pronouncements. The Pacific Ocean is big! "There was no time when there was no water in it, unless we go back millions of years." It is not true. I did not say the whole ocean. I only said the portion in which the Lemurians settled. Let me describe them.

Planet Earth was rotating at 28 degrees on its axis. That was the inclination of the Earth and is not what we currently have. In addition, geologically, the planet was very different 40, 000 years ago. You were at the end of the greatest ice age you have ever experienced. The temperature of this planet depends on the amount of water it has. The planet's water cycle is what controls temperature and wind. What I am showing you now in this vision is a very different Earth.

At that time, a third of the planet's water was ice. That created very different oceans from what they see today. Let me take you to the Lemurian civilization. It was a much colder planet back then. Some of you are aware of what the change in half degree of temperature will do to life on Earth. If the average temperature of this planet fell an average of half a degree, it would be significant. So let me tell you how it was then so that you can then imagine the changes. The average temperature of the atmosphere was eight degrees lower than the current one - very significant for the climate and very significant for the amount of water on the planet.

The average water level of the planet's oceans was 133 meters lower than it is today, 400 feet less deep. Can you imagine what their continents would look like from the air if the oceans were 400 feet less than now? The mountain chains that are currently under water would be exposed. It would be very different, isn't it? The Lemurians lived successfully for more than 20, 000 years around the base of the island they call Hawaii. This was, and still is, the highest mountain on the planet, measured from its base.

They were aware that they lived in a depression, in a valley, which was lower than the average water level on Earth. There was a lot of water around the Lemurians. But the main seas were contained by some of the mountain ranges that are lower today, but that existed due to the tectonic plate. That is why they have a distribution, a situation, complex. But they did have land on some of the places they call today the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. They were also aware that during all that time they were vulnerable in case the planet's water level rose. While it remained cold, they were fine. But they also knew that they lived in the shadow of the "hot spot" of what we know today as a large tectonic plate. And they knew he would move, since he had done it before. The islands they revered were all active volcanoes. They were attracted to the energy of volcanism.

I have much more to tell you about the Lemurians. So let's go to the spiritual part. There were a total of 350 million Lemurian souls that passed through the planet during their 20, 000-year culture. It is not much if one considers that they passed through 800 generations. Let me explain why.

Now, my partner, this is different and specific. So translate it correctly (Kryon speaks to Lee aloud for everyone to hear). The lemurians did not reincarnate as lemurians. So what I am saying in a spiritual way is that there were almost 350 million individual, unique souls, not only human souls, but 350 million angels took turns passing through the Lemurian culture as Humans, and did not reincarnate. They only came once. The birth rate of the Lemurians was not typical of what is yours today, nor did it resemble anything. It wasn't even a geometric progression like the one they have today. This is complicated.

Biologically, there was a reason why lemurians would not want to have many children. It had to do with the temperature of the planet and its culture. The men were not as fertile as they are now. That also facilitated the spiritual aspects of what was sown. So all they have to know is that in the Lemurian spiritual culture there were no more than 350 million souls, which represents the longest lasting society the earth has ever known. I will talk more about it in a moment.

Fifteen thousand years ago, the ice began to melt and the Lemurians knew it. It was slow and they went out of their way to contain it. By that time, the Lemurians had become a maritime society and most were in boats. They knew what would happen sooner or later and were very interested in the boats. And that was when the Lemurian nation began to divide. It happened faster than they thought, because they did not understand the meaning of the new distribution of water weight and what it would do to the movement of the earth's crust (large number of earthquakes)

Its volcanic basin began to shake and move faster, letting the water in.

From 15, 000 to 10, 000 years ago, the balance of water on the earth changed and spilled in the valleys of Lemuria. It filled the valley between the mountains. It took everything they ever built, what was being built. Come back and see the ruins that are less than a thousand years old on the planet and see what happened. Now think of ruins of 15, 000 years old under the ocean where the currents roar. Nothing remains. Some of the lemurians stayed in the mountains, scaling them as the water rose. Ten thousand years ago, the water stopped rising, maintaining since then in water levels similar to the current ones. The top of the main mountain of Lemuria is now a series of islands called Hawaii.

