The main occult and esoteric symbols II

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 The main occult symbols II - The Triqueta 2 The main occult and esoteric symbols II - The Eye of Horus 3 The main occult and esoteric symbols II -The Ankh 4 The main occult and esoteric symbols II - The swastika 5 main occult and esoteric symbols II - The Heptagram

During the day to day, we relate to symbols, signs and signs that provide us with all kinds of information, the symbols are a human creation that aims to represent a concrete idea. Ancient civilizations and secret societies designed symbols with the intention of encrypting philosophical and universal meanings, today we present the main occult and esoteric symbols II.

"The magic is everywhere, you just have to look carefully ..."

The ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Greeks, Celts and other ancient civilizations, designed a rich tradition of occult and esoteric symbols, which to this day are used in different rituals and meetings of secret societies such as Freemasons or Rosicrucians.

These ancient civilizations knew very well, nature and physical, psychic and spiritual laws, but they were also very aware that such knowledge was very powerful for those who used it incorrectly, therefore, they designed a series of symbols that were only recognizable and applicable to the initiated in the ancient mysteries.

Thanks to the printing press and the rise of the internet, these occult and esoteric symbols can be investigated and used by anyone, however, many of the symbols that we expose below are used by a large number of people in different parts of the world as designs for tattoos, necklaces, garments and among other accessories; Many people are not aware of their ancient millenary tradition.

I will present some of the most important occult symbols of all time, which have been discreetly used in the rites and ceremonies of the most important secret societies in history such as Masons and Rosicrucians.

The power of these occult symbols is immeasurable, they have been studied within the thinking and actions of historical figures such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Manuel Belgrano, Napoleon Bonaparte, Francisco de Miranda, Simon Bolivar and other illustrious characters. Today I will explain some of these enigmatic symbols so that you increase your awareness and your arcane wisdom.

The main occult symbols II - The Triquette

The Celts were one of the most enigmatic and mysterious civilizations from the Occultist - Esoteric point of view , it was thanks to the Celts who were born the Druids, those arcane sages of nature and white magic. One of the most important Druids in the history of the Celts, was the magician Merlin, who with his wisdom and magical powers, managed to take the Knight Arthur to the Kingdom.

Magic allows us to move to higher levels of consciousness. So that we can acquire wisdom from other worlds

The Druids, designed a huge amount of occult rituals and symbols that until today, are still investigated by historians and symbolists . One of the best known symbols of the enigmatic Druid society is the Triquette.

The occult symbol of the triquette is also known by the name of Triquetra or Trinity Node, it consists of three geometric figures called vesicas pisces, intersection of two circles of the same diameter, the center of each of which is part of the circumference of the other, sometimes accompanied by an inner or outer circle.

Using the Pisces vesicas, the triquette's shape symbolizes a group of three objects which they had for the Druids, multiple meanings such as the Divine Celtic Trinity : Mother, Father and Son. As well as the sacred genealogical Trinity : Father, Son and Grandfather. The Triquetra was also considered as a symbol of power and magic, and was frequently used by white magicians, Celtic warriors used it in their shields and suits as a symbol of protection.

The Triqueta as an occult symbol represented for the Druids the strong connection between the hereafter and the world of the living, especially by the process of reincarnation, as well as the three main natural forces: water, earth and air . The inner circle represents the eternal cycle between femininity and fertility, including the Druids in their deepest phase, associating them with the Body, Mind and Soul.

Also, the Triqueta was used as a symbol of adoration and representation of the lunar phases, likewise, it was frequently applied in ceremonies where Goddess Morrighan and God Odin were worshiped. At the society level, the triqueta was used as a symbol of alliance between the Celtic peoples, it was like a kind of ancient national symbol.

As a historical curiosity, there are myths and legends that point out that it was the early Christians who designed the triquette, as a symbol of conversion of the Celts to Christianity. Although there are texts and records that indicate that Christians did use the triquette, to try to persuade the Celts to join Christianity .

