Message of beings of light by Ann Albers: Waking up before it's too late

  • 2018

Hi my son,

We wake you up to share with you a message that we want you to insert in this book that we write with you and that there are beings among you who do not know, because you do not see them, but they are not native to planet Earth . As you know, he has had information very often through the Internet and publications of books and magazines about these beings, beings that are increasingly numerous to know that they exist and that now hundreds have passed of years that visit this planet, because it is necessary to know it, they are at the origin of its creation.

We, Beings of Light of other Consciousness plans, have known you for a long time and know your intentions towards you.

They are not always positive, but neither are they destructive to you, far from that, because they need you and your Earth. Then we can say that they are somehow protecting him, while trying to enslave him . But we are watching at all times for you and we want you to know, we are always attentive to what is happening on Earth. On the contrary, in these other dimensions we are at your side to monitor your actions, your intentions and put an end to them if you ever put the planet GAÏA and its humanity in danger of death.

However, they do nothing to help him out of the state of negative energy that suffers so much and more misdeeds. On the contrary, they contribute because it allows them to stay under their yoke and control themselves better, weakening and getting sick . You are worried about your financial problems, your health problems, those around you and your friends also in difficulties, and this prevents you from thinking about something else, prevents you from seeing what is really happening around you and continues to be manipulated .

Wake up before it's too late! Recover your personal power, each and every one of you

You have the ability to change, to change yourself. You have the capacity and all the means to become aware of how you live badly, how you think, speak, act badly, that is, in the opposite direction to a development towards more Wisdom, more Peace, more compassion, more exchange and more love ., because these are all values, first attributed to oneself, then to your loved ones, then to your friends and relatives, then to strangers who will profoundly transform your society, starting with each and every one of you .

Become aware of who you are, what you are doing on this Earth. Now you have everything you need to discover along the way, information that allows you to find answers to all your questions. You are the creators, you are the authors of the future of the planet and therefore of you and your children and grandchildren .

Wake up the humans of the Earth before it is too late, before the point of no return ends and an astonished morning, see the end of this world, because this can happen even if an entire part of humanity, the pioneers de la Luz, have worked and still work to show you the way forward .

Tomorrow will be the fruit of your choices and the awakening of today

So we ask you, we ask questions, you must be curious about everything, do not reject anything without first seeing if it does not resonate with you. Follow your intuitions, your ideas, even the absurd, don't criticize anything, but try to understand the other, the one who thinks differently, who acts differently. He surely has something to convey to him . Above all, stop being arrogant, don't think that you know everything, as long as you don't know anything and that you haven't seen the reality of the world, for decades, only through a television screen.

The first thing you have to do is realize that you can change things . The second is to take control of your life and begin to see clearly how to act against those who do not want your well-being. Now you have the opportunity to get help from informed and awake therapists (from the alternative world) who will help you face it and transform the person you have built to survive in a toxic environment. You can discover in the mirror, your true face, that of a Being of Light that is incarnated in a body of flesh with a mission to perform on this Earth.

We love you, we accompany you and we precede you.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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