The hydrological cycle of the earth is what makes it warm and cold, and it is dynamic and always on the move. Advancing many years, there were many changes in forward and reverse temperature on this planet. Most of them survived each Human Being (which means that no Human lived long enough to see a complete cycle.) Very short cycles of 200 years were common. So most of humanity is not aware of anything, except that it is changing, without being aware of normal cycles. You had several small ice cycles recently. Only a few hundred years ago, in the 1400s, they had one in which glaciers began to form again. Temperatures on the planet dropped a little and then rose again. It is typical of the planet and the way it works.

The interesting thing is that before these small ice events there was something that makes no sense to the Human Being. It was hotter! It is part of the cycle. They are going through one again and are at the beginning of a hydrological cycle that will eventually become lower temperature. It is typical, cyclical and normal. Ask any stone.

Some of the Lemurians climbed the mountains and can meet their ancestors today. They are called Polynesians and know everything there is to know about the seas. They know the tides. They were there before the tides! They saw them accumulate and be created. They can get on small boats and go from island to island, hundreds of kilometers away without a compass. They know how oceans work, the tides. Some even proclaim that their ancestors were Lemurians.

What follows is somewhat controversial scientifically, because what I am going to tell you is that the impacts of small meteorites were more common in those times than is believed. They impacted not more than 13, 000 years ago and then 5, 000 years ago. The last of 5, 000 years ago was greater. He did two things to the planet. The first was that it created such a change in the mantle of the planet that the Earth moved from 28 degrees of inclination 23 and a half. It was an impact! It was only 5, 000 years ago. The second was that it affected civilization. A lot of dust was thrown into the atmosphere towards what you call the stratosphere and the main result was rain. The rain annihilated most of humanity. Many animals and many Humans died. It was essential, necessary, and we've talked about it before. It was part of the plan. The main purpose was to erase all Lemurian knowledge and create many lakes for humanity to use. Science can see it in the strata and has been associated with the mythology of a great worldwide flood and an ark.

It's interesting, isn't it? There are those who call themselves creationists. They will argue against the evolution of humanity. In a way, both sides are right. Because the biology of humanity developed very slowly. But the sacred was given all at once, just like the history of the Garden of Eden called Lemuria.

When we describe in years the times we have given them, we consider that they are now in year zero. So we go back from scratch to when we describe something that happened 40, 000 years ago, 100, 000 years ago or 10, 000 years ago. This opposes a time frame that refers to any prophet that ever existed. So those who are interested in reviewing part of the history of the planet to verify this message, start back considering that this year is zero. If you wish to discuss some current dates, we will give them in the date form with numbers as they expect and use.

The Lemurian civilization existed basically from 35, 000 to 15, 000 years ago - the longest civilization on Earth and with only one government. It was different from any society you will ever have, because we will review with you what happened. The only reason for Lemuria and for all the attributes of her DNA was to set a stage for what would come. When the cook prepares the food, he often greases the pan, prepares all the ingredients (attributes) for the real food and then proceeds to prepare well what will enhance the food, but does not yet include the real food.

The Lemurians represented that relationship with the Earth and with you. Spiritually, the food was being prepared. Therefore, we repeat that they had an akashic attribute different from theirs. Three hundred and fifty million Lemurians lived while their culture lasted. They were unique lemurians and with few exceptions each had only one life. You can say they were building the Akashic Record of the planet. Imagine the Cave of Creation with all the crystals we have described as the souls on the planet. Every time an angel enters, he will be a lemurian for a while. The essence of your energy will then be located on the planet. The crystal with his name on it will go to the cave. Some of these things make no sense to those of you who did not hear this story about the Cave of Creation before. The entire Lemurian civilization had the purpose of creating the Cave of Creation and implanting the energy of 350 million souls. And in all its history, there were only a few thousand who had past lives in which they returned as lemurians, most of them scientists. The rest lived a life and then left and hoped that the civilization was complete (speaks of the angels that represent the different souls of humanity). This was done on purpose and in order to inseminate the planet spiritually with what would come and increase the crystalline value of the Cave of Creation.