The triqueta has been found carved in ancient stones dating from the year 1000 AD The triqueta was also found carved in rune stones in Europe and in the German currency. Also as an interesting fact, the triqueta is mentioned in the Book of Kell, a version of the four gospels created around 800 AD.

Today, the Triqueta is used in rituals of white magic (although never at the level of the ancient druids), but above all as a decorative element. Lovers of the Celtic medieval era have great respect and recognition for the triquette symbol, as well as many esoteric scholars.

The main occult and esoteric symbols II - The Eye of Horus

Ancient Egypt, was the cradle of hermeticism and the most important initiatory rites in history, its wisdom has greatly influenced Masonry and other secret societies. An esoteric symbol of great importance to the ancient Egyptians was the Eye of Horus.

To a large extent, most of the hieroglyphs have been decoded and translated for the understanding of the ancient Egyptian writings, however, the knowledge contained in the Egyptian esoteric symbols has passed from mouth to mouth throughout history thanks to The secret societies.

Freemasonry, has a strong hermetic bond with Ancient Egypt, most of the occult and esoteric symbols that can be seen in Masonic lodges today, are symbols of ancient Egypt. The eye of Horus, is one of the most controversial esoteric symbols.

Ancient Egyptian works and symbols have remained intact for thousands of years, this may be because in ancient Egypt they could not produce anything that was not destined for eternity ...

The eye of Horus is also known as Wadjet, for the ancient Egyptians this esoteric symbol represented protection, healing, good vitality and real power. It was also considered as the symbol with which the moon was represented.

For the ancient Egyptian priests, the ancient occult symbol of the eye of Horus was used as an amulet, for them it had the ability to cure both physical, mental or spiritual states, thus it was used as a medicinal tool.

The origin of the Eye of Horus symbol is found in one of the myths of the ancient Egyptians, where Egyptian Gods Horus and Seth would have faced each other to replace Osiris after his death and Seth would have hurt Horus in his left eye.

Then, God Toth (related to the great master Trismegistus), would have healed the eye with Egyptian magical wisdom, once healed God Horus would have offered his left eye to his father Osiris to bring him back to life. This is why the eye of Horus is also known as a symbol of sacrifice.

As a curiosity, there is a hypothesis that says that the eye of providence that appears on the dollar bill is the eye of Horus . Also this enigmatic occult symbol has been related to the Pineal Gland, that part of our brain that according to Descartes and other Western and Eastern philosophers, has the ability to connect us with other planes of consciousness.

The eye of Horus, has that deep and penetrating look that encloses the most outstanding mysteries of Egyptian culture, this occult symbol will continue to look at the initiates of the mysteries and the profane with the same force that it did thousands of years ago.

The main occult and esoteric symbols II -The Ankh

As we have said before, many of the symbols of the ancient Egyptians have greatly influenced religions and philosophies from around the world, Greeks, Romans, Turks, Christians, in each of the post-Egyptian cultures there is some millenary link. One of the esoteric symbols that has influenced Christianity has been for many historians, the Ankh.

Within the Egyptian symbology, Ankh is considered to be the most used esoteric symbol of the ancient Egyptians. Also known under the name of "cruxansata" by early Christians, it is theorized that this could be the origin symbol of the Christian cross.

The Ankh represented for the ancient Egyptians, life and immortality. It has also been used to represent the union between the feminine and the masculine under the union between the Gods of Isis and Osiris, thus symbolizing the eternal fertility for the ancient Egyptians. The Ankh, was used to cause flooding in the Nile, so it is also known under the name of the Nile Key.

And just as El Ankh was used to represent fertility, it also symbolized the purifying and invigorating power of water and clairvoyance, remember that the ancient Egyptians had a mystical relationship with the Nile River, water was a sacred element for them, this could due to how scarce this element was for the ancient civilization. Sometimes, this symbol was drawn on the walls of the temples because it was thought to attract divine protection.

The main occult and esoteric symbols II - The swastika

When we see the powerful occult symbol of the swastika, it is inevitable not to relate it to the Nazi regime, and this relationship has unfortunately given a strong negative connotation to its true meaning and purpose. It should be noted that the Nazis did not create the esoteric swastika symbol , more so if they used it with the intention of representing the "good luck" and the "eternity" of the Nazi socialist party.

