The Joy of His Own Heart by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

  • 2014

Time after time, existence after existence, you have been living, dying and being reborn again. In this life you have been born and died a hundred times and a thousand times more are yet to come. Level by level, week by week, give birth to another level of you, another nuance that is unknown and has not been seen, another possibility, another perception. Every night while you sleep you have the option of letting go of what has hurt you, what has diminished your Light, what has landed in your heart, and flying to the stars, dancing in the heavens and being reborn again at dawn

Humans are the only species in this part of the galaxy that has the ability to die a hundred deaths and be born a hundred times over the course of a life. You are reincarnated aspects of your original, of your original being of this human birth. It seems as if the weeks were years and the years were weeks, and the days were long and the nights were short, and as if the sun shone brighter and the waters were more blue . All this is because you perceive it to be so. There are many whose perceptions are dark and cold and wet and see only muddy waters and toxic remains on the coast. They see the residual lagoon of selfishness in which the human species is sinking. They do not see the heart of the day or the being of the night; They are blind to the good inherent in each situation. They disparage themselves as the lessons become more cruel. They shrink their horizons while their panoramic view is diluted to the size of a single molecule.

Do not allow the illusion and dilution of the perception of another to muddle the joy of your own heart, for what you seek will be found, and what you long for will come true, and what is unknown will be seen. For broad is the path that you have carved for yourself . Raise your being as you see above the conflict from a higher perspective from the cliff of the Divine, for it is up to you, my dear ones, to always elevate yourself above the confusion, above the pain, above The sadness and the illusion.

For you hold the promise of the rainbow of the future within you. You hold the hope of all those who sleep in fear and confusion. You hold the promise that this world will not be destroyed again, the promise that Christ will come again, the promise that the Masters of Light and their stellar lineage would see you one day from face to face. The promise that there is nothing on Earth that does not love you.

The darkness is raising its head like a sleepy dragon trying to attract them to become fearful, full of anxiety. Daily there are predictions of calamities. You must believe that all is well, my dear. You must hold the holy promise firmly in your heart.


The Joy of His Own Heart by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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