The lemurians saw what was happening. As I told you, 15, 000 years ago, the ice began to melt and it did so slowly that it took almost another 5, 000 years. You will say that you had a lot of time to prepare and so it was. What they did first and foremost was to become a nation of navigators building ships. Slowly, many of them left the valley they were in, which was already slowly flooding as the ice melted and the waters rose on the planet. So you could say that part of Lemurian society populated the banks of other land masses thanks to the ships. Look for them in New Zealand, Easter Island - there's not much left there - and the great continent of what you call the Americas. They were in the West Coast area that you call Alaska and the bridge to the other continent. They were there. Many of them went to the mountain called Shasta and lived there in their human form long before placing themselves on the mountain as interdimensional beings.

Some of them started other societies in combination with other Humans who had traveled far from the nucleus and had completely forgotten their lineage. One of the cultures was called Sumerian and was in the Middle East. This eventually led to Egyptian culture many years later. It's weird that you think that's where the story really began!

Now, here's something we haven't told you before. All evidence of ancient Lemuria was erased. Ocean currents under the seas are very strong; they arise almost like rivers, washing with sand and sediment for eons. So some will say, "That means we will never find Lemuria artifacts." They will not only find some, they have already done so, and many are hiding them. Because when these collectors show them to scientists, they will make fun of them. Because there will be an oximoron ... a contradiction in the real artifact. It will be too old to be what it is! At least according to the current way of thinking. What would happen if we discovered the part of a car and coal dated it about 3, 000 years ago? It would be an artifact that "cannot exist." This is what the Lemuria artifacts would look like. Because there would be maps of the stars and biological information that "they could not have known."

And why could someone have a Lemuria artifact? I just told you that Lemuria was erased. It is due to the boats! Many of them sank during storms carrying objects, everyday Lemurian artifacts. Some are waiting to be discovered and some have already been discovered and monopolized by collectors who don't let anyone see them because they don't make sense. And there is more.

There are those who would confuse Lemuria with what they call Atlantis. His historians are questioning. Let me tell you about Atlantis. There are two, the old Atlantis and the young Atlantis. They are very, very distant, both physically and in time. The one you are looking for now is much more recent than you might think. Because the new civilization of Atlantis has a lot of similarity with the Egyptian civilization at the same time. One was the result of the evolution of man from Western Europe and the other was the result of the evolution of man from the Middle East.

"Kryon, where is the most recent Atlantis?" Well, I'll give you a hint. It's very close. Look for it on the other side of the boot. It's all I'm going to tell you. (Remember that this channeling occurred in the Western Mediterranean Sea, so the directions it refers to are from the place in the ocean where the cruise was at that time. The other side of the boot (the other side of the part bottom of Italy), from where the ship was sailing, places it near Greece and Crete. The cruise had just left Rome when this information was given.)

"Kryon, where is old Atlantis?" The answer is that it was in the Pacific, far from the new one, and it is old by comparison. It was a settlement of Lemuria and did not hold the Lemurian conscience for a long time. He became the model for slavery and decay. Technology was misused. I can't tell you more about that right now.

So now they know about the Lemurians. They also know that the awareness you have today is not what they had. They are part of the establishment of the test and you have lost a part of the activation of the DNA that they had thanks to the energy they selected for their duality. And that is free will, to see if they can realize that and get it again. And that is the quantum part of the DNA. It is what we have called the Lemurian and Pleiadian layers and one of them is the Akashic Record. Now, if they are tying ends, they will also understand that the Lemurians were responsible for the creation of the cosmic Akashic Record of the Earth.


The hydrographic cycle is one of the most contributing to climate changes on the planet. The second is volcanic activity. The third is the impacts from space. And you have had them all in recent history. What they now have called global warming. It shocks and worries scientists. Part of the reason is because these cycles take longer to develop than the life of a Human, therefore, no one in modern history has seen the whole picture. They had it before and here it is again. It is the change in the water cycle and occurs naturally and normally. It is the way the Earth works and is balanced. You have extensive and short water changes. They have many shorts among the extensive ones. This is how the earth works. The last short ice age was from 1, 200 to 1, 400s, as you set the time. Humans were there and survived. At this moment they have the beginning of another. But scientists are not calling it the beginning of a tiny ice age. Instead, they are calling it a warm up! That is because they do not understand the water cycle. They are seeing what we would call the microcosm instead of the macrocosm.

