God the Father: Accessing the Fifth Dimension I - Part One

  • 2018

Channeled by Adele Arini, September 7, 2018.

My beloved children,

It has been a few months since Adele channeled her latest message from me and rapid personal growth has occurred for many people during this short time. As a group, especially all of you who have been closely following our higher dimensional discourses here, are now ready to move forward in greater understanding.

The time has come for you to embrace who you are.

NOW is the time for you to shine bright with the Divine Power of your Soul. The aspect of your inner Being, which is the God / Goddess part of you, is ready to be born.

In fact, some of you who are reading this have recently experienced this amazing “breakthrough” - feeling intensely like this: released from self-imposed 3-D prison, most of you had chosen to live in it for eons and are complete and unconditionally, FREE! Adele felt great joy beyond description and cried tears of happiness when it happened recently. And your experience may be different but in essence it is the same. Because freedom is the natural right of any Being of Divine Light.

For some of you, this breakthrough could have occurred during a recent meditation, or during a quiet walk in nature when you felt One with your Higher Self .

For those of you who are not quite sure what I meant by this advance, please be patient with your waking process. You are all in different phases of spiritual awakening, and how quickly you reach the finish line really depends on the individual life scripts you have written for yourself before entering the physical world. When this breakthrough occurs, they won't have to wonder if that was it. They will instinctively know the moment in which it happens, without a doubt.

For a long time, you have chosen to 'suppress yourself', 'diminish your light' and 'give your power to others' in the many Earth-based Life Games you created for yourself.

All who are here have awakened from their deep spiritual dream, and now they are in the process of spreading their wings, preparing to fly!

And it's as if everyone were saying the following words with the Power of the Soul : ' Enough of these 3-D games. I will no longer tolerate any restrictions that come from myself or others, since it is time for me to once again be the Unlimited and Powerful Self that I have remembered to be. All illusions in 3-D, out! ”

His Divine Sovereign Being has finally been 'brought out' to the light, like a caterpillar that goes through an intense process of metamorphosis, to transform itself into a magnificent butterfly. And once the process is complete, there is no going back!

It is time for your Holy Christ Self / Divine Being to play, to have fun, to be LOVE, and to be JOY in every moment.

Mother God, in her last message through Adele, said: "Follow your Joy - it must be your Slogan, your 'Modus Operandi', or your 'Formula of Life' from this moment forward" and NOTHING is more TRUE that is true!

In fact, feeling and being LOVE and feeling and being JOY, are two aspects of the FINAL KEY you need, to access your Fifth Dimension Being.

Imagine that Amor y Alegría are two sides of the same coin, the same KEY. One cannot exist without the other, and you will need to be both permanently to access your powerful, unlimited and multidimensional Self.

Today I am giving this key to you, my beloved children, because you are FINALLY prepared for it. Otherwise, they would not be attracted to read / listen to this channeled message. Because Love and Joy are the two most vibratory and natural states of its superior aspect of Being that cannot be falsified. Either you are loving / cheerful, or you are not. There is no middle ground.


God the Father: Accessing the Fifth Dimension Self - Part Two

God the Father: Accessing the Fifth Dimension Self - Part Three

God the Father: Accessing the Fifth Dimension Self - Fourth Part

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, translator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Adele Arini (2018) ACCESSING YOUR FIFTH DIMENSIONAL SELF ~ Father God via Adele Arini, 7 September 2018. www.raphaelshealingspace.com.au/blog-1/accessing-your-fifth-dimensional-self-~-father-god -via-adele-arini-Sep 7, 2018

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