Unfortunately, due to the links that connect the swastika with Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party, the true meaning of this occult and esoteric symbol has been perverted and corrupted. However, there are some differences between the Nazi swastika and the ancient cultural swastika, as it is usually represented in other cultures.

The swastika of the "Aryan race" is inclined at 45 ° on a white disk surrounded by a circle with a red background. In Hitler's ideology, the cross represents the struggle, the white disk represents the "purity of the race", the red circle represents the social thought that the National Socialist Party wants to guarantee.

The swastika is an extremely ancient symbol, whose arcane traces originate from the Neolithic period, thousands of years ago, even before the invention of writing. There are ceramic representations of Mesopotamia, from where the symbol was probably exported to Greece, then to India and China.

Also, traces of its origin can be evidenced in Ancient India, more precisely at the beginning of the third century BC. Also its presence in Oceania and ancient Europe remains a case study for archaeologists and anthropologists from around the world. The Hindu swastika was for both Hindus and ancient Greeks, a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck.

Therefore, for ancient cultures it was considered a symbol of positive value. Likewise, the signs and symbols of ancient China in the form of swastika or inverted swastikas, represent a connection between eternity and the Buddhist Heart. Inverted swastika is also used in maps to locate the location of Buddhist temples.

Although the true meaning of this esoteric and occultist symbol, represents eternity, good luck and auspiciousness, it remains to this day, a taboo in Western society, there are even areas of Europe, where a person You can go to jail, just by using the swastika symbol . In itself all this confusion is the result of an error of interpretation of Emile Burnouf, who saw in the representations of Greek and Hindu swastikas, a symbol that could represent a supposed superior race

The main occult and esoteric symbols II - The Heptagram

On a previous occasion we told you about the esoteric symbol of the pentagram, or five-pointed star, today we will talk about the elder sister of the pentagram the Heptagram, or better known as the seven-pointed star. The Origin of this enigmatic symbol, remains a mystery until our times, since vestiges of its uses have been found in multiple ancient cultures.

There are several hypotheses about the origin of the seven-pointed star, one of which points to the creation of the seven-pointed star symbol to the Druids . As we have said before, the Celts created a range of occult and esoteric symbols that are extremely extensive. The seven-pointed star may be related to the book of the shadows of the Druids, the Heptagram for the Celts was a magical and mystical symbol par excellence.

While the seven-pointed star was very important to the ancient Celts, this symbol has been found both in occult philosophies of the East and West, so its origin could be much older than we think. It has also been theorized that possibly its creators are the ancient alchemists, and even that this symbol was created by Hermes Trismegisto himself.

For many ancient cultures, the Heptagram was a symbol designed to represent the strength of the number 7, so that thanks to the Heptagram, the wisdom of the seven Rishis or Sages of Ancient India could be represented in a single symbol. In the same way it happened in ancient Greece and the group of the Seven Sages.

As it was an esoteric symbol that served to adhere symbolic force to number 7, it was used in several ancient cultures around the world, so that it was implemented to represent the majesty of the Seven Wonders of the pre-Christian world, or denote in the ancient Christian initiation rites the 7 sacraments and the 7 deadly sins.

There is evidence that the ancient Christians frequently used the Heptagram and the Bible together, in order to symbolize the strength of number 7 in the Divine . However, the sacred character of the seven-pointed star comes from pagan sources. The symbol of the Heptagram and the number 7 are closely related, perhaps this is why the Celts held him so much in their culture, since number seven is something fundamental in nature.

However, today this arcane esoteric symbol can be used to represent the great physical phenomena that are attributed to number 7, there are, for example, the 7 colors of the rainbow or The 7 musical notes . Western science considers that there are 7 main glands in the human body, called endocrine glands; while oriental yoga systems speak of 7 chakras or centers of strength of the subtle body of man.

Author: Andrea Mora, editor and translator in the big family of


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