It will seem strange to you that cold weather begins with a warm-up, but if you know the dynamics of the water cycle, it makes perfect sense. Ninguno de ustedes en esta sala verá el ciclo completo, porque será más lento que su lapso de vida. Tendrán que esperar a reencarnar. Porque los ciclos hidrológicos varían en extensión. Los cortos pueden durar tan poco como 150 años, y tanto como 400 años y ustedes están en el principio de uno mediano. No le teman, porque es parte de la Tierra y la forma en que se equilibra. Ahora bien, habrá quienes digan: “Bueno, ¿y qué hay acerca de pensar que los Humanos lo crearon? ¿Quiere decir que se equivocaron?” Esta es la verdad, y algún día la conocerán. Los Humanos no son responsables por el ciclo hidrológico. Sin embargo, lo que hicieron los Humanos fue adelantar el momento del ciclo, así que se está produciendo algo antes de lo que iba a ser. Sí, ustedes lo afectaron, pero no lo causaron.


Much simas personas quieren saber m s respecto a los terremotos, as que les revelar otra funci n. Tal como el ciclo hidrol gico, los terremotos son parte de un planeta cambiante. En realidad, est n relacionados con el ciclo hidrol gico. Ciertamente, hace poco tuvieron en acontecimiento que ocasion un tsunami, el que aument la compasi n humana en el planeta. Ese fue uno de los mayores terremotos en la historia de su vida. Sucedi bajo el oc ano, fue tan enorme que, en peque a medida, realmente retras la rotaci n del planeta. Y este suceso no se asentar durante algunos a os. Lo que les voy a decir puede ser contrario a su l gica geol gica, pero es la manera en que funciona la Tierra. La desaceleraci n de la rotaci n del planeta ha ocasionado que la proporci n de la velocidad sea ligeramente distinta entre el n cleo fundido de la Tierra y su corteza. As que la Tierra seguir adapt ndose hasta que esas velocidades vuelvan a lo que sol an ser.

Los lugares donde la Tierra reverberar m s durante algunos a os ser n alrededor de las marcas ecuatoriales, porque son las m s alejadas del n cleo del planeta y las m s vol tiles. A medida que el planeta rote, son las que tender na proyectarse m s hacia afuera. Por lo tanto, ser n afectadas debido a que son las m s inestables. Acabo de decir que esperen m s terremotos en el ecuador. Nada de estas cosas crear n fatalidad y tinieblas en este planeta. M s bien, son sencillamente parte del desplazamiento de la Tierra. Trabajador de la Luz, no te preocupes por estas cosas, porque el sistema dice que estar s en el lugar preciso en el momento oportuno. Por lo tanto, no asumas qu significa el lugar preciso. Eres tiernamente amado y todas las cosas son apropiadas cuando est s en control de tu vida.


Observando el linaje del planeta, tenemos informaci n. No fue hasta el a o 1900 que comenz el proceso de la nueva alineaci n actual en el planeta. Ciertamente, no pas mucho antes de eso. Luego tom 87 a os m s llevar la vibraci n del planeta a un punto de decisiones, decisiones acerca de la vibraci ny el futuro.

Mientras todos los profetas dec an que ustedes ser an aniquilados aproximadamente al cambiar el milenio, en vez de eso cambiaron la vibraci n de este planeta a una velocidad en la que no ten a que ocurrir. No se equivoquen, no hubo un plan divino para ponerle fin a este planeta. Fue la vibraci n de la prueba que ustedes hab an creado durante eones. Los Humanos crearon su propio futuro. Ustedes crearon su propia profec a. La que lo hace es la conciencia de este planeta. Por lo tanto, ustedes crearon un futuro distinto del que los profetas hab an visto, y ahora casi toda la profec a anterior a 1987 es debatible. Ustedes est n en una senda completamente distinta.

Ahora perm tanme decirles algo que posiblemente les encante escuchar. Entre 1987 y 2007, ocurri algo asombroso. Gracias a la nueva energ a, despertaron los cristales en la Cueva de la Creaci n que ten an nombres lemurianos. Ellos susurraron: Es tiempo de regresar! Trescientos cincuenta millones de ellos. Escuchen esto, escuchen, todos los lemurianos que vivieron alguna vez en este planeta est n vivos nuevamente en cuerpos humanos en este momento y regresaron! Est n dispersos por todo el mundo. Escuchen, tenemos una sala llena de ellos justo aqu . Los estoy mirando. Y por eso est s aqu, querido. Por eso est s leyendo esto. Y te preguntas por qu resuenas con estas cosas? Te preguntas por qu est s vibrando m s alto? Te preguntas por qu hay una alianza con tu estructura celular y el Kryon? Es porque eres lemuriano, un alma vieja en una energ a nueva.

Kryon, eso significa que mi alma no estuvo aquí antes del 1900?” Ahora bien, esa respuesta es complicada. Hubo fragmentos aquí, pero no la energía esencial lemuriana total. Ustedes creen que son una entidad, un alma, un nombre y un rostro. Pero no lo son. Son una combinación de muchas energías. Es difícil de explicar, si no imposible. Cada vez que vienen, son como la sopa que se obtiene y viene al planeta. Hay un Yo Superior que es la misma energía esencial cada vez. Pero lo que lo rodea tiene una gran variedad espiritual. Pero algunos de ustedes ahora están de regreso con la energía esencial lemuriana rodeándolos, algo que no ha ocurrido en 50.000 años. Esas partes del ADN están siendo reactivadas.

Escuchen lo que les he venido diciendo durante años: Menos de la mitad del uno por ciento de este planeta tiene que despertar para hacer la diferencia en la vibración para todos. Entrarán en el 2012 con una nueva vibración. Menos de la mitad del uno por ciento de siete mil millones de personas tiene que despertar. No son tantas. De hecho, es sólo un 10% de los trescientos cincuenta millones de lemurianos que están vivos hoy en día, un porcentaje bastante razonable.

¿Dónde están ustedes en este rompecabezas? ¿Cuánto tiempo se supone que dure la civilización? Les diré. La respuesta es su futuro, y ustedes serán los que decidan eso. Están en control total de él, así que pueden seguir tanto como lo deseen. Pero les diré por cuánto tiempo estaba proyectada la prueba. Algunos de ustedes se reirán. Hay muchas clases de números populares que flotan alrededor de una cultura y se han convertido en doctrina y mitología. Pero por lo general hay una verdad esencial en su importancia. Uno de ellos, que aparece muchas veces en muchas cosas, es 144.000. Es intuitivo y todos ustedes lo conocen. Representa la extensión de la prueba en años: 144.000 años.

Ustedes se hallan en la marca 100.000 (medida desde la llegada de los pleyadianos). Como verán, queda suficiente tiempo si no se destruyen a ustedes mismos, y los lemurianos pueden cambiar eso. Ya lo hicieron. Se aproxima un tiempo que será lo que nosotros llamamos cooperativo o proporcionado con este crecimiento completo. Y los mayas lo profetizaron. La energía de Gaia misma comenzará a cambiar en 2012. Tendrá lugar un ciclo que durará más de 1.000 años, uno que será más amistoso con su crecimiento espiritual que la energía en la que nacieron.

Se ha preguntado: “Entonces, ¿cuándo vamos a conocer a nuestros hermanos? ¿Cuándo regresarán los pleyadianos al planeta?” Oh, no creo que sea un misterio para ninguno de ustedes. Vienen de visita regularmente. Algunos los ven, otros no. No hay ningún plan siniestro, queridos. Cuando ellos los observan, miran con amor para ver cómo crece el jardín. Si perduran a través de los 144.000 años, al final de la prueba ustedes serán tal como ellos, un planeta que está iluminado, con los atributos del Gran Sol Central. (Kryon's smile).

Y les diré algo que muchos de ustedes no quieren oír. ¡Si eres un lemuriano en esta sala, vas a estar ahí! Esa es la cantidad de vidas que te quedan. Así es como amas a la Tierra. Te lo hemos dicho muchas veces anteriormente, como Humano te miras en el espejo y espiritualmente dices: “Estoy cansado. No voy a regresar.” Dices: “Hice mi tarea. Es muchísimo trabajo. No quiero pasar por esto otra vez.” Luego tu mente humana toma una decisión y tienes una conversación unilateral con Dios acerca de regresar… y eso es divertido. (Kryon's laugh)

¡Todos ustedes van a volver! Es lo que hacen. Casi no pueden esperar. “Cansado” es habla humana. No existe el cansancio del otro lado del velo, sólo la compasión. Esta prueba en la que están se refiere totalmente a la compasión. El 1987 trajo la Convergencia Armónica. El 2002, la terminación de la rejilla magnética y el comienzo de la experiencia cristalina. El 2004, el tsunami y el Tránsito de Venus. El 2012, otro Tránsito de Venus. Esos son los acontecimientos de entrega de la energía femenina compasiva a este mundo, para ser recogida y utilizada lentamente para que puedan entrar en la siguiente energía con integridad. Brinda un equilibrio compasivo al planeta que no ha sido equilibrado en eones.

“Kryon, ¿podrías dar un marcador de dónde estamos ahora, cómo lo estamos haciendo?” No podrían estar aquí en este momento con esta canalización en marcha a menos que fuese justo donde pertenece. Vendrá el tiempo en que verán retrospectivamente esta historia y llamarán a este tiempo las épocas oscuras de la iluminación. Y algunos de ustedes lo saben. Este es el tiempo en que la puerta simplemente se está abriendo lentamente para la luz de la comprensión espiritual. Aquí hay un término que tal vez no se traduzca correctamente en todos los idiomas, pero el tiempo en el que están ustedes ahora será conocido como la época del monoteísmo conflictivo. Todos están de acuerdo con que hay un solo Dios. Pero nadie se pone de acuerdo sobre cuál es. Eso es lo siguiente que van a tener que figurarse, y así como miran retrospectivamente una parte de su historia y ven cómo se resolvió, esto también se resolverá.

Termino ahora. ¿Cuál es la energía del día? Se las daré. Compasión y sincronicidad. ¿Cuánta luz les pueden enviar a los que los rodean? ¿Le pueden enviar luz a un Ser Humano en este barco que la necesita sin que participe necesariamente en esta reunión, o sepa siquiera de esta energía, o tenga alguna idea respecto a Dios? ¿Pueden atemperar la aflicción de alguien? ¿Tienen la capacidad de sostener su mano con luz? Dejen que les diga algo. El sistema los trajo aquí para que pudiesen hacer eso exactamente. ¿Lo aceptan? Entonces háganlo, lemurianos, háganlo.

Bienvenidos a una nueva era.

And so it is.




Kryon en el Mediterráneo 2007

Kryon canalizado por Lee Carrol

Esta canalización en vivo se realizó en el Mar Mediterráneo Occidental durante el octavo Crucero Anual de Kryon en Agosto/Septiembre de 2007

Lee re-channeled Kryon, who made additions so that the concepts became clearer. Esta canalización a bordo se presentó en inglés y se tradujo simultáneamente al español (el crucero partió de España). Al transcribirla, esta canalización de ida y vuelta muchas veces crea oraciones muy cortas que parecen fragmentadas en inglés. De modo que para facilitar la lectura y una comprensión mayor, ha sido corregida para que presente una mayor fluidez. In addition, Kryon extended it to incorporate the clarity that is only present during a live encounter. Si escuchan el audio, podrán notar cuánto más clara es esta traducción.

Esta canalización en especial tiene muchas referencias a acontecimientos históricos y geológicos ya una línea de tiempo que es difícil de imaginar sin un gráfico. Así que el gráfico de la explicación de Kryon acerca del desarrollo de la Humanidad y de la raza lemuriana se halla al final de este mensaje.

Disfruten de este mensaje enriquecido que dio Kryon a un público bilingüe en el crucero en el Mar Mediterráneo Occidental en el verano de 2007.

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